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Everything posted by SIMBASIM

  1. OMG!! I am finally getting excited again! The holidays and the economy have put such a damper on the wedding planning! You look gorgeous! Thanks for all the suggestions. Funny thing, everytime I read a review I actually get answers to questions I was not even thinking of!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl you said it, sister! we're not really sure who's coming anymore. i'm considering trying to find a polite way to suggest to my bridesmaids that they can opt out of their duties if they'd like, since it's looking like tom isn't going to have any guys other than a best man. none of them have ordered dresses yet anyway, just not sure if they might be insulted. I know how ya feel. We still have not got final word from the best man. My MOH and Bridesmaid have changed several times. I know we are guranteed to have 30 guests but it is a far cry from the original 60+ we were expecting. Oh well I wanted a small wedding and boy am I getting it!!!LOL! As the ole saying goes " Be careful what you ask for ...."
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 My MOH's parents got the one bedroom suite. It was nice but I think the Jacuzzi suite would be just as good for you I have not been on in a while but wanted to say I love the christmas Card. Great Idea!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by rabutler816 I am a Dreams cancun Bride 8 16 09. I am looking into getting a 1 br suite in the tower. I NEED pictures please!!! I have been seeing pictures of the junior suite but havent come by any of the 1 br jacuzzi wuite in the tower. Pleaase post or direct me somewhere I can see them Thanks Brides!! I emailed you the pictures. let me know if there is anything else. We actually decided on the 1 bedroom Master Jacuzzi Suite. I hear that the Jr Jacuzzi suites are just as nice and very roomy. I just wanted the extra space.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by dolphin Can anyone tell me the e-mail address to Claudia the wedding coordinator at Dreams. I have been trying for a month now to book a date for my wedding. I thought maybe she would answer my emails but she keeps sending me the package prices. I was wondering if there is a direct e-mail to her that she reads and responds. What date are you looking for? Maybe we could help eliminate some dates we know are not available. The key to getting your date reserved quickly is to give several alternative dates. So gives us a list and maybe we can help. [email protected]
  6. So glad you posted some pics from resort Photog! They are great...Thanks for the review!
  7. Great Review! Lot of info I had previously had questions about. Can't wait to see pics.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I used to have an account but had to delete it before i tracked someone down and broke her face into pieces lol haven't dared go back on - i'll ask fi to long in lol I still don't trust myself Hey, remind me not to PISS you off! LOL!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I can't get into the vid arggg lol I had to sign up to face book. Takes only a second.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dancingdolphin Hi Everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update now that we're back. Unfortunately, I knew on the flight home on Sat nite that I was going to get sick - could just feel it in my throat - and I was unfortunately right. Because of that, this will be short. The wedding was wonderful! Weather wasn't the best (had to postpone the wedding 1/2 hour for brief rain shower and it was EXTREMELY windy) but can't control that. Claudia was easy to work with once I got there. I switched my photographer without making prior arrangements and when we sat down, we extended the videographer. The video was AWESOME - I'd recommend extending it instead of the gazebo decor! He came to my room before hand, video'd FI, the ceremony, and most of our pictures. FI spent a good part of yesterday converting it to put on his facebook page. Not sure if you'll be able to see it without being his friend, but here's the link: Login | Facebook Claudia's mom is sick, so she's been very distracted with that. We had to move my initial session a few days (which I was mad about) because she had to go to the hospital (not sure the problem w/ her mom). A day or so after the wedding, we had our appt to finalize the billing and she called me crying saying she had to leave because of her mom. Someone's wedding was going on at that time too so I felt bad for that bride. She stayed through my reception and there were a few times I needed her to find things / do things. Overall, I would also recommend being very organized. I had everything written down and all items labelled in bags (i.e. items for bouquets, sand ceremony, all guestbook items together, etc). I wish I could give more details right now, but I'm going to try to get more sleep. I really don't want to be sick - I'm suppose to be going back to work tomorrow and have SO much stuff to do today. I had tears in my eyes watching the video!! The windy unpredictable weather made it all the more special in the video! Congratulations. I look forward to your pictures.
