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Everything posted by renee1811

  1. I'm a cancer too! I have been driving my fiance nuts about the whole wedding. He was super excited when I found this forum so I would quit hassling him about every little detail I can't help it--I'm a planner and major worrier, teehee. Yeah, I thought the starfish idea was really cute, but I think it would stress me out trying to make sure I got the starfish mailed back in time, etc. Just curious if anyone had any experience with it.
  2. has anyone participated/planning on participating in the Starfish Passing Thread?
  3. Hoosierfan--I can't wait to see pictures and hear more details! Glad you had an awesome wedding!
  4. Katie, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I HATE when people decide to break news like that over a text message--SOOOO rude.
  5. oh my gosh, I was SO excited to see Martha Stewart's Destination wedding magazine! I picked it up over the weekend and have been getting such fun, creative ideas from it!
  6. thanks! I ran to Kroger the night before and picked up some red roses and some sprigs of evergreen. I made a matching boutonniere (gah, that word is hard to spell!) for my FH, but his broke when he put on his seatbelt
  7. ~Nicole~ thanks for the gift! sorry, I am still learning how to use this website. I think I have attached a picture!
  8. woohoo, sounds like you had an awesomely productive weekend! I'm in grad school, so the next week and a half are dedicated to knocking out my finals/papers. However, I get two weeks off for the holiday break (yay for working for a university!), so my plan is to knock out a ton of things then!
  9. I don't have any advice to give, I just wanted to let you know that I think it's awesome you're doing your own veil and headpiece! Good luck
  10. thanks everyone for the well wishes! I have no idea what I was expecting, but I think the entire ceremony took less than 5 minutes! We showed up, paid the fee, the judge got us, we recited the basic vows, and boom, we were done, lol. I was a little concerned that this would take away from the Mexico ceremony, but it was so quick and impersonal!
  11. I get off work in 20 minutes! Then I'll go home, freshen up, and the ceremony is at 4.
  12. it is my new goal to move up from my Noob status. I think I have finally read every single post on this entire thread!
  13. okay ladies, I am doing the legal ceremony today! We have been living together for over a year, and my fiance just got a new job offer (live-in position at a university) but the only way I can live with him is if we are legally married. So we're off to the courthouse this afternoon!
  14. amy, they better have that donkey! he is scheduled to make an appearance for me on May 27th for our welcome cocktail party! I wonder why they would have gotten rid of it?
  15. congrats and welcome! This thread has been such a huge help while I have been planning my wedding.
  16. The wedding coordinator told me as long as our photographer stays for 3 nights, then we do not have to pay the outside vendor fee. After doing cost comparison, this was the best option for us to get quality pictures at the best price! Is anyone else doing the Pearl Package? I looked at all three package options, and we decided to go with the Pearl Package and then build it up from there.
  17. My fiance and I are doing the legal stuff in two weeks even though our wedding isn't until May. He got a new job, and the only way I could continue to live with him is if we were legally wed. We have talked to all of our family and friends about it, and they are all really cool with it. We won't call ourselves married, we won't exchange our rings, and I won't change my name until after we come back from Mexico. This might sound bad, but we are just thinking of it as the piece of paper needed to keep living together (my grandma is happy because now we won't be living in sin anymore, lol). The ceremony in Mexico is what we will consider our wedding date!
  18. Shanda--your pictures are amazing, and your wedding was stunning! Thanks so much for sharing those; seeing pictures just makes me more excited to go!
  19. I have paid my deposit and my wedding is booked now!! WOOHOO! This past month I felt like I wasn't doing anything, but now it's all moving along smoothly. Nicole, when you get a chance, would you please add me to the list--May 28! I got my bridesmaid's dresses at Ross for $15, so I am super-excited about that. They are a really pretty teal color and are chiffon. I was so worried about finding a dress because all of my girls are different sizes, but they all loved the dress and thought it was very flattering. I got their jewelry at Sam Moon (omg, I am in love with that store!)--they each got a silver starfish necklace, and I also found luggage tags for all of them. My dress has come in, and I HAVE to lose 5 pounds for it to fit correctly. I'm a little worried with Thanksgiving being next week--any tips on how to stay fit during the holidays?!
  20. Jared, that's awesome--my fiance and I met while attending UNT also! Now we both work full-time for the university and are pursuing our graduate degrees. UNT does have a special place in my heart
  21. congrats and welcome to another Texas bride! I live in Denton, so we're practically neighbors also. This website has been SO helpful in planning my wedding--have fun planning!
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