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Everything posted by kitty25967

  1. Question regarding ceremony music. Though I am very un-traditional (hence a DW!) I do kind of like the idea of playing "here comes the bride" for my processional. Is that odd for a beach wedding? I just listened to it and got chills. I can't wait to be THE Bride. I've been in and to a lot of weddings and it's finally my turn! This may have already been discussed so sorry. Just listen to it and you will get excited as well! I want to play "fun" music for the rest. Is anyone else using traditional music? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgh9XTkQTDI
  2. Brandy ~ I like those! I will check to see if they have them and the FI may get a "prize" this week. Thank you pay day today We like to give each other "prizes" instead of "presents" or gifts
  3. On a note to my above post, I do like his swimsuit and would like for FI to have one like that for Dominican! ...I'm getting closer to FINALLY reaching my 150 posts. I can't wait to finally be able to open documents!
  4. Brandy - It's YOUR party regardless of who is planning it. If you already have hesitations about the girl, then you certainly DON'T want her at a bachlorette party. That is a personal party. I would tell the FSIL that you and your friend had already discussed the number of peope for inviting and it's already over, and that you just want it to be an intimate fun night with you closest friends and bridesmaids. Sorry had to post this since you said you had a situation LOL
  5. Oh, those are so cute! I really love the blue ones. Thinking about ordering those for my "Tiffany" theme shower
  6. Hey Monica! I am actually a May Bride, but this thread is so active that I've creeped in Your wedding sounds great and will be well worth the wait!
  7. I like the Damask on with the monogram on the top row (#4) and the 3rd one on the second row with the simple squares & ribbons. Good luck..lots of choices!
  8. There are other brides who share your concerns. I'm getting married at The Grand Palladium and luckily my family and friends haven't mentioned anything yet about being scared. Most of them are well traveled. I stayed at The Excellence last Summer and had NO problems and NEVER felt scared. The airport is small, and there are a lot of tourists and people eager to help you. The Dominican people are really friendly. Just have your sister check out this site and see how many brides are getting married in Punta Cana and have her read the review for herself...or see how many people on tripadvisor have traveled there. Hope it all works out for you.
  9. I say number 4. I like the green next to the orange and your names being first.
  10. That is soooo sweet! I love it! My FI and I weren't supposed to do anything. I told him with everything going on that we would just keep it simple and he agreed....but didn't stick to it LOL I came home to roses in every room and he cooked me my fav, salmon, on the grill with my fav wine...then he surprised me with a matching heart necklace and bracelet which of course made me cry. He did so good. I am actually going to wear them for my wedding jewelry. I was going to wear a starfish necklace I had gotten, but I think this will be really special. It's Murano Glass.
  11. Brandy ~ I like the palm tree. I think your names stand out more. The sea horses are super cute, but your eye tends to focus on them instead of the rest of the text. ...just my 2 cents
  12. I didn't get any vaccinations before our trip last July. I don't plan on getting any for our trip in May. The resorts are very well maintained, it would be highly unlikely that you would get anything. I wouldn't worry. The Excellence is very nice and the grounds are well kept. They provide you with bottle water so just stick with that.. I am not sure if they spray for bugs, and I know that some people on tripadvisor say that they have had bad experiences with it, but when we were there, we experience no bugs/no mosquitoes. I had bug spray just in case from all that I had read and never used it once. I guess it is just certain times of the year when they are bad and probably a hit or miss. Hope that helps.
  13. Congrats Erin! Lua - I am working on the Oversized postcards on Vista Print for the welcoming letter as well. I was going to put them in our welcome "passport" booklet, but I think it will be a little more special to have it separate.
  14. I LOVE this idea. I am so going to "borrow" this inspiration Great job. So cute.
  15. This is very unique and I really like it! Great job! Happy Birthday!
  16. My ceremony is at 5pm ...My resort WC just kind of tells you your time, and you don't get a choice.
  17. Thanks so much for the review! I am so excited! I do have one question though, I thought for the private beach party they set up a bar for you. I am confused as to why they didn't do this for your party???
  18. Oh wow! Good Luck & Congrats! Will you please take lots of pics? I am starting to stress. I can't wait to read your review! Have a wonderful and safe trip!
  19. She won't confirm anything. It is so frustrating. I am not trying to be a bridezilla, but I guess I am in the same boat as my FI in the fact that if we are paying the $1000 plus for a private dinner at a place that is already all-inclusive, then why can't we at least have two entree options....especially if I could give her a number estimate before.
  20. These turned out soooo cute! I wanted to make some but wasn't sure what template to use, so it's good I now know to use the rack cards! I LOVE your logo! Who designed it? It is so pretty!
  21. Brides & Past Brides PLEASE help!!! My FI and I are having some "debates" about the dinner. He is not satisfied with the fact that we only get to give our guests 1 menu option. He feels that people should get a choice between beef or chicken (etc.) which I would like as well, but I have tried to tell him that they just don't give you that option. He really wants some Asian food served (spicy tuna) mainly and is being sort of a groom-zilla about it. I am not sure how to handle. PLUS I REALLY want to get my menu cards ordered (to save on shipping, and to make sure that they are here in time). Carolina has informed me that she cannot confirm a restaurant until we get there or at the very least, 1 month ahead. Do all resorts act in this manor? I know it is a DW, but I still think you should be able to have confirmation on things. I still would like to have some things traditional and we want a private dinner reception and private beach party.
  22. I just told my FI last night, that though a lot of the planning is done with the coordinator once you get to the resort, no one realizes how much is actually involved in a DW!!! It is A LOT of work (well I think so at least). I reminded him that usually (especially if I would have had the wedding here in town) you have a wedding planner on board and you don't have to worrying about all these little details b/c they do it for you. I told him I AM the wedding planner for our wedding. It is a lot. And even though you have a TA, you still have people (espcially family) calling you about flights and travel arrangements b/c they feel more comfortable asking you.
  23. I tried to go over this with my FI last night. Guys just don't get it. First, he doesn't think we will need more than an hour for pictures (we have 40 in our party). Second, he thinks we will just figure it out once we are there to which I replied that it will definitely take over an hour if we have no order to which pictures will be taken. He wants to start with bridal party first, but I feel like we need to start with family so that they can go back to their rooms if needed and I won't feel rushed with the bridal party. I want it very structured b/c I have been at weddings where pictures take forever b/c there is no organization and people are just saying "who is next? ....We ended the discussion with me saying "I guess I will just decide this one as well..."
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