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A little thing I like to call "Operation Wedding Dress" (aka, my dress is too small... but it won't be soon!)

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post


I wish we had hiking trails here in Winnipeg. Have to go out to the lake for that and its 2.5 hours away :( Damn Flat prairies

Boooo!! We're going to go to NH for a big hiking trip memorial day weekend....can't wait

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Boooo!! We're going to go to NH for a big hiking trip memorial day weekend....can't wait
That's so awesome enjoy some for me! Ill b fishing and rollerblading ;)
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Boooo!! We're going to go to NH for a big hiking trip memorial day weekend....can't wait
That's so awesome enjoy some for me! Ill b fishing and rollerblading ;)
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Boooo!! We're going to go to NH for a big hiking trip memorial day weekend....can't wait
That's so awesome enjoy some for me! Ill b fishing and rollerblading ;)
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Hey ladies!  So how is it going???  You might have noticed I didn't track on myfitnesspal yesterday... I cheated real bad at lunch time haha.  I decided it was a freebie day because I weighed in for my work weightloss challenge and I lost when I thought I had gained!  But then I felt guilty so I had a very light dinner.  And YAY! I'm back to where I was and down another .6, cinco de mayo damage is UNDONE!


12 days until I try on my dress again, which is the real test! 


I have a feeling I might have to start kicking things up a notch... I'm going hiking again this weekend, might have to find some time for some more serious cardio too.  Yesterday I went to the driving range... which isn't really all that much of a workout.... my forearms are sore, but um... they're not exactly my problem area.

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I am doing ok so far this week. Im staying within my points and doing my workouts each day. Starting soccer Sunday, so that will get some more cardio in. But i keep losing and gaining the same few lbs. I know that I am "toning" but its just frustrating not seeing the scale go down. Also with weight watches I have to weigh in once a month to keep my lifetime membership. I am under my goal weight, but above my last weigh in, and I hate seeing a "gain" in my book. ITs a mental thing I know. But it just makes me mad. My last weigh in was 164 and right now im around 168 So 4lbs above that. I want to be at 160 before vegas which is June 13, and By wedding Id like to be 150 ish


This week coming up I am gonna cut all carbs and sugar out and see what happens so that I can go weigh in at weight watches next saturday. (or friday depending on my weight that morning lol)


Im waiting for shapes to have a special with no enrollment fee so i can buy a pass for 3 months and not have to pay their stupid 60 dollars to enroll fee. And then i might get a trainer. I dunno what IM doing wrong when im following my points and working out !!:(

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Originally Posted by hezmshaw View Post


Hey ladies!  So how is it going???  You might have noticed I didn't track on myfitnesspal yesterday... I cheated real bad at lunch time haha.  I decided it was a freebie day because I weighed in for my work weightloss challenge and I lost when I thought I had gained!  But then I felt guilty so I had a very light dinner.  And YAY! I'm back to where I was and down another .6, cinco de mayo damage is UNDONE!


12 days until I try on my dress again, which is the real test! 


I have a feeling I might have to start kicking things up a notch... I'm going hiking again this weekend, might have to find some time for some more serious cardio too.  Yesterday I went to the driving range... which isn't really all that much of a workout.... my forearms are sore, but um... they're not exactly my problem area.

I love the driving range!!! As well as the shooting range (FI is a police office lol). You can totally do it girl :)

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post


I am doing ok so far this week. Im staying within my points and doing my workouts each day. Starting soccer Sunday, so that will get some more cardio in. But i keep losing and gaining the same few lbs. I know that I am "toning" but its just frustrating not seeing the scale go down. Also with weight watches I have to weigh in once a month to keep my lifetime membership. I am under my goal weight, but above my last weigh in, and I hate seeing a "gain" in my book. ITs a mental thing I know. But it just makes me mad. My last weigh in was 164 and right now im around 168 So 4lbs above that. I want to be at 160 before vegas which is June 13, and By wedding Id like to be 150 ish


This week coming up I am gonna cut all carbs and sugar out and see what happens so that I can go weigh in at weight watches next saturday. (or friday depending on my weight that morning lol)


Im waiting for shapes to have a special with no enrollment fee so i can buy a pass for 3 months and not have to pay their stupid 60 dollars to enroll fee. And then i might get a trainer. I dunno what IM doing wrong when im following my points and working out !!:(

I have the same problem and my doctor said it's because your body literally fights you on the last 10-15lbs. So he said it's going to take longer when you get to a certain point. I try not to even step on the scale but it does drive me nuts.....ugh

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


I have the same problem and my doctor said it's because your body literally fights you on the last 10-15lbs. So he said it's going to take longer when you get to a certain point. I try not to even step on the scale but it does drive me nuts.....ugh

Well My body can stop fighting me anytime! lol. Honestly. id be fine at the weight I am. If i was more tone and my little "stomach" was gone but as a girl ill never be happy even if my stomach was gone. then it will be my legs then my calves lol.


Maybe I am not ment to be 150 lol But i will fight to try and get there haha

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