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Everything posted by JulieG

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by akh ok, just got back from the store ... looks like around $25 for each of you after shipping supplies. not too bad! but ... i need a phone # for both Julie and Courtney - it's required to ship to CAN I guess. I will PM both of you as well. I just need to call them - it won't ship until I let them know the phone number. Julie, you ordered 26 total (7 DBR, 8 LPK, and 11 IV) - hope that works for you! If we want to do another order, I'm willing to do this again. Just let me know! $25 totally works for me. What company is it? I am just wondering if its an issue that no one is home at my house during the day. Can you tell them to leave it at my door step? I will wait for your message and give you my number and anything else you need. Yay, I am so excited.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh you're too sweet! and well, i'd actally take you up on the offer, but not sure the bonus pashs are really my style. thanks though! lol That is too bad, now I wish I had ordered 1 more so I could give you 1. The problem I have is I don't know if I even have enough now. 2 more people booked since I ordered. Can you tell me how many I ordered again, I can't even remember. I hope I was smart and got a few more.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 I worked out on Saturday morning, and had Sunday off, although we're putting our house on the market, so it was a lot of moving & lifting! Had yesterday off, will do Hip Hop Abs tonight! The Firm tomorrow morning and some cardio on Thursday, then it's out of town until Sunday! Julie, you're very good at this...exactly what I needed was someone to check in! You ask, I bug. lol Just kidding. That is great. Good stuff. I am meeting my trainer tonight, and again on Thursday, I think I will take tomorrow off, and then get to the gym on Sunday as I am busy the rest of the week. I think 3 times is pretty good. That is my goal for now. When I have 1 month to go, I will have to up that for sure.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Oh true. Just hungover today so the couch is ssoo appealing. I used to go to the gym 3-5x / week ... but it was emptied out and shut down one day ... and so I just never found another to go to in the past few months. But ... I've lost almost 15 pounds ... so I need to get back to it before the weight finds me again. aarrgghh!!! 15 lbs, that is awesome Tammy. Ladies, what did we do on the weekend? Did anyone work out? Sorry, it was a long weekend for me, so I forget that yesterday was Monday. So, on the weekend and last night. Tell us what you did girls. Tammy, did you join the gym?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV WOWZA! lol, that's a lot more than I was expecting too! I guess I should've looked into this before. Obviously I'm in no rush, so whatever shipping works best for Julie is fine with me. Ann, you're seriously such a saint for doing this. Thank you so much. And I honestly don't care which "bonus" pash I get. Thanks again, you're the best! :hugs: I also don't care which bonus one I get, surprise us Ann Ann, do not rush out to find out about the shipping, I have 2 months and Courtney has 9, so do not stress about it, just when you get a chance you get a chance. We really appreciate all the work. In fact, you can keep my bonus Pash, if you want it, as a thank you so much for doing this for us.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan101207 Your niece is adorable! And..the dress and the suit are too cute. We have a BCF less than 15 minutes from our house, and I've never been there! I'm definitely going to have to check it out. I've found quite a few dresses for my FG (she'll be four on Sept. 11) that now I can't decide which one we should wear! She's definitely going to steal the show! I went to several stores looking for dresses for my flower girls and they were all at least $100. These ones were $14.99 and as nice and/or nicer than the expensive ones. So, I totally say go to BCF and check it out.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I got these VERY same necklaces, but mine have a black cord (which I know isn't something Tiffany's has) ... and they too, came in the Tifany Box w/ the care card and everything. I am going to give 2 of these to BM's (b/c I am trying to personalize the gifts) but I think I will tell them they are NOT Tiffany's ... (they know I'm a huge eBay fan.) ... although since I have never gotten anything from Tiffany's, I thought maybe it was when I opened the package. Too good to be true for $4.99 each. Do yours have "T&Co. 925" engraved on the back too? They do not have T & Co on the back, just the 925. I know none of my girls would be offended if I left them in the bag and box and just said they were not really from Tiffany's and I got them on ebay. I will just have to outright say that as they open them. What does everyone think? Should I get a new box/bag?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by lavalos I LOVE your party....I want that! We're planning a 2 day party....wine tasting/spa day in Healdsburg (near Napa) and then a club night in San Francisco. I really like the pole dancing and drinking at home idea much more than a club night!! Your party sounds like a lot of fun too me. All my friends are mostly married and we went to clubs for most of them, so doing something fun at home in our PJ's sounds good to me. It will be fun though, I can't wait.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ThompsonFrump Is there a % of total budget that one should spend on BM's gifts? I have no idea. These were cheap, $10 each, and I am getting a bunch of other things as well. I bought them purses that match their dresses and beach bags to use for the week. That is all so far though.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by akh don't you fret - if i was looking at overnight prices online, then that's why they were so high. i'll find a lower one! Thanks Ann!!
  11. I ordered my shoes today from Nathanshoes.com. These are them: I tried them on in a store already, so I know I love them. The site does not tell me how long it will take to get them though, I hope it does not take too long. I will let you all know.
  12. I am going to repackage them for sure. I do not want them to think I got them at Tiffany's and be dissapointed. My FH sees nothing wrong with leaving them in the package they are in. Men do not get it. I will figure something out and maybe give them the little bag later, because its soo cute.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lizz10179 Your niece is soooo cute!!! Thank you. I happen to agree with you. lol Sorry, I had to say it, she just makes me smile all the time. She reminds me so much of her dad, and that is such a blessing, but so sad at the same time.
