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Everything posted by Opice34

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Do you need help with anything? We still have plenty of time, but it seems like it's coming up so fast now. Just make it a point to get something done like everyweekend and you will feel better. Thank you! It's good because we will actually be home this weekend. Although we've both had hellacious weeks at work and are absolutely exhausted. But I do need to try to get something done this weekend...I think I must get some regular sleep before I can focus though... I even feel like I'm getting sick now... We have 8 weddings to go to this year and none of them are in the state where we live. We've already been to 3 of them, but that's 5 more weekends before my wedding where I won't be getting squat done. Oy. I need to make a project plan. I think I'll do that today.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Elisa As for my FMIL , my FI was sooooo amazing with her . I think I might have fallen in love with him that much more ( if that was possible ) LOL ! He told her straight up to knock it off ( calling of other guests ) and basically said " Listen you are my mother, of course I want you to be at my wedding , but I am not going to beg you nor try and convince you to be there , if you want to come, great , if not , no problem, no hard feelings , and I will understand ...not sure how the pictures will look for the next 50 years or what other guests will say when the Grooms only parent ( his dad is dead ) is a no show but whatever . I am getting married with or without you . Its going to be spectacular and we are all going tohave an amazing time. I hope you can be part of it but if not , ....well the party will still go on , and the celebration will still take place " Oh my gosh - that just made me tear up a bit! I'm proud of him, too! That had to be such a hard conversation to have! So, what did FMIL say? I think it's great that RIU called you. That's fantastic. Have you forwarded their message onto FMIL? Keep us posted!
  3. Yeah, it kind of stinks because it doesn't really factor in body fat either. It just goes off overall weight. So, you could be losing a ton of fat, but if you're gaining a bunch of muscle at the same time, your number could be misleading and not portray your progress accurately.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari The best part is we went jogging for a few minutes around the building and when we were done I wasn't winded. So happy! Isn't that the best feeling?!? To me, noticing improvement in my fitness level is almost better than the number on the scale going down. WAY TO GO!!!! That is awesome!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 I think I last left off on my day off on Saturday.... I'm feeling pretty driven this week...so I'm adding a few extra cardio sessions to get me over this plateau Sunday: Push weights with Andy as my "trainer." I'm still hurting....45 min cardio; abs on ball and leg lifts Monday: Pull weights; 40 min cardio; lower abs Tuesday: Went to spin class this morning at 6:00am; going back after work for push weights and 35 min more cardio; obliques Wednesday: Pull weights; 45 min cardio intervals; lower abs Thurs: AM cardio (60 min running & eliptical intervals) abs on ball & leg lifts Fri: Push weights; 55 min cardio intervals; obliques Sat: Pull weigths; 60 min cardio intervals; lower abs Sun: Push weights; 45 min cardio; abs on ball & leg lifts Mon: off (or run with my mom who will be in town) Yay...I hope I can make it! 33 more days til we leave! Okay, I have GOT to get off my ass and do something. Holy crap. Thanks for whipping me into gear!
  6. Thank you so much for posting this!! We are also looking for something spiritual, but not religious, and I loved so many elements of your script! I can't wait to put together mine! Thank you so much for the inspiration!!
  7. JESSICA! What did you end up deciding? Are you going to stay at the Hilton or pick another location?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by aeroo I just posted our ceremony script here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21660 LOVE IT!! Thank you so much!!
