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Everything posted by jennie

  1. We decided to use fushia and coral/orange. You have to keep in mind WHERE you are having your DW rather than WHEN, at least I think. Many of us will be in the "tropics" while back home it may be winter or fall. Once you arrive at your location it all changes: the warm weather, the flower types and colors, etc... Maybe research what are local flowers for the time that you will be having your DW, look at the colors and go from there? Or, perhapse you have favorites in mind. Whatever the case may be, remeber that it's YOUR day. Chose whatever you may like. Chose whatever makes you feel special.
  2. I love the creative ideas you ladies have. You're all correct! You don't really have to spen too much on outfits. I can't wait until my BD shoot at the end of the month June 30th. I didn't even think about wearing a teacm jersey. What a good idea! I think i'm going to sneak his favorite team jersey outta the house for my shoot and his motorcycle jacket..... if only i knew how to ride the street bike lol It would be hott though, if i did. Maybe i'll drive his Lincoln LS down to the shoot and use it for a few pics. Sneaky sneaky. It's his baby, so i think he would like that. I agree that TJ MAXand Target is great. Lately most of the stores have been having great sales, but you just gotta really look around. I saw a necklace that I absolutly LOVE, but it was way too pricey. It was very bold, a long chain, it drapped down/ dangled in the back also. It looked super sexy on the model's back in the pic.I'm in search of a similair one. Maybe at "Claires" or something. Happy Shopping!
  3. Wow thanks for the good tips ladies! I bet the local flowers at the markets are just beautiful. I'm going to stick with the bouquet that comes with the package and plan to go to a local market to get additional flowers to add to it, as well as for my daughter/ flower girl and to decorate around the cake topper. Anyone go to a market while in the Negril area? Is there one near the RPTB?
  4. I would just keep talking to your TA and research the prices on your own. My TA messed up on prices and ended up having to give us the lesser of the price quotes. Remember, she's working for you and should be getting the best prices. I've had to "babysit" my TA, but have gotten the offered deals by doing so. I've booked the RPTB, Jamaica for our DW. If you're worried about finding a date.... keep in mind that you should place a date/time request with them first and then book your DW/vaca. dates around it. I left this up to the TA to do at first and she slacked on it. I ended up doing it myself and they responded quite promptly in about 3/4 days. So, don't stress too much. Chose your resort and just email the WC at the resort with a request for your DW date/time and then notify you TA of it. YOU have to confirm your wedding request, not the TA anyways by email. Then, the Riu will eamil you a confirmation doc that you print and bring with you when you arrive. Good Luck!
  5. Ohhh I didn't even think about that! Now you have me wondering how our TA has booked things. Well, keep in mind that you will be arriving before your guests, so you will have time, i imagine, to speak to the people at the front desk or your WC about your concerns. Also, remember that the rooms are given out as people arrive and check in, so I don't really think that you will run into a problem if you express your concerns prior to their arrival. Good luck!
  6. We picked a time of 4pm on the beach. I really wanted this time because it's right before/as the sun is setting. Afterwards, we have requested to have our dinner at the 6:30pm seating. I figured that the time inbetween will be spent taking pictures, etc... drinking lol
  7. Congrats to you! The fun stuff begins now with the planning. Don't get too stressed out. It will be beautiful, no matter what you chose to do for your special day. Use the forum! I've gotten so many great ideas from the ladies on this site. When i've had moments to vent about, they cheered me right back up and put things into perspective again. Congrats
  8. Hello ladies! Do any of you know the web site to look at the photo prices for Michael, etc...?
  9. I know that I saw this posted before, but can not seem to find it anywhere! I've even done a search. What is the web site for the photoshop photography pictures for RPTB I'm trying to find it and of course can't.... isn't that always the case when you need something you've seen before. AGHHHH! I just got an email to start chosing things for my DW and want to view prices beforehand. Thank YOU!!!!
  10. Wow! what a great thread ladies. I haven't even started to do this yet. I really gotta start soon. August is right around the corner and creeping up fast. I told him I'm chosing the ceremony songs..... and he can help chose with me the rest for dinner, etc. Also, this has helped me chose songs for our TTD session DVD slideshow music! Thanks!!
  11. Thanks for the great review. I'm off to the RPTB in August and loved looking at your pics. They are beautiful. We are going with the classic package to keep it as simple as possible, too. Wished we could do the free package, but don't have that many guests coming. Congrats!
  12. Great purchases ladies! I bought a pair of white Aldo flip flops that are lined with square rinestones. They are so comfy!
  13. I have fushia/pink, orange, and white with a floral print lanterns. They are a smaller size, about 6 inches and battery operated. I tied them up and strung them for decorating my shower. I'll have to count how many I have when I get home today.They looked real nice all lit up. If your interested or want to see a pic., PM me.
  14. Yeah it's kinda like a joint wedding shower/ party. We will still go out with our individaul friends before we leave for Jamaica, but this was a great time to just have a party with friends and family. Plus, everyone could see us and celebrate before we leave. It's also a type of "fundraiser" event. Good luck to all of you!