  11. I would reccomend staying away from months like August and September if you can. That is super busy hurricane season and just a tropical storm can throw a your whole wedding out of wack.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Here is a list of everything.... WOW I did not realize there was that much to do! That awesome. I am sure I will not have tons of time before the wedding but nice to know my guests will be entertained!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by dancingdolphin I'm so glad Mummergirl posted the link for the pictures from Juan. THANK YOU! I must admit, this wedding is costing more than anticipated and I thought, how bad could the photographer be - it is a beautiful place and I've taken a photography class and even with basic training, can take pretty good pictures. So, I was going to chance it and use the resort photographer. However, after seeing the pics and showing them to FI, I wasn't very impressed. They just seemed OK (won't tell you what FI thought of them). Anyways, yesterday, with just 8 days before we leave for Cancun, I decided to try to find a photographer. Thanks to everyone who has ever posted about photographers. I sent a bunch of inquiries and ended up booking Agustin Murillo from Cancun Studios (Jill's husband). Jill is going to charm Claudia for me since they've worked together before and I haven't told Claudia my change in plans. It's not like she would even respond before I get there anyways!!! Thanks everyone for all your reviews. When I get back, I will post a full review (sorry, probably won't get around to doing a planning thread in the next week). On a side note, I can't wait to be in Mexico. I've been SO stressed the last few weeks with last minute details. Unfortunately, that has caused me to eat more lately and break out! Also, the 10 day forecast is showing showers for the next Wed - Fri. I really pray it doesn't rain the entire time we are down there. That will SUCK. Good luck with the wedding. i am sure the weather will be fine. The showers are usually brief if any at all. Just concern yourself with things you can control!! Anyway, we will be thinking of you and look forward to your review...
  14. Question: A friend of mine is a pilates instructor. In some cases resorts will comp rooms in exchange for doing a pilatels/yoga class. Does anyone have any info on this?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 No problem, glad that it came through okay. I didn't order centerpieces. They just did them. Same ones that Kat had. They were nice. Simple and pretty. And best of all... FREE!! I like free but I bet I am paying for it one way or another..LOL!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by bbpacco That's exactly what we'll be doing, paper work is done in New York, and sand ceremony in Cancun! You get all the ceremony details like a normal wedding ceremony, like an officiant. Kat thought you want a REAL ceremony, which you'll need to get all your paper translate, blood test, and be there 4 days ahead. I think we are leaning towards symbolic also! I really do not want to have to deal with Blood and all that stuff..Do we still have to get the documents translated??
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Ryan & Valerie i am getting married november 21 2009. congrats to all of the 2009 brides!! jodey, looks like you are getting married the week before me. Congrats! Welcome to the site!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Thats NOT gonna happen I refuse to have any fucking pics with FMIL on lol He will be TOLD I pic the photos not him lol I'll get proper nasty and trust me he doesn't want me and FI on his ass lol You should be picking the pictures anyway since you are basically paying out the ASS for the photographs!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 uhhh... yea... I used Mannia... I'm hoping that it was just a bad night for him or something... or that he didn't really understand what I wanted. I gave him a list of 'must have' songs and a list of 'don't you dare play' songs... well, he ONLY played the must have songs... multiple times!! I think that he was a bit confused. Hope that you have a better experience. i would just let him play whatever instead of attempting to give him specific directions!! Good luck! I have been slacking and not been on the forum for a bit...did you ever post all of your pics?? I am dying to see them!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 All I can say is thank god I haven't got Gabby because if she shrugs and walks away from me, wedding day or not i'll get hold of her, quickly followed by the rest of my lot lol I'm glad it was lovely tho x Let me just say...she is lucky it wasn't me! LOL!!! I can be one mean bitch!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 A few more things... Dawn is possibly the coolest chick ever. She is so sweet she brought me all kinds of stuff and even gave me her Bride Bag which by the way came in soooo handy!!! Her and Chris are just great people I wore a veil and I am SO glad I did. It wasn't very windy for some reason during my wedding. My veil hardly blew as you will be able to see in the pictures. Def. get a room in the club. It is kind of a long walk to everything but the view is amazing and the beach and the pool are the best! Having a DW was the best decision I made even though everything was so disorganized. Having the people I love the most with me for 4-7 days was amazing. I LOVED it and wouldn't have traded it for the world. I am so upset for you! I cannot believe the videographer. Let me just say your photograph on your post is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. you are glowing! I would not even worry about the video because if your other photographs come out half as good as the one on the post then there is no need to tell the story with video! Your face says it all! Congrats on your wedding...Jen
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 HA HA I just posted the ones I have! Welcome back! I am going to check the pics out now!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by maria3901 hello DC brides! my name is Maria and i will be married at Dreams April 26, 2009 on the beach! i cant wait!: CONGRATS! I can't wait myself. I cannot believe i am only 9 months away!!
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