  9. Oh, I think I'm so behind, it's scary.
  10. CONGRATULATIONS GLENDA!!! WAY TO GO!!! Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Congrats to Glend and all the other girls that lost this week. since i gained this week, i went home with the attitude that i really need to step up my game. so i made sure i worked out last night and ate healthy. Excellent Danielle! That is fantastic! Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek thanks robin and stephanie. steph - i justify the cheating too much too. I used to justify the cheating too, but I recently gave myself a swift kick in the arse and told myself to stop. (I had an attitude adjustment similiar to Yari's.) I was on a birth control a few years ago for endometriosis that caused me to gain 30 pounds. I tried so hard to get the weight off, but my hormones were so out of whack that it was just impossible and I became completely overwhelmed, pissed off, and I quit. (that pill completely effed up my health for quite a while) Anyway, slowly but surely, I returned to normal, but continued blaming my fatness on that pill. I just kept eating and thinking "I'm fat, but it's not my fault because that stupid pill did this to me", but about a month ago I decided that saying that is like a mom with a 5-year-old kid saying she's still battling her pregnancy weight. It's been enough time. I'm not a quitter and have never quit on anything in my life, so I gave myself a stern "talking to" and realized that it was ridiculous that I've used that pill debacle to justify my fatness for so frickin long. So, I'm approaching this weight loss the same way I approached school, or work. I'm definitely one of those over-achiever people and I realized that I work so hard to achieve in every area of my life, but I've never done the same with my physical health or fitness. SO...I've just made my health/figure/self-esteem just as important as my career, and this new mindset is serving me well! (so far!) I used to have stressful days at work and then eat something very yummy, but very crappy for dinner because I thought I "earned" it. But I started realizing that I already don't sleep enough because I'm working so much, and that already affects my health and my immune system, and it didn't make sense that after a stressful, sleep-deprived workday I would "reward" my body with a big old cheeseburger and fries. After all the stress and lack of sleep, my body really needs some veggies and some vitamins. So, I've started thinking of those as a reward, and I think about nourishing myself after a stressful day because I know my body needs it. And putting grease and crap in it is just like pouring salt on the wound because I've already worn my body out! I'm still not perfect at this, and I still battle emotional eating quite vehemently, but I'm trying. And that's a start. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Quick question on the percentage of weight loss?? how does that work?? I'm just wondering for someone tall like me 5'11" and lets say I weigh 160 lbs which is good for my height but say someone 5'5" is the same weight. It will obviously be much easier for her to lose weight than me because she is more overweight. Just wondering since we didn't do BMI's or tell our heights how this works?? Amy - it all evens out okay. For example, if a 200 pound person lost 10 pounds, that would be a 5% weight loss. (10/200=.05) But if a 120 pound person lost 10 pounds, that would be an 8.3% weight loss. (10/120=.083) So a 200 pound person would have to lose 16.6 pounds to match the 10 pound weight loss of the 120 pound person at a rate of 8.3%. (x/200 = .083; x=16.6; to check --> 16.6/200=.083) Does that make sense? But no, I guess height really isn't taken into account... Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! Yeah Glenda! Congrats! I can't believe I came in 2nd. We gotta keep working it ladies! As my FH sings as I'm waking up "You've got to move it, move it!" Silly, yes. But it does get me up and going. Ha! That's precious!! Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride That is soooooo cute! I love boys when they are cute. Btw I feel really bad that I won this week b/c I totally don't deserve it. I did not go to the gym at all, I think I just lost weight b/c I have been super stressed and haven't been eating much. And that is not a good way to lose weight! I'm a big advocate of the healthy way. But I was just so sick to my stomach from worry that I literally couldn't even look at food. But I'm going to get back on track now. I had grilled chicken today with a side dish of salad. Delicious! GLENDA!! Don't sell yourself short! You definitely deserve it! I'm having a rough go of things, too, and when things are moderately crappy I have to struggle not to eat every crappy thing in sight (I said I was trying), but when things are severely crappy (as they are now), I just stop eating all together. Which is not good, I agree. It's almost like running around in the tornado of stress makes me forget about food. I haven't even talked to FI in 4 days because we're both traveling for work and in completely different time zones. I think this is the longest we've gone without talking since he was in the military and deployed. I haven't worked out at all this week and I've slept maybe 3 hours a night. So, so bad. I hope things get better for you! Worrying is not good, but I can't seem to stop either!! Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. YAY congrats glenda!!! yari's right - a loss is a loss! those of you instituting salad tuesdays - there is nothing better than a chef salad for dinner on a hot summer day. i get bagged lettuce, cukes, fresh baby corn, peppers, and some tomatoes for dh, and get 1/2 inch slabs of roast beef (for dh), turkey and cheese at the deli counter. i keep the meats/cheese on the side so i can weigh/measure it before i put it in my salad. i bought the asian spray dressing (ken's) which is really good, and it actually sticks to the lettuce. all together, it winds up being about 4-5 ww points, depending on how much turkey/cheese i put in. i also have enough salad for a few days after. Wow - I'm impressed!! I don't think I have the discipline for all of that! I swear I've eaten more salads since we've started this challenge than I have in my entire life. I'd say I have a spinach salad with tomatoes and light dressing about 4 days a week. (When things aren't "severely crappy" of course.)
