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MilitaryMrs.s-to be

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Everything posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be

  1. We asked for chocolate but we got white with chocolate filling between the layers. It was sooooo good, and I don't like cake! It was yummyyy!! I got my nails done and they lasted really well, I got them done on Thursday, we left Sunday, got married Tuesday and they were still perfect the next weekend for our AHR. You will have lots of hand pictures so get em done. lol. Unless you have nice nails, I don't. lol
  2. lol. If it was up to me I would have gotten the square but Mike said he liked the round, so I thought I better let him decide something. lol. I'm really glad he choose that one becasue its beautiful <3 Theres a cute one the photog caught while I'm tasting the icing and were looking at each other. I will post that too when I get a chance.
  3. OH Tracy! You remember Lindsay...SeaPrincess. She was married last January I think. She hasn't really been on much since her wedding. We got the circle cake with pink ribbon and white roses. We loved it
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by rgonzalez_83 With the sand ceremony--Who did the reading for you? I hadn't thought to do one, but last minute thinking has me wondering if I do purchase a set, do I have to pick a family member to do the reading I brought all the stuff for my sand ceremony, 3 vases, 2 colors of sand. And I used Lindsay's (seaprincess) sand ceremony reading and got my girlfriend to read it. We did it right after we made everything legal. (and the Judge went running off to the next wedding. lol) But like I said if you want your stuff back, make sure you put a family member in charge of getting your stuff before everyone leaves and the next wedding gets set up. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Hi girls -- Did you get your hair done there or do it yourself? I was planning on doing it myself, but I am thinking about hair spray and making sure it stays put - I may look into having it done. I remember there was a link to a price list floating around somewhere - does anyone know where that is> Thanks!! lots of q's I know. I got my hair done at the spa. (AMAZINGGG) but they charge you whatever they feel like. I paid $122 plus tip. I also had a veil because my mom wanted me to and I'm really glad I did if that helps you at all. It really didn't bother me at all. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 also - I see people brought cake cutters and stuff! Did you need these? I only brought my cake topper. It made it sooo much more personal. But they do have a little bride and groom to put on it. The cake is beautiful. I will post a pic of my cake. And they brought us the serving things. Its really just extra weight you don't need. Use theirs. You may not get yours back
  5. We were in the 3000 block which is also right in front of the gazebo so I wouldn't say it was because you were so close. If you want your stuff back I would put someone in charge of your stuff. lol
  6. I didn't exactly meet her, but where ever Carolina went she was right there with her. And she was also the one that picked up my dress for steaming. She was great as well. I really wouldn't worry. They have sooo many weddings going on that they don't have a choice but be organized. To make sure you get everything back though, I would put one of your family members in charge of getting all your stuff from your wedding site while you are having pictures taken, as you may not get some of it back. Good luck today Sungoddess!! Woot!! lol Tracy, I have vertigo. Which is an inner ear problem, so I passed out at work and couldn't get up off a chair or walk at all so my mom made me go to the hospital, and they kinda pushed me to the back of the line because they thought I was just pregnant. Nice eh?
  7. WOW!!!! I've been away for a couple of days and you girls go crazy with the posts!! I've been sick all week and ended up in emergency all day Monday. Like all damn day, we got there at 3pm and they didn't take me in until 9pm, didn't see the doctor until 10!! LLOOVVVEEE our health care system!!!!!!!!! Sooo sorry to all you girls with the crazy losing thing stories!!! rings?? wow!! Tracy....Underware bahahahaha Nicee!!!!! To the new girls to the thread, welcome to the most amazing bunch of girls!! and a FAB resort when your time comes!!
  8. We used a cd. I put on 3 songs to play while the guests were waiting (should of had more) and a song for my girls to come out to, a song for myself and my dad to walk to, a song for signing the papers, an exit song, a cake cutting song, and a first dance song. It was really nice. Cheaper then the trio as well. more personal I think. It would have been nice to get the bd back though And don't bother with the cake cutting song. they didn't even play it and we didn't need it.
  9. True true, no need for decorations. The only thing I brought was my cake topper and the parasols that my girls walked down the aisle with. And it was beautiful. I gotta get some pics up. I'm a slacker. lol
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd It will fly by!!!! I wish we could have done our honeymoon at the same time, but since we had the kids with us it just wasn't an option.....we thinking either Aruba or Tahiti in November!!! I can't wait to start planning that one!!!! LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Were not going anywhere I don't think Were going to PEI for a long weekend in July for the country concert and I think were going to take our time driving back for a little alone time. We think were going back to GP next April for our anniversary. But we have to go to Ottawa next summer for a week for a wedding that Mike is best man, so thats going to be expensive, Ottawa isn't cheap to stay in. Now that I wrote that out, and actually see it, I def don't think we'll be going on a honeymoon!! lol Aww that makes me sad
  11. Exactly sungoddess, theres nothing to worry about. I think my room wasn't cleaned because I was in it all day, other then the 2 hours I was getting my hair done, and that was from 11-1, and there are alot of rooms per floor, so I'm sure she was just busy at that time. Really theres nothing to worry about, Carolina has ALOT to do, the day Tracy and I got married we were number 3 and 4. The weddings were at 12, 2, 4 and 6. So she is busy but does her job VERY WELL. I thought I was being a little demanding when we went in there, but she didn't mind at all, she did everything I asked for. She is amazing
  12. Oh Danielle, I'm so sorry it wasn't everything you hoped for. Carolina changed me from the gazebo to hemingways 5 times, after that I said, I'm getting married in the gazebo rain or shine! It rained until I got halfway down the aisle and it stopped for the rest of the day (good thing eh Tracy!!) I was a little upset that we didn't get La Uva as we requested, she said we were the smallest wedding group that day so we had to go to the Mexican restaurant, I met a guy who was with the wedding party at noon that day and they had 23 people or something like that and he said they were eating at the Italian....We had 31 people. Smallest eh? hmmmm.................I didn't get any wine/champagne in my room the night of, my room as also not cleaned. My photographer made my bed so he could take pictures in there. I wasn't impressed at all over that. And Danielle, if it makes you feel any better, you can't go into any buffets at any resorts I have been to, wet or with a bathing suit on, you have to be covered up. Hope that makes you feel better. And I soooo wish I got a married at Palladium shirt!!!!!!
