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Hair flowers

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That is a beautiful match!  I decided that I wanted a veil (did not think I wanted one until I tried on one!) but a flower comes with my package.  I would like to include a flower with the veil.  Any ideas on how to pull off this look???

Originally Posted by J-me View Post

Sooo excited - I've been searching for the perfect hair piece (not too big, not too small, with right amount of bling)  to match my dress. I finally found it!! I got it at the bridal salon when I picked up my dress & it was a bit more than I'd wanted to spend ($130), but I hadn't found any others I loved...here's the flower against my dress:

Hair piece2.jpg





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Hmm....not sure, I would just Google image wedding/veil/hairstyles to get ideas. You could also look through bridal mags to bring a pic for when you get your hair done. I love the look of a veil but it's pretty windy in the RM and I didn't want to be swatting it out of my face the whole ceremony :) I'm sure it'll look beautiful however you decide to wear it!


Originally Posted by Brenners View Post

That is a beautiful match!  I decided that I wanted a veil (did not think I wanted one until I tried on one!) but a flower comes with my package.  I would like to include a flower with the veil.  Any ideas on how to pull off this look???



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I was wondering this too. I am probably going with a large, bright, tropical bouquet (included in package) and love the look of the white flowers.... but am not sure. Would it look weird to be all white with just a bright bouquet? Since I am DIYing my hair flower, another option is to have a white flower with a splash of colour in the centre... would that be weird?

Originally Posted by JayKay View Post

I think I am just going to go with a white one.  I did comtemplate going with a colored one but I think white would look more classic. And like you I want a colorful bright bouquet so it might be to much.



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I have been contemplating that as well, however, I ran across a pic of a recent DW bride who had a brightly colored bouquet and she had small white flowers in her hair.  I thought it looked lovely so that is what I am doing.

Originally Posted by Peach View Post

I was wondering this too. I am probably going with a large, bright, tropical bouquet (included in package) and love the look of the white flowers.... but am not sure. Would it look weird to be all white with just a bright bouquet? Since I am DIYing my hair flower, another option is to have a white flower with a splash of colour in the centre... would that be weird?



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Hmmm.... that is another idea. I have pretty short hair (it will be shoulder length by then) and it is very fine. I wonder if that would be too much.... hmmm.....

Originally Posted by Brenners View Post

I have been contemplating that as well, however, I ran across a pic of a recent DW bride who had a brightly colored bouquet and she had small white flowers in her hair.  I thought it looked lovely so that is what I am doing.



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It's so so so beautiful!!! I didn't know this designer from Australia (http://kristibonnici.com.au), thanks for sharing. I wish they weren't so expensive. I wasn't sure if I should be wearing a flower (debating between real ones or not) but now I am totally convinced after reading all those threads. Maybe I'll try Etsy for something more affordable.  

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This is gorgeous!!  I don't want a flower but I want a blinged out clip.  Love the way yours looks.

Originally Posted by J-me View Post

Sooo excited - I've been searching for the perfect hair piece (not too big, not too small, with right amount of bling) to match my dress. I finally found it!! I got it at the bridal salon when I picked up my dress & it was a bit more than I'd wanted to spend ($130), but I hadn't found any others I loved...here's the flower against my dress:

Hair piece2.jpg





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