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Everything posted by stevensFiance

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsYak I totally agree. I also have been working with Suzanna. The only time I seem to get a response is when I email Carroll and she forwards it to Suzanna asking her to respond! I've been waiting for my contract since the beginning of January. I just emailed again the beginning of this past week so I figured I would give it about a week or so before either calling her or emailing Carroll Could you tell me Carols email? I misplaced it after, I was told Suzanna was my new WC
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbum1285 I have Suzanna... well I had Angie, then Suzanna, then Angie again then Suzanna again. Suzanna sent me an email yesterday (the first one I have gotten from her in 3 months... funny she sends it AFTER I complained) saying she'll be getting with me on Monday or Tuesday to go over details of my wedding as they have the people from Mexico coming in for meetings all weekend. Yea, I had Kimberly, then no one for a month, then I called and complained and Suzanna is who I complained too, and she said she spoke to Carol and she was going to be my WC now, and that I should be patient with her because alot of her brides dislike her, because she takes a while to respond, and then I felt bad that I yelled at her, so I told her id be patient, but not this patient. LOL I too sent an email yesterday complaing, and I even said I was going to contact the President of The Royal by the end of this week, If I dont hear from anyone in thier office. And im not bluffing, because I actually met him and have his contact info, I would just hate to use it for this. But enough is enough im 5 month outs, and I still can not answer my photographers questions, cause of the lack of communication. I cant do my programs, 'cause I too ( I noticed a few posts, about this) am waiting to know how thier ceremony works. I am stressed, and snowed in. LOL
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Mere Can someone tell me about their offices in the US? I didn't know they had offices in the US. If so-I would love to have the phone number too. 1 800 543 7556 or 248 683 4859
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dreamgirlie82 Hey Ladies! Im still in the process of choosing a resort! how stressful! And the royal at this point is my top choice, id like a catholic wedding so the CHapel next door is stunning!. however i'm a little concerned about the size of the beach at the royal. and whether or not The Royal Cancun has a resort like feel or rather just another hotel on the strip of cancun?? anyone have any insight about this thanks! Stayed at the Royal 2x before, and it absolutely does not have "another hotel of the strip feel" its a luxury resort that literally pampers you. Base the size of the beach, for the month of your wedding. I was there last in Dec, and we werent even allowed on the beach, it was being reconstructed. If you go to tripadvisor.com and check out some of the photos, the newly reconstructed beach is unreal! Granted to know big storms hit there, the beach should still be at that size. Again, I was there in May 08 and I believe that was after one of thier last hurricanes, it was still a great size, but wouldnt even compare to it now. By the pool, they have guys that come around with fruits, books, theres a guy who cleans your sun glasses, he also comes around with lotions. Every restuarant is delicious! I can go on and on about this hotel, but you can read reviews at tripadvisor.com
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by kenlyn8984 jesmcan, i was wondering if you tried the cheesecake with chocolate when you did your site visit? i feel so out of the loop since i don't get to do a site visit so i am just relying on you girls opinions! It was good! they have a better cheesecake that I had at the french restuarant. My fiance really enjoyed the cheesecake from the testing, however we choose the tart tartin or something to that effect, because of the wedding cake.
  6. Has anyone been intouch or heard from Suzanna? I thought I was back on track when I spoke to her on the phone and by email over a month ago, and since then nothing. She sent over my contract again, and I told her there were still errors, she replied 20 minutes later saying she was going to correct it and again send it. Havent heard from her since.... This communication is BS
  7. Try a walmart or target, in there like "beauty selection" they have a travel "sized" isle, everything 99% and under.
  8. Anytime! we were originally booked at the gazebo on the royal side, but after seeing that you can do the cocktail hour right behind the gazebo on the gran side, we made the decision to change. Also the stair case leading upto the rooftop terrace, is really pretty, and Denise told me they put pillar candles on both sides going up the steps, I think its going to be such a beautiful detail. I know that sounds odd, to think of the staircase, but its all white stoney material, really pretty. Ivan, thanks for the link. I am still working on our song list.
  9. Kristie, you should recieve some sort of booking form prior, that should give you full information into thier "contract" then you send the deposit, and then you recieve their "ghetto" contract, because seriously its like nothing, and I never even recieved a signed copy from them. But yes, I sent my deposit without a contract first.
