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When did you know he was the one?

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We had gone camping (we live in alberta) to a no service site(no showers or flushing toilets) so on saturday night we are sitting by the fire reading our books and he turns to me and says "you smell nice" I thought I would die from laughing we are in the mountains all smelling from not showering in two days and i smell nice? thats when I knew he was the one for me

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awww, all of your stories are soo sweet. Mine was a little different, I knew he was the one when I came across all my old boyfriend pictures, and I just threw them away, without a second thought, then it hit me...OMG, he's the one!

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When I first saw my FI at work (the new male resident on the floor) we work with ALL women and they were all talking about him before he started. I was like come on, no big deal! LOL! Then I talked to him for 5 minutes and fell in love. Of course, I was just being ridiculous, because I think he is super hot! wink.gif

We were offically in love about 6 weeks later, and that's when I knew he would be my husband someday. ( I even told my MOH- watch we are going to get married). 2 1/2 years later a Wa La!

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When I was in Japan I had my palm read. She told me I would meet the love of my life when I was 27. I met my DH at a friend's b-day party but because he lived in AZ and I lived in CA it took him two years to ask me out. On our first date, we were already so in love. We were talking about how long it had taken him to ask me out, and then it struck me - it had been one month before my 28th B-day. That's it. I was done.

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Your stories are all so sweet!

My FI was a regular client at the hair salon that I work in and we knew mutual friends. I'm the jokster with the twisted type of humor that is very blunt at work and so is he. Only thing is he comes across as being very cocky, but he's not.

Anyways, I had ...don't laugh.... a pair of tickets to see Bon Jovi last year in Boston, Mass and the friend that was suposed to go backed out, etc. I had no one to go with. Jessie overheard and suggested that he invite himself and I kept saying... oh, well so and so may go, I'll let you know. I ended up calling him at the last minute(the day of) to go and he was the last person to ask. We went and I thought it would be awekward in the car for so long, but it wasn't. The show and Boston in general was great. While walking in the street of Boston he quietly went for it: held my hand. It felt so natural and from that day...exactly 1 year from today.... we have never been apart at all. Not one night. Actualy, I have to get off this computer soon because we're going back to Boston tonight for a dinner cruise on the harbor and the Tall Ships are there to see for our 1 year aniversary. In just a few weeks we will be married in Jamaica. I can't wait.

As he said, I'm a girl version of him (but more girl "evil"lol than him) and I guess that's what he was looking for: to date himself! lol

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Originally Posted by jennie View Post
Your stories are all so sweet!
My FI was a regular client at the hair salon that I work in and we knew mutual friends. I'm the jokster with the twisted type of humor that is very blunt at work and so is he. Only thing is he comes across as being very cocky, but he's not.
Anyways, I had ...don't laugh.... a pair of tickets to see Bon Jovi last year in Boston, Mass and the friend that was suposed to go backed out, etc. I had no one to go with. Jessie overheard and suggested that he invite himself and I kept saying... oh, well so and so may go, I'll let you know. I ended up calling him at the last minute(the day of) to go and he was the last person to ask. We went and I thought it would be awekward in the car for so long, but it wasn't. The show and Boston in general was great. While walking in the street of Boston he quietly went for it: held my hand. It felt so natural and from that day...exactly 1 year from today.... we have never been apart at all. Not one night. Actualy, I have to get off this computer soon because we're going back to Boston tonight for a dinner cruise on the harbor and the Tall Ships are there to see for our 1 year aniversary. In just a few weeks we will be married in Jamaica. I can't wait.
As he said, I'm a girl version of him (but more girl "evil"lol than him) and I guess that's what he was looking for: to date himself! lol
Nice LOL. My man can be a totally chic so I joke Im the man in the relationship and he's my chic :)
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Fi and I dated for 2 years, on and off, before getting serious. I had been with someone else for 2 years when we met, and it took me another 2 years to completely break things off with the ex. Because of the ex, we had many, MANY arguments and stopped talking several times. In September 2007, we stopped talking and vowed never to see or hear from each other again. My 2 best girlfriends and I have exchanged Christmas gifts every year since elementary school, and had planned to do our exchange that year on New Year's Eve, at D's house before going out for the night. D and Fi's best friend were roommates at the time. S got to D's house before me, and text, "R is here. Wanna meet somewhere else?" I said no, it's ok...I just won't talk to him. I showed up at the house, and all of the feelings for Fi that I never wanted to have came right back. He told me later that he felt the same way. We didn't talk at first, but before we went out that night (Fi and his best friend didn't come out with us), we were talking again like nothing had ever happened. I knew at that moment that he was the one. We figured God must have intervened and brought us together again because it's meant to be. I've never had such a deep emotional connection with anyone. I ditched the ex for the last time, and we got together officially a month later.

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I love these stories! Scubadiva- yours made me laugh! i could just picture it- so funny!


Know in that movie The Wedding Singer- when Robbie is talking about the "little things"? Chad has a lot of little things like that- taking out the trash for me, brining in my groceries, kissing me on the forehead, rubbing my back or nose (weird, but it's calming lol) til I fall asleep, buying me something to show he's thinking about me. Just being considerate and caring and loving and understanding and sweet and everything I always wanted in a man and was sure did not exist in one human being.

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I know my man was the one when.....

It was our 1st offical Thanksgiving together and he was at his family house in VA, I was with my fam in NC. My mother and I always look at the sales paper to scout out our course of shopping for Black Friday. I saw this ring that I wanted it, I sent my boyfriend (at the time) a pic text of the ring and where it was and what time the sale was and boy was it on sale. My FI is a barber and Friday and Saturdays are his busies dasys, so he called me to say "babe i'm sorry got busy at work and I missed the sale on the ring, and I just could not afford it" I was sad, but I did not let him know it-- I just said it's ok. Fast Foward a month later we were at dinner with some friends and he gave me the ring----:) at that point I knew he was the one!!!!!!

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Great stories ladies...keep them coming!


My FI and I dated in high school 28 years ago...parted ways and started separate lives, got married and had kids.


I knew he was the one when we re-connected at a local bar (girls night out for me and he was there with some baseball friends) - both now separated from our spouses. The next night we went for drinks and talked for hours on end. And the rest they say is history...My girlfriend jokes that while I knew he was the one all along, it took my FI 28 years to figure it out!


He was worth the wait and we keep saying that we had to be apart in order to come back together again as the people we are today for our second chance at love.

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