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Everything posted by CJEB

  1. I suffered a serious mental condition - it is possible to change you life for the good (or bad) but it's up to the individual. You are a good friends and no doubt you care greatly for your friend. Just be there when needed but remember its a medical condition, all you can possibly offer is your companionship. I wish you all the best
  2. Good luck, we lived together for years but when we got our first home it was so different
  3. Good luck -- hope there are plenty of swimmers
  4. Will they allow you to drop some flower over the side of the boat? I have two loved one who we are going to ask the minister to mention during the services. We REALY know they would want to be there but they are in some special blessed place ...
  5. CJEB

    So Sick:(

    awww bless kryztan. Get well soon
  6. hehee just found this thread and just come back from brothers ebirthday B&Q ... My b'day 8th june, bro 2nd Jun
  7. I can understanding their reasons - I want to say goodnight to my FI and then the next time I will see him ... ahhhh bliss
  8. congratuations! Because my work relys on my name then it's important for me to stick with it.
  9. hehee how thing havfe changed or have they!!!
  10. Don't worry, I'm sure they will have it sorted. Remember that the point of a WC is so that you don't have to worry. I think it is very good for them to keep you informed. It shows excellent communication skills
  11. I don't want my FI to see me either. I don't like the idea of him seeing me from the night before until our wedding ceremony starts. If it means that I camp out in the room for the morning then so be it. I'll order room service then head to the spa for some special treatment ... I can guarentee that my FI will be no where near the spa!
  12. congratulations Martha, a dream come true. I guess lots of us take our fertility for granted. I wish you all the best.
  13. I am so glad other people feel that way too.
  14. I feel like that too. I got to come off my rod soon to give my body rest. If there was an accident then I wouldn't mind but I just want to get married when there is just me and my partner I've still got 15 month till my wedding so it's going to be a long wait!
  15. Hi I know this sounds old fasioned, but when my partner and me decided we wanted to have children, marriage suddenly became more important to us. We are waiting until after our marriage until I come completly off the contraception. Has this happened to anyone else?
  16. lol Kat, my twin! There is someone getting married on the same date as me too. I remember reading it somewhere. It's Dominican Republic Wow bet you are counting down the days
  17. Yes I will be wearing one. It will have the traditional blue bow. I will be flashing it, will not be about tossing it - not in public
  18. I've spent years thinking about that special dress. I can't stand the thought of thrashing not even for those special photos. I know that my dress could still be ok but I just can't stand the thought of going in the water with my dress on. I'm not going to get over worried about getting it marked or anything. I just want the day to casual on the day. Knowing me I will end up with mud all over the hem and my dinner all down the bodice! I want to keep mine. Maybe it will be used in the future - or even in a childs dressing up game. My nan is hopefully making my dress so it's going to have quite a lot of sentimental value.
  19. wow thanks for the info about the acrylics. I'm sure I've read your review before I booked the holiday/wedding. I remember telling my fella about the minister at the bar
  20. Thanks Debs that give us a good idea. Did you have the Here comes the bride treatment? How was the Ocean / wedding etc
  21. Love the idea Lizz, I got 1, lower back, its a blue roses Mine was 2 weeks before my 21st (so I had time to heal). Why then - because I was too much of a wimp and people kept trying to tell me I would regret it. I never have, I'm glad I got it on my lower back rather than upper arm or shoulder.
  22. PS should have wrote Clare & Ross: September 7, 2009 - Ocean Blue (date to be confirmed) Chris & Martin: September 9, 2009 - Ocean Blue (date to be confirmed)
  23. To be honest I could really do with a price. I'm hoping to set up a different budget fund for "pamper treatments." We have 2 weedings in one so it could be too expensive if we didn't plan. Thanks for the link ... very interesting
  24. Hi If any one has got the price list that I could have? We don't have a WC just yet Thanks
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