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Making Bouquets?

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I made my bridesmaids!! Fake flowers from Hobby Lobby. I transported them from Texas to Mexico no problem and nobody could tell the were fake!



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Has anyone made their own bouquets? The quotes I am getting are crazy expensive - I'm tossing around the idea of getting flowers from a market or Costco when I'm on Mexico and making them. Anyone else?



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What kind of flowers do you want in your bouquet?

I'm not sure about the Costco in Mexico, but I know for a fact that here in Montreal, the quality of the flowers is not always good. My sister has on several occasions made bouquets, and a few times when she ordered them from Costco, half of them were not usable.... just something to think of. 


But you are there for a few days before, so you could always check out local flower shops and then assemble them yourself. Practice first!

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I made my bridesmaid bouquets, and a local florist is arranging my bridal bouquet for $15 with the flowers I bought (real touch orchids/etc so NOT cheap but DEFINITELY cheaper than the $40 per orchid price quoted to me!)


I listed my how-to in my planning thread, but here are some pictures - they ended up being less than $10 each, and that was with adding a $1.50 plus tax margarita charm:


Bridesmaid Bouquets up close

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