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Everything posted by Rache1124

  1. I ended up not doing a sand ceremony (It just got cut off my to do list at the end...) HOWEVER, I did collect a bottle of sand from the beach where we were married, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that i have that. (We just put it in an empty water bottle, and then transferred it to a nice vase when we got back to home. Less to worry about - but you still have a little piece to help you remember the place you were married!!!! (Not like you'll ever forget...but...)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by amdecker Hey Rachel, Have you tried the poll page? I can't seem to get it to work correctly. I think its cute but if it doesn't show the results I guess I'll have to take it off my website. So sorry to take so long to get back on here...I haven't tried the poll page! I would think it would show the results - it not, you could frequently update the page with the results maybe?!??!?! Good luck - let me know if you get it to work! My wedding is so close that most of my guests aren't checking the web page like they used to when they were booking their trips...otherwise I would try to get the poll to work!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura rachel, they dont work the same way. you want to be able to upload high resolution shots - for this i'd recommend snapfish. your guests can upload their photos there and you can post your photos (and pro pics) too. i started a thread about the difference between snapfish & shutterfly for making photobooks and for the purpose of having guests upload photos, and i came to the conclusion that snapfish is the best option for that. let me see if i can find the thread for you. here you go: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24691 Heehee - Yep - I am clearly clueless!!!! Time to get into this stuff - the days are quickly flying by!!!!! Thanks a ton Maura! I would be lost without you
  4. This is great girls - thanks for sharing all of the info...I clearly know nothing about this stuff, but am trying to learn and I really appreciate all of the insight/advice!!! Just the kind of info I was looking for!!!!!! Thanks Maura for leading me to this thread!
  5. Maura - thanks for offering to help with photos - it is on my list of things to do, but i'm at work right now... Quick question ladies - I want to set up an online photo account for my guests to upload their photos to...which is better/easier/more user friendly - photobucket or snapfish - or do they not work the same way??
  6. I'll try again another day- sorry girls, but I just had to remove the pics. don't want to hog the space but now all of my computer patience are used up for the day... :-(
  7. Well - i did try that...must have still done something wrong/missed something. I'll try again...sorry again!
  8. Well - maybe I'll learn by the time its time to post wedding pics...so sorry for giant pictures girls.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura rach, can you resize those please? If you tell me how - I'd love too...I didn't mean for them to be soooo huge
  10. Oooh I know - they are huge - any help on resizing? New to picture posting....
  11. Oops - I'll try again with that size...SORRY!!!... here are some other examples of OOT bags - I used a variety of tropical/beach looking paper (because that is just what I had and thought it looks kinda cute and I can put more manly looking ones in guys rooms, and girlie ones in girls rooms)
  12. So, I'm just starting to finish some of these projects - seems easiest to just post on our July girls thread...I tried resizing so hopefully this is better... OOT bags - made myself - just bought plain gift bags 12 for about $4 from target (I think...) too many people, and too small of a budget to do anything else...oh well!!!!!
  13. WHOA - I'm new to posting pics...sorry soooo huge!
  14. Ok Girls - here are some of my goodies... Bridesmaids dresses: Bridesmaids Beach bags: Stuff for inside Bridesmaids beach bags: Close up of cute tank (got idea from a fellow lovely BDW lady - thanks!)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha I have text'd before, but I would check with your carrier to check rates. T-Mobile charges a higher rate, you don't get to use your texts for free even with an unlimited text plan. And, ditto to what Abbie says, just call them to set up internation or Mexico plan depending on what they have. Ooh...so true. I will call - thanks girls!
  16. Morgan - I cannot believe you are married!!!! I've watched your planning for so long! Now that you are married, means its almost time for me Congratulations on a beautiful wedding trip and I do admire your attitude about everything - I hope I am able to keep a great attitude, too (I sometimes let myself get caught up on little things)...one of our big reasons for a destination wedding was to avoid a lot of the fuss a big at home wedding can create. So fun to see/hear about your wedding - thanks for all of the things you've shared!
  17. Ooooh Abbie! I can't wait to see the pics - I can't believe it is so close!!!!!!!!! That means mine is just around the corner! Yikes!!!! Does anyone know if we can text/use our cell phones in Mexico - or if we can add something to our plans for this purpose Just a little nervous about communication with guests and dog-sitter back home.
  18. ok - duh!!!! I found the TSA thread....oops....ignore me - dumb
  19. Maura - I have that turquoise dress from target!!!! I loved it so much I also got it in black - heehee!!!! That other dress is super cute, too!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie hi girls, i made a tsa thread with info about what you can and can't pack. fyi couldnt find any cig info so call airline direct for more info on that. Ok Abbie, I'm embarrassed I can't find it, but I can't....where did you post your TSA Thread?? THANK YOU
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by cmmdee Katrina, you must reminded me I have to refill my birth control Rx! Just Martha, Victoria's Secret has their bridal line out now. I got gorgeous panties that say bride on them, and one that matches my dress with little blue bows on the back that I'm wearing on the Big Day. Hooray! OMGOSH ladies, I just had a "What the Heck?" moment.....I am getting married next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Just five more days left of work! Thank God! Victoria's Secret is also having a huge sale that just started...I found a TON of great lotions/lip gloss/etc. to fill my bridesmaids gift bags with. I was soooo excited! I also found a cute bridesmaid tank top on sale for 19.99!!! If you haven't purchased bridesmaids gifts - you should check it out! (There is a bunch of really nice stuff!!!! My favorite find was this tropical body butter - I loved it because it fit theme so well - "tropical"
  22. That sucks!!!! I hate it when people are rude! I used alltravelsizes.com, and my order came and I was really happy with it - they include a little card with travel tips/reminders, a thank you note, and a free quart size baggy for carrying liquids/gels in my carry-on AND a luggage tag (all of this was extra and free)!!!! Very happy Try them if you want to get anything else...they have lots of stuff. I ordered little bottles of Aloe vera gel for OOT bags and some mini hairspray and other random products just for me (because my reg. size hair products could pretty much fill a suitcase
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura i am leaving any minute to go meet jose to fill out our marriage application and pick up our paperwork for our officiant to sign - i am so nervous i could puke and all we're doing is picking up paperwork!!!!! if i am freaking this much today, how bad will i be freaking on the wedding day?! Maura - I am having the early stages of these exact feelings - we are going to get our marriage license tomorrow - and suddenly I can't calm down....its a combination of excitement, nerves and "holy crap - this is real" feelings!!!! And we are not going until tomorrow!!!!!!! Yikes. I'm glad to hear (despite crabby-b***y woman) that everything went well...I'm excited for you!!!! (and all of us July girls!!!!!)
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I'm telling everyone before we leave the time of the wedding other than that they are on their own lmao i've already arranged with my best mate to keep her phone on and we'll text lol i did that when i went to see dad in bali and it worked out brill. Other than that i'll be avoiding outlaws like the plague lmao Do I understand this correctly - our cell phones won't work for talking/calling in Mexico, but we will be able to send text messages?? Is this true??!!??!!
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