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Memorial candles?

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Make sure you have a hurricane vase or something like that to light the candle in. It would be awful if the memorial candle blew out!
Good idea...thanks!
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Originally Posted by JenandBrendan View Post
The reason I ask is because I saw something once on "Whose Wedding is it Anyway" that I thought was really cool.

When your FI steps infront of the altar, he can walk up to the chair that his dad would have been sitting in, and he can place a single rose on it. And then when you walk down the aisle, you too can place a single rose on the seat your dad would have sat in. This gives me chills everytime I tell someone about it. It's such a meaningful gesture and everyone will see it.
Oh jeez, if I did that I'd start bawling. And I know my family would be bawling too. It'd turn into a crying fest! lol
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We didn't do the candle because we didn't want it to blow out. What we did is we set 3 chairs to the side, one for my dad, one for my godfather, and one for Everton's younger sister, and we placed a single white rose on each chair. During the beginning of the ceremony we asked that our loved one's, who we loved and missed, to be remembered we then had our siblings each say a verse of a Irish blessing. It was sweet, simple and didn't overshadow the happiness of our wedding. I had the flowers placed on the chairs before the ceremony by our mothers and my Aunt. I didn't want anything to take me away from my focus on Everton when I came down the isle.

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I like the idea of having the chairs set aside and having a single flower on it. I would like to do something for my Mom who recently passed. However, it's such a fresh wound for everyone including myself that I'm afraid I'll be way too emotional if we do something like this. I'll already be emotional because it is my wedding day, but adding this may be too much for me to handle. Any thoughts?

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Originally Posted by chicago88 View Post
I like the idea of having the chairs set aside and having a single flower on it. I would like to do something for my Mom who recently passed. However, it's such a fresh wound for everyone including myself that I'm afraid I'll be way too emotional if we do something like this. I'll already be emotional because it is my wedding day, but adding this may be too much for me to handle. Any thoughts?
My dad passed away less than a year ago, so I'm in the same situation, it's still very fresh in everyones' minds. I really want to do something in honor of him. I have small frames with his picture that I am attaching to my and my sisters bouquets. I may also do this candle and the rose. I'm sure it will be very emotional no matter what, but I'm also debating how much I should focus on him. I don't want to get myself and everyone else too upset either. Maybe just pick one thing to remember her. Keep it personal if you don't want to get others upset. How about putting a picture of her in a frame on your bouquet or wearing a piece of her jewelry?
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I am crying just thinking about it. I am a crying mess half the time and anything that makes anyone else cry makes me cry! I think it is a sweet idea, but seeing the chairs were my grandparents should have been (and I am sure the same for Matt), might be really hard to enjoy it. I am not sure how I would like to honor them. While I do like the idea, I am afraid that I couldn't handle it.

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I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad Lizz.


The picture frame is a good idea but if I have to look at it - I don't think I could handle it. I may just have someone put a rose on a chair prior to the ceremony. I'm not sure if I'll have the minister say anything or not? I do have a memory candle that I received after her wake which has her picture on it but again, I don't think I want that. Thanks for the tips.

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