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Everything posted by hat0112

  1. My love for food. It has been the cause my weight issues. Â What is the most stressful thing of your wedding so far?
  2. Love! Â Having you hair colored at a salon
  3. Love and Understanding : My FI
  4. I had my first dress fitting last night and my dress didn’t zipper up. I finally got it to zipper 2 weeks ago, but I had a bad few days last weekend and my weight shot up. I was so embarrassed and upset. The seamstress was insisting to take the dress out, but I just couldn’t let her do it. How could I let this happen? It fit when I bought it. I work out and eat right all week and have been for almost 3 months. I should have lost more weight than I did but my body isn’t cooperating. So the seamstress and I agreed that if it doesn’t fit when I come back for my second appointment on 9/10 then I have to get it let out.  And during all this my mom was there and didn’t help me at all! She knows I can lose the weight, but had NO confidence in me and agreed with the seamstress about having it let out! She knows it zippered 2 weeks ago and we talked about it being able to fit just fine for the wedding before we got to the appointment. But when we were there she threw me under the bus and made me sound like a crazy bride!  Ok, maybe this is more of a rant then a confession.... sorry
  5. planning to go again before the wedding : never been (to our wedding site)
  6. Like! Â FI being involved in the wedding planning?
  7. No workout last night. Â Today will be 30 minute kettleball class and nothing tonight.
  8. I have the Verizon Driod. I believe you have the same apps I do. The app is called Countdown by AoB. I have it displayed on my front screen and I love seeing the seconds go by.... Â Â We did the wax seal on the outer envelopes of our invites (we only used one envelope) and the post office mailed them with no problem. My cousin used the wax seals too without any problems. Just make sure that if your invites are over an ounce that you get the right stamps or the post office will return them to you with a big stamp on them. Â Our wedding in 10/22/10 in Aruba. I have a little bit done in each catagory, but nothing completed or close to it. I need to take a weekend and try adn get tit all done. I may even pass something on to my Mom. She keeps saying she wants to be mroe involved in teh wedding. Maybe she can work on my chair sashes or something. Â Â Thanks for the tips. I started doing workout classes at lunch and they are my toning classes, then I do the treadmill and elliptical at night. I need to add some weights into my weekends. The no carbs after noon will be tough. I have carbs at every meal and snack. Maybe I will start now will trying not limit the amount of carbs at dinner and go from there. And limit my processed foods since they are always high in sodium. Â Â I use that motto all the time! I am a Weight Watchers leader and I say that to my members at every meeting! It is my favorite! Â
  9.  I didn't even think to do this, but I love the idea! I would be very happy is you shared your playlist when you finish it. I am SO bad at making playlists!  Quote: Originally Posted by YrishCathe  I'd love some advice. I am getting married 10.10.10 so exactly 60 days from now. I've started P90x and I'm in second month, so far, I feel more fit but I really need to lose more weight. My problem area is my stomach. My bachelorette party is in Miami and it is starting Sept. 9 so I only have 1 month to get flatter abs. Please help!!!!! I'm trying to do 2-a-days.... The only way I know of to help abs is cardio, cardio, cardio.
  10. I plan on wearing a garter, but we aren't doing the bouquet or garter toss. My FI and I had a bad experience at a wedding during that and vowed to never participate in it again. Now I did buy a garter, but I have thick thighs (from dancing for 12 years) so I will only wear it if I lose some more weight and I don’t feel like it is going to cut off my circulation.
  11. a good strapless bra for wedding day : got that already (David's Bridal one works great for me)
  12. CJ you look great! Yeah I have been trying to eat or drink (low cal protein powder) more protein and I started to add some strength training. I don’t do nearly as much strength training as I need to so I need to step up on that. RunningBride24 – any tips to not look bloated you want to share? I have my BD photos on 8/22 and I will just be coming off of TOM so I will be extremely bloated. I have been busy with the music for ceremony, cocktail hour and reception, the OOT bags, putting together the little DIY projects for the items in the bags, the welcome booklets I need to put together, the wedding favors, the 40 chair sashes I need to iron, trying to get my FI to go get his black suit before all the summer suits are gone, trying to lose weight so I can zipper my dress, still need to get clothes to wear on my honeymoon, need to discuss details for wedding day with WC and find out what I still need to do, and I have a list of things I haven’t even started like what I am going to do with my hair. Knacarato – I WISH I need to gain weight. I really don’t know much about gaining weight healthy. Maybe if you start eating more fruit and veggies and other healthy food. I can’t believe I will be married in 72 days 6 hours 43 minutes and 15 seconds!
  13. Last night : 40 minutes on treadmill- light jog Today: 30 minute lunchtime Zumba class Tonight: 30 minutes on treadmill or maybe a yoga dvd
  14. Dislike. I'm not any good. String cheese?
  15. beach vacation : I could really use that now (2 months it too long!)
  16. These all sound so good! I have a large (6 quart) Iron Clad slow cooker, but I only used it a few times. My FI doesn't like it on when we aren't home (I know, I know. that is the point) but I keep meaning to use it on the weekends to warm him up to it, but I don't. Now I need to get to the food store to pick up all these ingredients!
  17. would make life a lot easier : winning the lottery
  18. Yeah, there is just so much to worry about when thinking about having a baby. I don’t think I ever really thought about it till recently. That’s great everything worked out with you and your FI. People can be in the room while I am waiting (not at the time my doctor is checking me out) but when it is time for the big moment they all got to go.
  19. Last night I ended up doing 45 minutes on the treadmill doing a light jog. Tonight I want to try and do either JM Boost Metabolism dvd or 30 minutes strength training and 30 minutes elliptical.
  20. We are not having a bridal party and for the reasons you mentioned. A DW is expensive enough; I didn't want to add to that by having extra costs to be in the wedding. I also don't want the drama or the extra decisions. We both felt it was easier on every one this way.
  21. I honestly like the Brianna dress on you better, but you look great in both of them. If you get the “OMG this is the one” feeling with the Jenna dress, then I say go for the Jenna dress.
  22. Here is ours: Bride and Groom Intro First dance Father/Daughter & Mother/son dance (it's a combined dance) Dinner Cake cutting Party!
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