  13. We got the fruit and rum basket the night we arrived, nothing on the wedding day, we did get breakfast in bed the next morning, which was 30 minutes late, but we didn't mind cause we were sooooo hungover The eggs were the most grossest thing I have ever had in my life, which makes no sense cause at the buffet they were amazing! werid eh? They charged me $15 for the steaming of my dress which was well worth it cause it was bad from being stuffed in that garment bag! lol Sungodess, I had Michael Weiler and we didn't have to book him for a certain amount of time, he only does 1 wedding per day so you have him for as long as it takes him to get the job done. He came 2 hours before the ceremony, took pictures of both of us getting ready, the whole ceremony, the cake cutting, first dance, group/family photos and a session with the wedding party and just us. He was amazing, he is one of the nicest people I have ever met! The package we got was $1000, and we got over 500 pictures all edited on a dvd plus the most beautiful book I have ever seen He was better then all of my friends photographers at home!! We had soooo many comments on his photos at our AHR!! Which I have to say, I'm so glad all my wedding stuff is over!! I can have my life back!! lol Isabelle, I wouldn't hold your breath on them sending your sand ceremony to you. They don't give a poop. Which is so sad
  14. I also just got back from my wedding at The Grand Palladium Punta Cana, You have nothing to worry about!! My only compliant was that I was to lazy to walk around the whole resort and tended to take the train more then I needed to!! lol Its beautiful, the grounds, the people, the food, Everything is amazing. I'm the type that likes to go to a different resort every year and we have already decided that were going back next year and we only got home on Sunday!! lol I highly recommend this resort, its my Favorite out of any resorts I've been to!! Good luck!!
  15. Dawn, I added you on FB so I can creep on on your pictures!! lol Isabelle, They lost one of my vases and my cd, I only got my sand ceremony and the other 2 vases because I went to her office and asked for them, she gave me the sand ceremony and then had the rest sent to my room, which I didn't get and had to track her down after another wedding and ask her for my stuff, which she sent to "my room" when it was actually at the reception in the lobby. And my cd and vases was missing, which sucks cause I took them out of my reception vases. Oh well, somebody is enjoying my cd! lol My AHR is tomorrow............ughhhh...We spent all of today getting ready for it, we decorated from 9:30am to 6:30pm...........I'm dead tired So that being said, I'm off to bed Nite Ladies <3
  16. HAhahahahahaha...After I screamed that to you, I was like shit, all her guests probably heard me!!! hahahahah I wish we got to stay a few extra days but I was happy to come home as well. There were so many of us that we didn't get any alone time and by the end of the week I was ready to scream because of the guys, was telling everybody what they should be doing. Making sure we all went to supper together and all that sort of thing. I just felt like saying, dude, I'm on vacation, leave me the hell alone!! I will eat supper when and where I damn well feel like it!!!!!!!!!! urgghhhhh!!!! And Carolina!!!!! well, I can't even begin to tell you how amazing she is! Although, I didn't get one of my vases and my cd back. The whole rest of the week I heard weddings jammin' to my cd!! hahaha I guess they needed it. lol Tracy, you'll have to send me the picture of my dad and fam!! Thats so funny, he told me he was talkin to your mom, He would talk to a frog if that was the only thing around, he's to funny!! I hope you get lots of sun this week, cause we didn't get a whole lot last week. I did hear on sunday it wasn't suppose to be very nice this week, I hope it stays nice for you!!!! xxooxoxoxoxx Ps - Halifax this summer?!?!?!?!?!? right one!!!!!
  17. Hi Girlies!! I'm home!!! lol The boys HAVE to wear long pants at the a la cartes but sandles are ok. Shorts and sandles are ok at the buffet but NO SLEEVELESS shirts!!!!!! we learned that the hard way at lunch time. lol I missed the meeting at hemminging ways!! I'm sooo stupid!! I woke up the next morning and asked mike what the day was, he said friday, I was like "SSSshhhhiiiitttt, I missed our meeting!!!!" I was soooo sick Thursday night that I never made it to supper. Which really sucked by the way!!! Pretty sure I meet one of the other brides on tuesday night, Maybe Carrie I think. I was soo hammered! hahaha...Not the best way to spend your wedding night thats for sure!! lol Oh well, memories!! hahahah
  18. LOL. I think its gross, but I'm a huge milk drinker so I can tell the difference between any milk, So I might not be a good one to ask.
  19. husbands nahh..I'm not bringing mine!! hahaha thats terrible but for real! lol Sungoddess don't feel left out, your lucky your not stressing out like all of us! lol Thank god for this site because I remembered this morning that I didn't get my sand for the sand ceremony!!! DUHHHHH.............Thank god Michael's opens at 9am!! I"M SLOWLY GOING CRAZYYYYYY.......................
  20. I just want to say that I have 7 1/2 sleeps til we leave!!! eeekkkk!!!! I count the night before we leave as a half a sleep cause I don't actually sleep and we have to leave for the airport in the middle of the night...........And because then its shorter!! hahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSOOOOOOOO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Not me : In the mood to clean my house :S
  22. I'm happy today because I officially started packing for the DW!!!! WOOT!
  23. Dislike....I suck! Strawberry shortcake??
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