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MilitaryMrs.s-to be

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Everything posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be

  1. Wow!!! Awesome review!!! Very detailed, I love it!!! I hope you enjoyed your "weddingmoon"!!!! Did you use the spa at all?
  2. Congrats girlie!!! Enjoy the rest of your stay!!!! Can't wait to read your review and see your pictures!!! Take lots of random resort shots as well, we want to see it all!!! LOL
  3. Holy!!! The homeless guy was Jasper's uncle!!!!!!! WOWWWW!!!
  4. Good song choice Tracy!! Very nice!!! As for the first dances, I think its whatever you want. You can have your husband's dance with his mom while you dance with your dad, or you can give them their own song, its your wedding its whatever you want. And I know allll about the DW stress, none of Mike's family is going and his mom is now after us to get "re married" at the reception, she wants us to get a Justice of the peace and re new our vows!! I told him we will be married for a week, I'm not marrying you twice in a week, forget it!! urrrgg she drives meeee!!!!!!!!!
  5. OMG Nonnie!!! I am soo sorry to hear this, I hope you can get through this, I'm crying just reading it, I can't imagine what you must be going through. I hope you enjoy your day just the same, After all he still wants you to be happy!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover Welcome back girl!!!!!! We missed ya!! Oh you moved, congrates.. did you buy another home? How is the time with the FI, must be sooo nice to have him home! Nice, is the photographer base in Punta Cana? Thanks, it looks like it might turn out to be just fine, I'll keep ya all posted, you'll know when I post some e-pics lol Hey do you have your wedding dress already? We just moved into an apartment in the city, were going to buy next xmas, I think, once were out of this lease, we wanted to wait til after the wedding to buy. I hate apartment living but, our place is really nice, so its not to bad. Yes, I got my dress back in the summer, It ended up fitting me like a glove in the store so they let me but it right off the rack!! I didn't have to wait months for it to come in!! Woot!! lol I do have to get the hem brought up a little and the boobs taken in a bit lol. But the waist fits awesome and it makes me look at little taller than I actually am, and I take any kinda height I can get!! lol And yes, Michael Weiler is local in Punta Cana. His pictures look beautiful on his website. I'm getting super excited!! After Christmas time is just going to fly! and soon enough we'll all be having drinks together!! woo hooo!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I don't know if this will work of not but here goes... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...s-color-52243/ OMG!!!!! Those little guys are me being crazy over this dress!!!! Its fu*king beautiful!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
  8. Hi girlies!!!! I moved this weekend and just got my internet today! Thank goddd!!!! I missed you!!! You guys have been busy on here!!! I had lots of catching up to do!! Dawnbuckly, Congrats on gettting the dress!!! Its a huge relief once you get it eh? Danielle, I'm sorry about your RSVPs, I decided not to go that route, we sent out a mass email to let everybody know our intensions on a destination wedding, the people who wanted to go emailed us back and we have them the info, we are sending out formal invites to the reception, which are going out in January, so I'm almost positive that I won't get any of those replys back!! lol Tracy, I am booked with Michael Weiler for my pictues, that was a long time ago that you asked me that, but its the first time I've been on since you wrote that!! lol...And sorry to hear about your photog in Montreal ohhh Im so happy to be back!!! eekkk!!! hahahaha
  9. HI gals!! Mike is home!!!!! Wooo Hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are moving into our new apartment on Saturday!!! I love life soo much right now!!! lol
  10. WOW!!! Congrats!!! Your pictures and review are amazing!!!! You make me super excited!!! And great questions ladies, Now I just have to remember it all
  11. Glad to hear that, it can be very fustrating! Thats why I hired a photographer off the resort, he'll just show up I get him a day pass, thats it, I love it when its stress free!!
  12. I recently read The Lovely Bones by Alice sebold. AWESOME book!! It was so good, its actually coming out as a movie with Mark Walhburg (<-- yuummmmy)
  13. Not so much.....Actually, I don't like anything with pumpkin, but I wish I did cause it smells soooo good!! Moon mist ice cream??
  14. Aisha Tyler : Bedtime Stories (Only for like a minute, but she was in it..lol)
  15. Save the last Dance : Sean Patrick Thomas
  16. I could live without it, but I don't hate it. LOL Hockey??
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