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Everything posted by jrodsgirl

  1. Morgan - awesome job at the retreat! jkcz0702 - great idea about trying to track your progress with something other than the number on the scale. Great job to all you losing ladies this week. I lost 1.4 so I was content with that. It beat the gain I thought I was going to have.
  2. Congrats! The pictures look awesome. Your bouquet is beautiful!
  3. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. I hope the vet can shed some light into this.
  4. I'm right with you guys since Thursday. I'm not expecting a great week at all. Bar, cookouts, dinner with FI's family...4 days of not so great eating. Just going to get thru this week I guess.
  5. Oh ladies. I need to dig deep. It is quarter end at work (I'm an Accountant) and I have the mindless munchies. I HATE IT! I am sure it is stress. I have this picture of a hippo hanging in my cube in a bikini for motivation. You think that would work. Not today. I have to find my focus.....before it is to late!
  6. Well....as I proposed last week with my 'false positive'...I am up .6. It is what it is. Trying not to over analyze it. Also, that favorite time of the month so I will chalk it up to that too. Sights set on next week.
  7. Congrats! Your pictures are beatuiful. Overall, it seems like everything worked out on the big day!
  8. Have a safe and wonderful trip Yari!
  9. Congrats Yari and Brian! You both look great and so in love. Have a wonderful time in Mexico!
  10. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I swear I have the never ending munch tooth the past couple of days. Hopefully I can work that out real soon. FI and I are going to one of our friend's shed parties this weekend. When they were all younger, they used to hang out and party in the shed. Needless to say, it has made a comeback. Fun times, good food, and tons of laughs. I am just going to chalk it up as a free day (probably not the best though, but oh well). If I get up early enough I'll squeeze some exercise in. I agree with the weigh-ins....first thing in the morning, after I pee...nude. I'll take all the help I can get!
  11. I am very sorry for you loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  12. Way to go ladies! I lost 2.6 and am concerned it is a false positive (lol). I'll take it. Hopefully next week will follow the same path. I always get concerned when I have a good first week and then it seems to slow down after that. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  13. Best wishes to everyone and the upcoming weigh-in! I woke up later tnah usual this morning....thanks to Monday night football. Going to try and squeeze some exercise in after work. Mummergirl - congrats on the jeans fitting. That is awesome. Welcome aboard Christy!
  14. Thanks for the review. All in all sounds like everything worked out. Congrats to you!
  15. I did order my dress online, but not through David's. I orderedd through bridal online store. I did not have any problems, and it came I think a week earlier then expected.
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