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Diva Cup / Instead Cup - tampon / pad alternative


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My sister and I bought the Diva Cup like last year sometime. I tried it and it was too weird for me, but Jill has been using it ever since. So I decided to try it again this period. I didn't trust myself to commit to it while at work, so I am using it just while I am at home. Does anyone else use this? I found that when I used it yesterday, it was much easier to get in and out then previously and it didn't leak at all. It was just weird. I could feel it, especially when moving down to sit on the couch, or when I moved to get up. Other then that, I couldn't really tell. But the way I could feel it when moving up or down was very uncomfortable. Like I don't know if I could wear it all day at work and feel that everytime I sat or stood. And I don't think it was in wrong, cuz I wasn't leaking and it caught everything. Then in the middle of the night, I went to the bathroom and switched to a tampon, cuz I could feel it when I would move around. If you've used it, is this something the body will become accustomed too?


If you don't know what it is, check out the website - Diva Cup

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Hmmmm, it's pretty small. Less then 2"? I am really bad at guessing sizes, but I can measure it when I get home tonight. It is weird, but what the hell, penises go in there, so this teeny cup shouldn't be too bad!


I am just wondering if I have to use it longer to get used to it, or if it will always be umcomfortable.

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Hmmmm, it's pretty small. Less then 2"? I am really bad at guessing sizes, but I can measure it when I get home tonight. It is weird, but what the hell, penises go in there, so this teeny cup shouldn't be too bad!


LOL!!! Sorry, I had to laugh but it's true. Can't be that bad.

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