  10. CALLAMONSTER Both terraces are on the gran side. The rooftop terrace is above albetros restuarants (thats where my reception will be) and the Villas terrace, I am not 100% positive, but close too it, I belive Denise showed us this as well on our site inspection, and this is facing the ocean, the rootop terrace has a view of both the lagoon and ocean, however the only thing we didnt love about the "villas terrace" was the fact that there were people sitting out on their balconies, and they can clearly be visible, although not unattractive, I prefer to have no onlookers. Hope that helps. Oh also, the rooftop terrace has a green felty floor, almost like at the mini golf places, and the villa area was concrete.
  11. With this song in particular it was never much about the lyrics, more that the song every time without fail gives me goosebumps. Im saying screw it and going with the song, lol. Thanks for the help girls.
  12. Hello, Staten Island here. Getting married in June in Cancun.
  13. So for the longest time my fiance and I thought we already had our song choice, "this years love" by David Gray DAVID GRAY LYRICS - This Years Love After really sitting down and looking over the lyrics with a girlfriend of mine, I feel like maybe it isnt the right choice? They talk about one more chance and lies and cutting like a knife, lol. I asked my dj and he said the decision is our but he did say that alot of couples he has worked with used this as "thier song" The song literally gives me chills, and my fiance well he probably has no clue what the lyrics are but thinks its beautiful, its in the movie "the girl next door" opinions please??
  14. I was in Cancun in Dec 09, and we never bought our transfers through our TA, so we just payed for the shuttle when we got down there, there was a couple who was trying to get on the same shuttle, they had a child with them id say about 3 years old, they wouldnt allow them onto the shuddle, and im not positive what the outcome was cause the van had already left. I do know that thier is a company that rents and ships to wherever you are, I know they 100% do wheelchairs, and I would assume carseats, actually I think they do 'cause I know my gf has carseats shipped to fl whenever she goes. Let me know if you want the name, ill ask my father.
  15. I think the weddingchannel.com has frosted bags you can personalize, just click the store link when you get on the site.
  16. Thanks Girls! I know I probably shouldve ordered them in Ivory, considering my dress is ivory and the colors of wedding are turquiose and brown, however I am so not traditional and was planning on having the first pair dyed turquise. Im doing the bouquets pale pink and cream, so I figure the pink shoes will be ok. And yes I am truthfully happy the other ones were back ordered.
  17. Im in love with my shoes!! I originally ordered these shoes http://www.myglassslipper.com/weddin...o/ophelia-5745 a month ago, they werent available till yesterday. Yesterday I received an email saying they were back ordered till March 20th, which is too close to my first fitting, so I went on the hunt and found an even better pair, and theyll be delivered tomorrow! BADGLEY MISCHKA RANDEE PINK Wedding Shoes and RANDEE PINK Dyeable Bridal Shoes PINK I ordered them in pink.
  18. Congrats! getting married at the royal in cancun as well. June 19th. Youll find a few threads on here for the royal.
  19. Woo Hoo! I finally got a new WC, She sent an email yesterday, but I just saw it today, because my blackberry is a POS lol. Suzanna C? Anyone have her? Apparently she is the assistant to Carol Cohen. I guess there is hope, after complaining.
  20. Maybe we should just be eachothers bridesmaids, ha ha. Thats terrible that your girls dropped out, I understand its pricey to go away, but give me a break. A. They get a mini vaca out of it and B. Im sure the majority of us are using AI hotels, and they dont have to pay for a thing while being there! I asked my girls individually, because I wanted to sit down with each of them and make sure that they did not commit to this if they werent 100% sure they could afford it. $$ doesnt seem to be the issue with any of my girls, just everything else, and you know how easy they are all getting off? My fiances mother is paying for the ENTIRE COST of the shower, she paid for the invites, the hall, decorations the whole kit and cubbudle (however you spell.) Cublica82: this is your and soon to be husbands day, I think you should sit down with him and see how he feels about the situation, if he is ok with the majority of his family not being there, then go ahead and do it, im sure this is always what you wanted as it is what me & steve always dreamed of from our very first vacation together. We both sat down and said ok, this is what we want and were doing it for us and yes it may be a little upsetting that some special people will not be there, but........ I cant plan my life around what others want. My MOH is now upset at me for the most obnoxious reason ever, like I said in one of my previous posts the BM's Dresses came in yesterday. The store is 2 hours from where I live in NY and with this insane weather weve been having I decided to take the drive yesterday and go pick them up, the store is in PA and they get hit with much more snow then we do, and I have no intentions on driving in 2 hours of shitty traffic so I went because it was nice. She calls me on my drive to bs and asked what I was doing so I told her, and she says "well thanks for waiting for me" and hangs up. Are you serious??
