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Everything posted by Dbell

  1. I changed my name as soon as I got married. When the children come, what will be their last names? Will you hyphenate theirs as well?
  2. 1. Introduce yourself. Deitra 2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually? working 3. Who was the last person to send you a text message? spouse 4. When did you last take a shower? this morning 5. Accomplish anything fun yesterday? no, conference calls, not at all fun! 6. What are you listening to right now? The radio is on - not paying attention 7. Do you watch MTV anymore? no 8. How do you feel about your hair? I want it to be thicker 9. What time do you wake up for work? 6:00 10. What movie is in your DVD player? No movie- Hip hop abs 11. Last two numbers of your phone number? 98 12. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Right 13. Do you like roller coasters? I used to love them; not any more! 14. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to? Working woman, anything with healthy cooking recipes 15. What month is your birthday in? June 16. How many people are under "contacts" in your cell phone? about 15 17. What do you think about gay marriage? I don't have a problem with it! 18. What do your pants look like? black 19. Who was/is your prom/homecoming date? My boyfriend at the time, Eric 20. What is the worst part of your work day? Coming in 21. Have you ever won anything in a sweepstakes? Never! 22. What's your favorite number(s)? 25 23. What are your plans for Saturday? Watch my son play football (every Saturday! Go Storm!!) 24. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cell phone? Dropped it 25. Did you ever have a fake ID? Nope 26. Are you a collector of anything? For some reason, I love wicker baskets 27. Are you doing anything now? This quiz instead of work! 28. What age did you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend? I was 13. 29. When was the last time you were up all night? I sleep very well, but I can say during childbirth 30. Do you use a fake name to wait for tables at a restaurant or to order food? No 31. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline? It’s depressing! 32. Do you sleep with a fan on? Sometimes 33. What is the best thing about winter? Watching the kids build snowmen and Christmas 34. Do you have an AIM screen name? Yes 35. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? I was out ona date with my husband/boyfriend at the time/and it was snowing and I tried to beat him to the car and slipped and fell on the ice! 36. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is... My husband 37. The closest blue thing to me is... my rolodex 38. I am ... stronger than I give myself credit 39. My best friends... lift my spirits 40. My car is... Near death, I may have to bite the bullet and buy a new one soon! 41. I hate when people.... over react 42. Love is... a blessing 43. Marriage is... forever! 44. Somewhere, someone is thinking... I wish I were on a beach sipping a margarita! 45. I'm constantly... working to improve my physical being! 46. I have a secret crush on .. Denzel Washington 47. My cell phone.. broke in half when I dropped it - need to buy another one! 48. When I woke up this morning... I wished it was time to go back to bed 49. Before I went to bed last night I... I plaed checkers with the kids 50. Right now I am thinking about.... my aunt who has cancer 51. I get on BDW to... (it said ‘Myspace’, so I changed it!) talk and vent and ask questions and get advice.... 52. Today I will... get back to work for a little while before visiting BDW again. 53. Tonight I will... give my spouse more attention 54. Tomorrow I will... request for vacation time 55. I really want... good health, longevity, peace and happiness for my children
  3. I was planning to do a site visit until I stumbled onto the forum. Most, if not all of the questions I had were addressed right here. Thanks to the wonderful ladies!
  4. Dbell


    Wonderful, great to have you join the forum, WELCOME!!!
  5. Dbell


    Welcome and congratulations on your pending nuptials!
  6. That is awesome - is there a thread where those from the same areas can get together?
  7. Hey ladies, Here is a site which I use for ordering some of the most elegant centerpieces, no mattter what time of year you have an event! Enjoy! Surroundings - Floating Candle Centerpieces and Floating Candles for Weddings, Corporate Events, Banquets and Parties.
  8. Dear Self, Get yourself together and start cooking and eating healthier meals for you and your family. We all will be healthier and live longer! Stop procrastinating, get on it today!!! Tomorrow is not promised!
  9. Carly, I feel the same as you and have tried many quick fix products, and let me tell you there are NONE!! When I got married, I was a size 10, two children and about 20 years later I'm up to a 14. Now that we're renewing our vows next year, we both made a decision to eat healthier and take a little time out of our busy work schedules and do some type of exercise. I like the hip hop abs workout because it doesn't feel like a workout but just dancin. I too hate workin out and this helps me not think about the workout but just havin fun!! Take it one day at a time and you will see soma azaming results! Good luck!
  10. WOW, thanks so much. This is excellent info to share with guests!!!::
  11. I think that is a wonderful idea, how many of those did you make and send?
  12. That's a beautiful dress and you look gorgeous in it!!! Great choice!
  13. Have a wonderful time, relax and enjoy each other. The day will go by really fast!
  14. Those were beautiful. I'm considering using those as well. Thanks for sharing!
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