  14. I posted a thread awhile back asking you all to vote on the necklace I should pick for my BM's. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ce-my-bms.html Well, I got them in the mail today. I LOVE THEM!!! I ordered the one you guys told me too, I ordered 5, 1 for myself as well, and they cost $10 each. This is them They are waaaaay nicer in person and really great quality. I got them off ebay and the seller's name is *pafasus* I only have 1 complaint, they come in these cute little boxes and pouches, but those boxes and pouches say Tiffany & Co. on them. They came from Hong Kong, so I know they are not from Tiffany's. I have no idea what to do about that cause it looks so cute altogether, but I do not want my BM's to think they are actually from Tiffany's, cause they are not. So, I have to figure out what to do. Someone, I can't remember who, acutally asked if they were Tiffany knockoffs in the other post and I said no they were not. Well, they knew something I did not, cause that is apparently what they are. They are great quality and the chains are soo nice, I thought I was going to have to buy new ones, so that is great. But now I think I have to buy something to put them in. I do love them though and reccomend them. They only took about 10 days to get to me.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by akh no problem, Jill! Maria - that's good to know. I didn't spend a lot of time on that website, so I may have missed all of the details - I will definitely go to the store tomorrow. Like I said, UPS is across the street from me and the post office is like a mile away. We'll figure this out, girls! I do not mind at all if it takes a week or even a few to get to me. If it will save me a lot, then I am all for it. I think Maria is right though, when I ship anything at work, its a lot more money to ship over night than it is to receive it in a few days. I don't want to spend too much money, I would like it to be under $30 if possible. If its not possible, then I will talk to the best man and find out when he is back from India and we will ship it to him. He comes here all the time, he has an office in Toronto and one in NY. So, he can get Courtney's as well, if we go that route and I can get them to her from here somehow for a lot cheaper (I think). My next door neighbours all work for purolator, so I can have them ship it. That is of course if we can't get them directly from you for an okay price.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Julie those dresses are precious!!! How perfect that you found beautiful dresses in the color you wanted! I can't believe how soon our big days are coming. I counted today and I leave in 10 weeks, when I first joined the forum I had about a year to go and it seemed so far away! I know Jill, our dates are so close together that I have always looked to see what you have done to see where I should be. lol I can't believe its coming so soon, it seems like forever ago that I joined this site.
  17. Wow, I was not expecting it to be that much. I get things from the states all the time shipped to me and its not that much. Huh, I wonder why so much. Do you have a purlator? They usually do an over night for pretty cheap and the weight does not matter much. I don't know what to say, that is really pricey. That makes it more than double the original price no? Maria, I live a 3 hour drive from NY state. We were there on the weekend, got back last night, so its not really close. Our bestman does live in Brooklyn, that might be the best bet if we can't make this a little cheaper. I know he is in India right now though. I will see what I can find on line. What about just regular US mail? Any idea how much that is? If you don't rush it?
  18. My bachelorette is going to be on October 13th. Its a pj sleep over party. I do not know all the details, but I know that we are all going to my sisters house, and having 3 ladies over to do spa services, facials and mani's and pedi's. Then the ladies who teach pole dancing in this city are bringing poles to my sisters house and teaching us each how to pole dance. All the while we will be in our pj's and drinking cool drinks we all make (my sister is telling everyone that comes what 1 ingredient they need to bring to make a bunch of fun drinks). We are going to all sleep over at my sister's. That is it. I did not want to go to the bars either, but I wanted something fun. I can't wait.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Julie the outfits are so adorable...you are getting so close to your big day....and your niece is so cute! Don't worry by the end of the day they will ruin their clothes, my family all brought a change of clothes for the little flower girls and ring bearer because they were all over the place, my 4 year old cousin ripped the knee of his rented tux, but they were so cute dancing the night away his mom said it was worth it. I totally know they are going to ruin them, that is why I am happy they cost so little. I just don't want them ruined before the day. lol I am getting close, its pretty scary.
  20. Here is a pic of my niece in the dress. It was a hard picture to get cause she kept spinning and saying princess dress. I had to get it off quick cause she got cookie on it. Its not the best picture, but you get the idea.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by NurseSarah I love all the little outfits! BCF has such great little kids' formal wear! I was a little upset because they no longer had the dress I fell in love with the first time I went there for my flower girls. But, we went to another BCF and found these ones and I was so happy. I can't wait to see them on them. Maybe I can try the one on my niece later. I will see. I am scared of her getting it dirty.
  22. Hey guys, so I went to the states last weekend and got quite a bit of stuff. I love love love Burlington Coat Factory. I have been there a few times, but this time I got so much stuff. I got all 3 flower girl dresses, a suit, shirt and tie for my ring bearer and shoes for 1 flower girl all for $95. Here they are: This is the dress, they all have the same one These are the shoes I got for my baby flower girl This is the suit I got for my ring bearer And this is a close up of his shirt and tie, the shirt matches the flower girls and the BM's dresses My flower girls will be 5 months, 12 months and 2 and my ring bearer will be 2. I also got these bags for my BM's. I got a lot more things, but this is all I have time to post right now. Stay tuned.
  23. I love it. Sadly, my resort has only 1 that they use, so I use it or dont, those are pretty much my only options.
  24. Okay, I just saw this now, I went away for the weekend, and I am heading out now, so I can not read what everyone else wrote, but I wanted to post that these are amazing pictures. Tammy, you look amazing and you two look so happy and in love. I love them. Great job Juan.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by TOESNTHESND Thanks for the site. I was thinking maybe these for the AHR invites. I wanted something that is plain and not too pricey. Item # CC-AF5181-96 - Invitations and Announcements by Invitation Consultants. with fuchsia writing, what do you guys think? I love them, I think they will look great with fuschia writing. I love this site, I wish I had known it existed earlier. Those are great prices.
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