  21. He doesnt want to go, 'cause he gets off on giving other people a hard time. And now to top everything off 2 of my BM's are in a huge blow out fight, literally the look of death is in both their eyes, and its still so fresh and theres supposed to be a get together with all of them on Monday night, and I have the 2 of them calling me, that they dont want to be around eachother, so I told them suck it up theres a time and place for everything and if they can not handle it, then just let me know and they can be excused from the entire thing. I have enough of my own stress, I dont need thigh HS drama.So thats Jill & Jessica's story, my MOH is Laura, and then my other 2 bridesmaids are my SIL & my fiances best friends gf, Lauren. Lauren told me the other day she is so miserable with her bf and wants out of the relationship but all she keeps thinking about is my wedding and how she needs to be there but knows theres no way she will be able to afford it on her own, I basically told her dont suffer for me. Jessica is a teacher, her father just informed her that he will be having his 4th wedding in FL, the week before mine, shes afraid her school wont approve back to back fridays and mondays. My entire bridal party is falling apart, and im not sitting here thinking I asked the wrong people, cause I asked the girls I am closest too, but seriously WTF!!! Jessica's situation, I cant really say anything about, its her father and granted he knows about my wedding...... I also wouldnt want her to looser her job just to come to my wedding, her principal is hack and Ive heard messages that she leaves to jessica when she calls out. As far as having a "back up" with the MOH situation, what can I really do? Im not going to ask someone else 5 months prior to the wedding, cause I feel thats rude but If Laura doesnt make it to my wedding because of her debbie downer sponge bob square pants look alike boyfriend, our 14 year friendship is over. We went to different colleges hours and hours away, over the course of four years I drove 8 hours to visit her atleast 6 times, and took flights to her maybe 4 times, thats the type of friendship we've had and I expect her to be at my wedding. Sweet, and the bridal store just called, all the bridesmaid dress's are in.
  22. You girls are hilarious! I hate to say it, but I do wish my MOH would realize what a "debbie downer" her BF is. I was a little annoyed too, that she asked me to check prices for her, but she does work in the jewelry industry, and market week is coming up for them, so she is pretty busy. She isnt a witness, but was asked to be there by thurs' for a few reasons, nothing absurd. That's what im worried about, I feel at some point its going to turn into "I cant make it." Funny as I am typing this, she just texted me that she just put in her days (for wedding) at work.
  23. Congrats & Happy Planning
  24. My MOH still hasnt booked, getting married in June & over the last few weeks, she's been asking me to check prices for her trip, The price for the Royal is obvs' much higher then for the Gran Caribe, and when I told her both hotels are beautiful, its fine if she has to stay at the Gran, I got a bit of a 'tude back from her, that "she wont be able to hang out with everyone, & this and that." Last week I found her the royal with air from thurs-tues (which is what she said she wanted) for only $1600, thats an amazing price, and it was only $100 more then the gran caribe, so I tried to tell her to get on it and book it. A few days later I asked if she did and she said no, so ofcourse I asked why, and was told that her bf doesnt understand why he has to go to Cancun, because he's already been there 3 times (then leave him home) so now they are in this big arguement over the days, and he just wants to go fri-monday. I aske/told her numerous times I need her there for Thursday, and I even offered to pay the difference in price if $ was an issue. I checked the prices on expedia again, yesterday the royal is now at $2,100 for those days at the gran is at $1,800. So the more they keep argueing the more the price goes up. Her BF is a drama queen, and I can already picture the miserable/jealous look hes going to have on his face, when she walks down w/ a groomsman. I guess if they ever book that is.
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