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Everything posted by renee1811

  1. welcome to the forum! have fun planning your dream wedding in vegas!
  2. welcome to the forum from a fellow Texas bride! have fun planning your dream wedding!
  3. welcome to the forum! have fun planning your dream wedding!
  4. welcome to the forum! have fun planning your wedding
  5. welcome to the forum! Best of luck planning your dream wedding!
  6. renee1811


    welcome to the forum! have fun planning your dream wedding!
  7. congrats and welcome! have fun planning your dream wedding!
  8. renee1811


    welcome to the forum!! have fun planning your dream wedding
  9. welcome to the forum! have fun planning your dream wedding!
  10. welcome to the forum! Good luck picking a location, and have fun planning your wedding!
  11. renee1811


    congrats on your engagement!! Have fun planning your dream wedding!
  12. renee1811


    welcome! congrats on your engagement, and enjoy planning your wedding!!
  13. welcome to the forum! I am getting married on May 28th in Mexico! Have fun planning your dream wedding
  14. welcome to the forum! have fun planning your dream wedding!
  15. renee1811


    welcome to the forum! have fun planning your dream wedding!
  16. welcome to the forum! congrats, and have fun planning your wedding!!
  17. renee1811

    Bride to Be

    welcome to the forum! have fun planning your wedding!
  18. welcome to the forum! have fun planning your dream wedding!
  19. I'm so excited to be on the list! I am a HUGE to-do list person, and I definitely think this will keep me motivated
  20. I agree with Lindz--what is drawing you to the Royal over the EDR? Remember, the grass isn't always greener on the other side
  21. I am so sorry to hear that you are frustrated with your site. My fingers are crossed it all works for the better--maybe she was having an off day?!
  22. my very first to-do list: 1. order OOT bags 2. start buying things to go in the OOT bags 3. make brochures for OOT bags 4. buy my earrings for the wedding 5. order BM's shoes 6. decide on a group excursion and costs for that
  23. Meghan--I'm working on my Master's in Counseling. I love it, but this semester has been super-busy with working full-time, school, and trying to plan a destination wedding!
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