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Everything posted by Rache1124

  1. MORGAN!!!! Are you still in town - your wedding is like 3 days away!!!!!! Oh my gosh! That means mine is coming up soon, too...you have been my inspiration through out this all...when you did something, I knew I had to do it too, within a few weeks....YIKES! I'm so excited for you!!!!
  2. Nice work ladies - I love the opening part about the ocean...I will be using that!!!!! Honestly - I haven't really though much about this aspect of the wedding yet...OOPS! This is encouraging me to get going!!!!
  3. We went with cups just for packing reasons - and really - whatever people do with them after the trip is up to them - we wanted them to avoid frequent trips to the bar - and something a little fun to set our group apart. With all of the luggage restrictions now, it'll cost more to get mugs down there - plus then i had money left over to buy a few other OOT goodies
  4. Great find! Do you know if they are iron-on friendly? I saw someone said something about getting them so that they could use an iron-on...I'm guessing they are
  5. I love the photo share info - is that service free I really need to look into that - great thinking ahead!!!!!!!!!
  6. OOOH - i was just at target yesterday - are they still there? I hope!!! Target is the best!
  7. This is tooooo funny!!!! When I was having all of my showers (they are all over now I checked our registries all of the time!!!! I know, I know, I've been absent from the forum for WAY too long - but just laughed out loud when I found this discussion
  8. I was motivated yesterday and got a ton of stuff done for the wedding OOT bags. I bought bags to put them in (saving money just bought little gift bags and will make little tags for them to make them cute - I'll post pics when I get one done) Also, ordered/bought the rest of the goodies for them!!!! I feel so much better! Now if I can just get my man to go shopping for his clothes
  9. (I'm not really sure why my "quotes" are showing up like normal typing...it used to work for me...)
  10. MoonPalace - I just ordered the dress from newport-news.com I think it was 59 bucks. I still have my first dress... the davids bridal one and I think I might bring it incase i want to wear it instead, I just dont know what to expect when I get to Fiji! I think I am going to post all of my dresses and let everyone choose what I should and shouldnt wear and when I should wear it! Im so not happy with the dress issue. Oooh - post the pics of the dresses!!! I would love to see your choices. I'm debating getting a dress for later after the wedding...are all of you girls changing out of your wedding dress into a different dress for the rest of the night??
  11. I know I'm a little late - but as soon as I get done with work - I'm heading to the dollar tree!!!!!! I need to get going on some of these things! I love the inspiration i get from all of you ladies
  12. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE REVIEW!!! I am getting married at the RIU Palace Riveria Maya in just a few weeks!!!!!! We just got our email from the WC and I started to freak because it's coming up so soon and I feel like I have nothing done!!! This review completely calms me - except for the part where you brought your own speakers...we simply cannot afford a DJ - and I'm worried I'll want to dance/have a smallish reception type thing...what are the speakers like that you brought? Computer speakers or an actual sound system I'm so glad I found your review - you don't even know!!! (well - actually you might
  13. PLEASE do not lose your wedding bands. LOL You are too funny (I'd be freaking out!!!) I can't believe they are lost I'll try my best to put ours in a safe place!
  14. Alright girls - I'm starting to freak a little - I haven't been on here in weeks...and now I'm only weeks away!!!!!!! What are some of the last minute things you still have to do? We finally picked out wedding bands over the weekend!!! I am still frantically trying to put together my OOT bags (i have been collecting things throughout the last 3-4 months, but it's time to get serious) Still need to get clothes for him!!! (I cannot get him to go shopping/try stuff on - he is not worried - I am.....help?!?!?!) Send out last minute trip info letters (yep I'm a little behind on this one) What else am I forgetting??
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride I think you should wait until the end of May. You will not have time one month before July to rush and worry about people. Its just not fair to you. I dont think our guest really consider that. I have one that says she is going... but my oot bags are specially made of each of my guest and well... I will be out of country (japan or US) to prepare for them. I dont want to waste my money. That's so true...I will have my goal date be end of may to send that stuff...I have the last week of May off (I'm a teacher and so that is what I will do as soon as school gets out...get that stuff taken care of. I just can't believe how fast the day is approaching!!! So exciting...(and a little bit stressful - am I remembering everything that needs to get done??)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Asteff2001 LOL - I know how that goes! Just when I feel like I'm making a dent in things, I come to BDW and get another idea - oh my! Seriously! That is the story of my wedding planning...but I love getting all of these great ideas. The programs are super cute. Nice work!
  17. So, we are expecting about 38 people so far....how long do you think I should wait for everyone to book their trips? Most people have booked already...however there are a few people (a few friends and my brother) that say they are going to come, but haven't booked yet. I want to be respectful of the fact that it isn't a cheap trip, but at the same time, I want everyone to be booked so I know for sure what my numbers are and when everyone will be there...any thoughts on this?
  18. Yikes girls - I don't know where I have been lately...because I didn't find this thread until today!!! I'm July 31st...so here goes my list: 1. Schedule fitting for dress (it almost fits perfectly...but I want it to fit perfectly perfect...) 2. Find outfit for FH, and GM (& shoes) 3. Gifts for GM and BMs 4. Gift for FH 5. Find bags for OOT and a few more items to fill them up with 6. Order fans 7. Make programs 8. Makeup trial, purchase makeup 9. Order stuff for luggage tags and pre-trip newsletter 10. Welcome letters 11. Details for sunset cruise, day trips 12. Sand ceremony? Hand ceremony? Decide which one, get supplies. 13. Get wedding bands 14. Get info on marriage license (we'll get legally married here, before the trip) oooh...now that I sit and make a list, it is LONG!!!
  19. Tami - I love that hand ceremony...I always wanted to do the sand ceremony, but after reading that, it just makes it so real and is such a great reading!!! I love it, thank for sharing!
  20. I wanted to do colored sand, but thought it might just be silly because it would be really difficult to get it home in it's original design from the ceremony...I'm considering just taking sand from the beach we are married on now...as for containers, bubble wrap and/or original packaging (depending on which containers I go with...)
  21. Girls - the fans look great! I have been wanting to do this project, and now I think I'm going to. Oriental trading co is where they are from? I think I'm going to put my program on them like I saw on here - any suggestions on making a program? How will I know what will take place at the ceremony - guess I might have to wait until I speak with WC at the resort?? Is there a "typical" wedding program anyone could show me?
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