  11. Holy crap, I'm so glad my mother hasn't heard about this. She's already a leary traveler and I'd never hear the end of it! Honestly, at this point, I think you'd be better off without FMIL there. I know it would feel weird for her not to be there, but if all she's going to be doing is worrying and scaring the piss out of everyone during the wedding weekend, that is not going to be fun for you. You'd probably spend more time worrying about what she's doing and saying to people than enjoying your own wedding! And does she know that the more she talks about this the more her risk increases as YOU will probably kill her if she doesn't shut the eff up! Sheesh! I love the advice your sister gave you. I need to remember that as several of "my people" can't make it either and I've been pretty down about it. (military deployments and friends who got pregnant about 9 months before my wedding date) While the whole murder thing is scary, and someone getting murdered in their hotel room at a nice hotel is a bit odd to me, I think Mexico is one of the safest places I've traveled. I've been mugged or robbed in about 7 different countries. I almost expect it now. But when in Cancun, I've seriously felt safer there than anywhere else. Like your sister said - keep your eye on the prize! I'm sorry about your FMIL, and I'm sorry she's so uncomfortable about traveling that she'd potentially miss her son's wedding. But in a way, I feel sorry for her. I have no idea what that kind of fear is like! But don't let her spoil this for you!
  12. OMG - I just wrote the longest post and I lost it. Hugs to all of you! I loved all the posts today! And thank you for the congrats! I'm down .4 today which means I'm averaging 3.7/week, so that's good... YARI! I love your new attitude and congrats on your loss! Especially with everything you're dealing with! That's fantastic! Xandra I'm so sorry about your migraines! That sounds awful! And I do think next week is YOURS too! You can do it! Let's go! Congrats to all the losers this week! Let's keep it up! Okay - that's a much shortened version of what I originally wrote! But I"m out of time!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. i'm such a bitch, this whole nuggette thing completely sidetracked me - congratulations shannon!!!! LOL - that's hilarious. And thank you!! I have a feeling this week is not going to be as succesful for me! And thanks Xandra!! You're motivating me, too!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica&Adam Ok, so I need to vent and right now this is seeming to be the best place to do it. I am SO upset right now! I was very excited because Fernanda emailed me a few minutes ago, and let me know that I could have tne venue I wanted for my reception (Mitachi) on the day I wanted! But then I read on and it says: "We will divide it so you can have the private event in one side of the restaurant and still have some space open for the individual clients." - which is completely unacceptable to me! I work in a hotel and I know that we block off our event areas for groups all the time - should a wedding be any different? NO! The reception is one of the most important parts of the night and there is no way in hell I am going to share it with random strangers! I'm kind of offended she would even suggest that for MY WEDDING RECEPTION! My original vision was to have part of the restaurant set up for the reception dinner, have the area where those couches are for a 'lounge area', the bar to obviously used for my open bar, and the elevated area up near the bar for my DJ to be set up and dancing! I just don't understand why they cannot block it off for just one night, and a Sunday night at that, for my reception! I mean I really had my heart set on it and for what I want, I really just don't know if any of the other Hilton reception sites will work. I might have to go to my number two choice now (the Westin), which I was not mentally prepared to do either. Its just like why can I not have exactly what I want for my wedding reception? And I feel like its such a huge life event that I should not have to compromise on this!!!! AHHH. Well...sorry for the rant, I am just really dissapointed right now, and I guess its back to the drawing board. Again. Anyone have any suggestions of what I should do?? Jessica - I haven't really seen any hotels that allow you to reserve the entire restaurant. Especially at the non-all-inclusive hotels that only have about 2 or 3 restaurants to begin with. I do think a reception at the Mitachi Grill would be beautiful, and I'm sorry that's not working out for you. But I hate to say, I understand why they can't let you reserve the whole thing. That restaurant really is the only nice, upscale restaurant at the Hilton. They advertise about it a lot, and I think a lot of guests would be dissappointed if it were blocked off. A lot of our guests are flying in Friday and leaving Monday and the only night they'd be able to go to Mitachi would be Sunday night, and