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Moon Palace 2008 & 2009 Brides - POST HERE!

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Hi everyone!


Just thought I'd send a quick hello! I haven't been on here as much. End of the school year is always a busy time for me!


Good news! The FI has ordered his suit for the wedding! One more thing off the list! I think we have finally come to a final number which means we are a good to go for dinner. We are at 17, leaving us with only Barracuda (outdoors) for dinner since we are only doing the included dinner. I'm hoping this is a nice restaurant that has a selection to please everyone.


I am not doing decorations for the same reasons you all have mentioned! 1. No space in suitcases! 2. Hoping for natural scenery to help us out in this area!


One thing I do have to decide on/organize is the sand ceremony. My plan is to have guests place a shell into a hurricane vase as they enter the gazebo. Then during the ceremony we will add our shells right before pouring sand over them. I really want to use the sand right from the MP beach, but have read mixed reviews about taking the sand back into the states... I really would like to use natural sand instead of the colored though... Thoughts?


My last day for the school year is Friday so I'm hoping to do some serious finalizing of things next week between training sessions. If I don't get to it, I'm trying not to stress over it. Easier said than done though!

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Originally Posted by momslehcar View Post
The witnesses need to be there two days before the ceremony.
The taxi from the airport is five dollars per person, very easy.
Taxis from the airport were much more expensive for our guests. The average ride costs about $50.

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Originally Posted by drtracy View Post
Just FYI ~ I checked the weather constantly before leaving. I was so depressed b/c it said thunderstorms every day! It rained once, for 15 minutes the whole time we were there. Whew! Try not to put too much stock into the weather reports. :)
Agreed. Weather.com said it was going to rain and be cloudy our week there and there wasn't a cloud in the sky and never once rained. All will be fine, the weather is absolutely beautiful there.
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Originally Posted by lizlett3 View Post
Is anyone hiring a decorating company for center pieces if you are not traveling with them? I have seen a few brides post that have used an outside company. I just wonder if you dont have a company decorate what the resort has as far as candles. I am a total candle person and cant imaging not having them on all the tables. I also cant see traveling with them.
lizlett3 - Below are a couple pictures of the candle decorations that were on each of our tables (we had a private reception).

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Did any of the guests feel like you were asking too much. I am hesitant to have a shower though we could really use some housewear things badly.
We did not ask for a shower, however my husband's mother (and friends) threw one for us. It turned out to not be as uncomfortable as I thought it was going to be (I too was worried that it would be asking too much). None of the guests who were at the shower came to the wedding. They honestly just wanted to do something nice for us and they did that in throwing the shower.
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Originally Posted by nibsmom View Post
I know that the rose petals are 40 dollars a bag - does anyone know how big the bag is? Has anyone traveled with freeze dried rose petals? Are they a problem at customs??
nibsmom - I saw the bags as I was getting on the horse carriage, so my memory may be a little foggy but I want to say that they were about 8" x 8". We got two bags and it was more than enough for our 23 guests to throw up in the air 3 times as the photographer took pictures. Below is a picture of the basket that they put the petals in. Not sure if this basket is all of the petals or if they just filled the basket with what would fit. The basket was about 4 inches deep and about 8x8 as well.

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Originally Posted by nibsmom View Post
I was going to ask about votive candles...I'll let you know!

I didn't want to have a shower because I felt like it was asking too much, but Matt's family threw me one....LOL...I didn't have a choice! I think people really liked it, and it gave people who weren't coming to MP a chance to do something nice.
So if they threw you a shower does that mean you registered? I guess that is where I am at right now. My family plus his have both mentioned throwing a shower yet I feel uncomftorable registering. So did you get around registering somehow?
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I am having a total freak out day! I am A.) nervous that I will not like the moon palace because I stupidly starting reading other threads with all the other wonderful hotels and B.) that the rates are too high for my guests. C.) I dont want to feel like a generic bride. I think I better just stick with reading about the Moon Palace so I dont second guess. We just turned in our contract this week so maybe I am just having some nerves.

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FYI ~ My aunt collected a bunch of sand from MP to take home for a planter. She had no problems taking it through customs.



Originally Posted by lizlett3 View Post
I am having a total freak out day! I am A.) nervous that I will not like the moon palace because I stupidly starting reading other threads with all the other wonderful hotels and B.) that the rates are too high for my guests. C.) I dont want to feel like a generic bride. I think I better just stick with reading about the Moon Palace so I dont second guess. We just turned in our contract this week so maybe I am just having some nerves.
So sorry that you are freaking out. There are several awesome locations and hotels for weddings. MP is definitely one of them and you will have wonderful day. Another BDW bride taught me about inspiration boards, if you need to print and cut out pictures of MP from here or other sites. Put them on a nice board so that you can be continually reminded of what a beautiful place it is and how wonderful your wedding will be. The rates are a bit higher then some other places, but those places aren't necessarily for 5-star hotels with the same amenities. It is totally worth it! I don't think there is such a thing as a generic bride!



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