  15. We did a raffle for ours and it raise the most money for us. We had things like $50.00 gift certificates to local nice restaurants, a sony cd player, a sony dvd player, a fire pit, Red Sox baseball tickets( we are from Massachusetts), a hair/bath basket with a $20.00 gift certificate to a local Nail Salon, hard liquor, etc... We sold tickets for $15.00/ arms length of tickets and $2.00/ single ticket. I placed paper bags that I had decorated and labeled out on a display table, along with the prizes (I kept the gift certificates and the baseball tickets "safe" until the drawing). Each person got to simply place their purchased tickets into whichever prize bag they wanted to win. The DJ announced that it was time for the drawing and everyone was excited! We also had a "grand prize" July 4th Red Sox baseball tickets for $5.00/single ticket. That worked out great because the "leftover" $5.00 from buying an armslength of tickets, most people used to just put a ticket for the $5.00 into the grand prize drawing. We had an ice louge. If you don't know, it's a block of ice(150 pounds) that we bought($20.00) and you just run warm water on the top of it and take a small chisel and carve out a snake type line all the way to the bottom. You pour a shot at the top of it as you await it's descent at the bottom. The liquor gets chilled as it makes it's way to the bottom. We sold shots for $2.00. A friend made jello shots (350 of them....she's crazy!) and sold them for 50cents or 3/$1.00 The guys played pitch and poker while the girls danced to the DJ. A friend also made a money tree. It was made out of green wire that was coiled. As people left and took their party favors.... they could place a dollar, etc.... onto the money tree in liu of a card or gift. On our jack and jill tickets we placed the wording "GREENBACK PARTY" on them. This means that we would prefer money "greenbacks" instead of traditional gifts. This is often used in the area that i'm from to nicely make those attending aware of it without be rude or making it uncomfortable. Hope it helps. We were able to pay for our honeymoon at Sandals with the money that we raised at the event. Learn from my huge mistake and stupid friends that were left to clean up our party: Make it very clear to whomever is cleaning up to SAVE certain items and it's IS NOT rude to be specific!!!! His sisters had thrown away and were careless about things such as my vases and my cake, etc... I don't want to rehash things, as I already made a post of it, but I was extremely hurt and upset(and still am). Please do yourself a favor and perhapse designate a few poeple to make sure that items that are important to you are saved. You'll be too busy and things happen during the course of the day and trust me, those you think wouldn't ever do something like that may.... and just want to quickly clean up and get out of there and back home. Good luck to you!!!!
  16. Dont' know if it helps, but I noticed on here that a few other girls have used a "document processing" site to obtain there documents. You have to request it with a fee, but you can maybe get what you need this way. Question: If you have gotten a passport, haven't you gotten your birth certificate.... you need one to get the passport? Usually your birth certificate is located in the city hall location of which you were born.... in the vital statistics office. You can just write to them and send them the fee along and they will send it to you. It's considered to be of "Public Record" , so anyone can request the information. I would probably start off by calling the city office of which you were born to ask them of the process. Good Luck.
  17. That's a great pic! Those colors are the ones that we are using, so it gives me a good visual of how nicely the arch looks with the flowing fabric. I just might have to check out a local fabric store to see if I can find our colors to bring downs with us. I just love the pillow idea...... hope it all works out great for you! My FIL is an ol' Portuguese guy, belly and all,and I just can't picture him sitting and them having to get up from sitting on the beach lol I wish though.... it's such a good idea. Different. Happy planning.
  18. Check out the oriental trading site.
  19. I agree with everyone. Why not? The whole point of registering for things is to receive the items that you would like. If what you would like to enjoy is a great photographer, then why not. Hope things get better for the both of you. Now you need to focus on chosing a photographer and seeing if their site has a registry or I do like the wording of the first reply to this post. Don't stress! The whole point of a DW is to keep things simple and nice. We too, are only "splurging" for a good photographer while in Jamaica. The rest we will keep simple and nice. This is your day! Everyone unfortunately understands now a days the financial constraints we all have. They will probably apprecaite you being up front as to what you two could REALLY need instead of having the pressure of trying to find some type of gift that may suit you.
  20. Thanks for the info. I wonder if Nekeisha is still the WC for the RPTB. That's where we're having our DW August 7, 2009. I'm awaiting to her from her to begin gathering our documents and chosing things, etc...
  21. Your pics are great and you look beautiful. Congrats!
  22. Just wondering if anyone past or present knows if the chairs at the RPTB that they use for beach ceremonies have SQUARE or ROUND backs? I ask because I want to possibly order chair covers to bring down for the ceremony, but I noticed that you can order them for different syles of chair backs. I can't see "renting" them for about $12.00 when you can simply purchase them for about $3.00.
  23. The whole reason why we decided to have a DW was to get away from it all and to enjoy our wedding, combined with an extended vacation, and keep the costs down. We will probably just have a backyard BBQ when we get back. Probably the following week. We will just have a BBQ with close friends to share our pics and to celebrate with them. I don't really think that i'll be wanting to plan too much more when the ceremony is said and done! As it is now, I can't wait to hop resorts to Sandals Ochos Rios to just relax.
  24. Don't worry about it and create more uneeded stress for yourself. You have a lot going on right now: the wedding, school, moving! If your FI insists, maybe you could just keep it very informal and have an AHR when you two come back from your DW and before you move. That way people close to you that couldn't make it can see you befor you move and celebrate your wedding. It could be just at someone's home and have everyone bring a dish or have a BBQ. For us, when we get back from our DW, we will probably just have a few close friends over for a BBQ and show off our pics. Don't stress! Everything is stressfull enough without having to add more. Good luck
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