personally, I'd be a bit upset if the restaurant was closed. And unfortunately, most of the venues for destination weddings are "semi-private" I'm afraid. I found it really difficult to find a spot that was really private and it seemed like most of the hotels suggested public areas for the reception. I think it's kind of normal down there. Anyway - I'm sorry you're bummed. I know it's not exactly what you want, but I do think you could still have a beautiful wedding at the Hilton! Everything will work out the way it's supposed to! Quote: Originally Posted by indypitty I also was having trouble with Fernanda's slow response time the past few weeks, but she has been quick to respond to me in the past couple of days. As my wedding date has gotten closer, she has been much more attentive and answered all of my questions in a timely manner. She truly has been great in getting info. to me and answering my tons of questions! I know how frustrating it can be, though. Today Fernanda sent me a lot of pictures from a wedding held at the Hilton yesterday (on the beach). I don't want to post them all here since the people who get married probably don't even know she e-mailed them to me, but if anyone wants top see some, PM me. Indy - I'd love to see them! PM on its way! Quote: Originally Posted by kelcrooks Thanks Courtney! Just sent you a PM. I have my heart set on this place and so its been frustrating to go 10 days without a response back. Plus I've asked her the same question like 3 times and she never answers it! Kel - is it maybe a language barrier? I think Fernanda's English is marvelous, but you never know what could get lost in translation. I just can't see her completely ignoring a question, ya know? Or is it maybe a question we could help you with? Maybe she has answered it for us...
  15. ANN!!! You are incredible!!! I am shocked that you are back up and at 'em so quickly! Kudos to you!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your new bundle of joy!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye Does anyone have any drink suggestions that don't involve pop or anything carbonated?? I used to drink ALOT of pop so I cut it out of my diet & it's been 10 months since I've had a sip of pop OR anything carbonated Might not sound like much, but it's a HUGE deal to me & I'm super proud of myself. I usually have a beer with the boys, but I know this isn't the best think for me to drink! Exercise has been shaky lately; not doing what I should be. I REALLY need to step-up the cardio to burn some fat!! Ideally I want to get this out of the way first thing in the morning when I wake up, before I have breaskfast! Anybody have any motivation help to get me to drag my @$$ out of bed & actually want to get out of the house?! Especially on an empty stomach? Cutting out sodas for 10 months is AWESOME!!!! That sounds like a HUGE deal to me!!!! WAY TO GO!!! I read tips about forcing yourself to do morning cardio in a magazine recently...the one that really stuck with me was... 1) keep your make-up bag at the gym so that your forced to go there before you can go to work I remember this one too.....set your workout clothes and shoes right next to your bed so all you have to do is roll out of bed and put them on...once you've got them on you'll be more inclined to get your workout in...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah She's still in labor, they're trying to hold her labor off until at least tomorrow so Nugget's lungs have a better chance of being mature... I just talked to Ann and Paul is there with her now. Yay! She's STILL in LABOR?!?! OMG!!! I feel faint. I don't know how people handle that. Poor thing. I PMEd Christine about PayPal alternatives. I've had issues with PayPal in the past and don't have an account anymore... I'm sure living out of a hotel/hospital for a couple of months is going to get costly very quickly! I'm sure they'll want to fly their parents out as well and they'll need a hotel too...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford To you... and every other bride on this forum... as a photographer I have seen many brides... and every bride is incredibly beautiful on her wedding day. No one cares what anyone else looks like or wears, they are all concentrating on you! Everyone pales in comparisson to the bride, so you have nothing to worry about Awwww....thanks Robyn! Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek i ran on my elliptical after work. and i felt good afterwards. i was proud of myself. But i'm really out of shape. Excellent! Way to go!! For the sake of being accountable, I was ridiculous today. No excercise and I ate like crud. We met friends out for Mexican food and I usually order an enchilada off the a la carte menu to keep my portions down, but tonight FI and I split fajitas. (not that an enchilada would have been any better, but at least I wouldn't overeat) Oy. It's okay to take a break every now and again and I will be back on it tomorrow!!!!
  19. LC - It seems like they were just trying to make sure she wasn't being taken advantage of. But yeah, the double standards of our society suck!! chibi - like I said before, I do think their intentions were good and that they are good friends, but I can't believe they asked you who pays for what?! WOW! I do think it's fair to tell them that those questions are inappropriate! And big kudos for FI for being incredibly understanding! I like him!
  20. All of your guests are BOOKED?!??! WOW!!!!! That is incredible!!! The only people booked for mine are me & FI, my parents, and my uncle and his family! FI's parents haven't even signed up yet! Congratulations!! That has to feel great! I still have no idea what our turnout will be!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Oh no! I'm sure everything will be fine, but I'll say a prayer for both of them anyway. At least there was someone close to she didn't have to go through this alone! I know! How horrible that she is away from home!! I'm so glad someone could be there with her!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Hi girls! I wanted to randomly babble a few thoughts: 1. As corny as it sounds I think it really helps to continually post here. Its almost like it makes you accountable and you are more likely to want to work hard if you know that you will have to come back and tell us what your eating. LOl. Sounds stupid but its true. That's why a lot of people who lose a significant amount of weight on WW are the ones who attend meetings. Totally agree. I'm glad you feel the same way. I've been feeling like I need to go to posting rehab or something, but glad I have another cohort! Quote: 2. I used to be horrible at portion control. But here is what I learned to do. Buy yourself one of those WW Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine meals. After you are done eating it, wash the plastic container that your food came in and use this plate from now on. When you make you food, keep in mind that you should not be stuffing your face with more than that plateful. Yes it seems tiny, and yes at first it is really hard. But once you get used to it (after about the second full day) you will realize that you will start to feel satisfied with much less food in your stomach. I love this tip!!! Very good idea!!! I've actually started ordering from kids menus at restaurants and it's shocking how much food they serve. It is PLENTY. My only social activities are meeting friends for dinner, so if I can't find something healthy, I at least order a kid's portion. Quote: 4. I also get dizzy and even nauseas sometimes from working out. Here is some stuff you can do. Before working out eat some peanut butter. It will give you the sugar you need and it is a great source of energy. It usually stops you from feeling dizzy. For the girls who come home from the gym and want to eat everything in their path, STOP and first drink lots of water. Your body is exhausted and dehydrated. Once you have liquid inside you eat a spoonful of peanut butter. It will balance out your insulin levels and help you stop craving sugar. If you must have a soda drink a zero calorie sprite or coke. I promise you they taste pretty much the same thing as the real ones. They also have zero carbs which is great. LOL at the thought of coming home completely dehydrated and putting a spoonful of peanut butter in my mouth. My lord, I can feel it sticking to the roof of my mouth just thinking about it! I think I'd have to drink 3 gallons of water before I could eat peanut butter. But that's a good tip. I'm not sure why I got so dizzy the other day. I still didn't even feel right the entire next day either, so I didn't work out. I'm planning on taking today off too. I have some knee problems and it's been acting up since that class, so I really think I pushed myself WAY too hard... Quote: 5. You will always lose a lot of weight in the first week. So don't feel like 7 or 8 pounds is not normal b/c everyone's body is different. Most of it is water weight. A lot of us lost a lot of weight the first week and then we staggered off to a 1.5-3 pound weight per week. Okay good. I have never in my life lost that much weight in that short of a time period and I had always heard it was unhealthy to lose that much so quickly. That combined with how cruddy I was feeling after my workouts had me a bit worried. Quote: 6. For the girls who are plateauing like me. I got an exercise program from a friend of mine (who was dating a trainer). This is a cardio program for anyone that wants to try it. You have to do cardio 6 days a week and rest one day a week. The first day you do the pre-core/elliptical/arc trainer (any of those is fine). You will do 45 minutes. You do 2 minutes going as fast as you can (at whatever speed that maybe) and then 1 minute at a regular pace but at a high intensity (meaning that its hard for you to move forward). You keep alternating for those 45 minutes (2 minutes super fast, then 1 minute at a difficult intensity and then back to 2 minutes of super fast again). The second day you do the treadmill. You should do a light job for 30 minutes. Then the third day you go back to the elliptical machine doing the same thing I mentioned before. You keep doing this so your body is constantly in shock and so that you don't injure your knees running too much on the treadmill. Once you get more advanced you can do 2 minutes of your fastest speed on the treadmill and then 1 minute at a regular speed. I started yesterday and I burned almost twice the calories that I was burning before. I warn you though, this is super tough and challenging. The trainer warned her not to do it if your just starting so I would only reccomend this if you are physically active or if you have at least got a couple of weeks under your belt. Also, instead of doing weights with rests in between you can do supersets back to back so that you are fatiguing your muscles more and it becomes almost like a cardio workout. Hope this helps! That sounds very similiar to the exercise portion of the Body for Life program! Have you tried it? It's a GREAT program - very healthy. I tried it once and found it a bit too regimented for my personality and work schedule (6 small meals a day, measured portions of carbs/protein; 6 workouts a day with intervals to increase and lower your heartrate to shock your system as you mentioned), but it really is the best program I've seen! I just can't seem to stick with it, but the fundamentals I've learned from that program will be with me forever! Thanks for posting all of this!! Here's to getting you out of your plateau soon!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Just a little side note: For those of you that may or may not know our wonderful host Ann is in the hospital in California. She was away on a business trip for work and she wasn't feeling right so she went to the hospital to get checked out. It turns out that she went into preterm labor and was admitted. Tammy (the host) is visiting her as we speak. So while we're exercising and eating healthy let's keep a prayer going for Ann & little Nugget so that everything will be okay. Let's send her those good BDW vibes we are good at sending!!! Oh my goodness!!!!! Ann - I hope everything is okay!! Big hugs!!
  24. Kel - was it you who said you were hoping for a November 14th date? The day before me? Someone said that and I can't remember who....
  25. Oh, I'm happy for you that you at least have good enough friends who would take the time to stage an "intervention" if they thought you really needed help. It really does sound like they care about you and want to make sure you're okay, and you're lucky to have friends like that. It sounds like they are incorrect about the circumstances of the situation, but their intentions are good. Just talk it out with them and make sure they understand your side of things. (or at least try) I'd hate to see a friendship wither because someone cared enough to confront you about something they thought was negative in your life. It's really important to get honest feedback from people...it keeps us on track...and we don't have to agree with it, they can be completely wrong, but everyone needs to have someone like that in their life. People who can come to you and tell you they are concerned about you are your true friends. If it were me, I'd tell her that I appreciate her concern, but that I really am fine and dandy with the situation and all is well. BTW - Kudos to you for being so supportive of your FI! That's fantastic! He's a lucky man and I'm sure he'll repay the favor some day. BTW#2 - If you're buying your girls necklaces from Tiffany's, it doesn't sound like money is an issue! Maybe the girls will chill out a bit when they realize that you're doing okay financially... Good luck!!!
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