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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Hey girls,


I'm a little upset this morning.  Put in for my group contract and it's $100 more per person for the week long rate.  :(  I don't understand how a TA with no discounts (someone in the party was checking rates) can get a rate only $50 more when Azul is supposedly giving us 20% off our rooms (through DW.com). 


Hmm.... Should I fight to try and get the rate I was told or just let people decide to go a night less if they need to? 


And, I'm not sure if anyone else had problems last night but I tried to post and it told me I didn't have permission to post here.  :(

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We got legally married three days before the Mexican wedding.  I had no interest in doing the blood test in Mexico and didn't want to have to wait to have everything translated.  And if we got legally married in Mexico we would've had to get there two days before we did which would've cost like another $1000 for 2 nights at the resort.  I really didn't expect anything special other than signing of papers but it was kind of emotional, however, it didnt take away from the day in Mexico.  I think if it's easier to do it here you probably should.


Here's a pic from our legal ceremony.  The decorations in the room are awful.  LOL



Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post

" class="bbcode_smiley" height="1" src="smileys/4" title="4" width="1" />

I"m still trying to decide whether or not to get married before we get to Mexico... I'm not sure I want to do the blood test and everything once we're there. Any advice?  Are you glad you got legally married before?  Not sure what to do sad.gif



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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post






Love! So cute, flirty and 50's inspired. :)





Awww, I know how that feels girl. Can it be replicated for you by a seamstress? I actualy found a dress that wasn't available except in Chicago and it would be hundreds to ship it out just to try it on and contacted someone about making the dress for me and it was far cheaper.





I talked to a shop that's a little over an hour from me..nicest, most helpful woman I have talked to...she said it's a brand new dress...so a lot of shops won't have it...she is willing to order it in October when she places her new orders...but she went through a bunch of styles she DOES have in her shop...I am definitely doing to go there and look...you could tell she really enjoyed what she did, as opposed to the people you call and all you get is "Sorry...don't carry it" CLICK



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Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post



I"m still trying to decide whether or not to get married before we get to Mexico... I'm not sure I want to do the blood test and everything once we're there. Any advice?  Are you glad you got legally married before?  Not sure what to do sad.gif




I think it's a matter of preference. We are going to get closer to the date of Mexico and see if we have time to do it before or after. I look at it as, we are getting married infront of our family and friends in Mexico so that is without a doubt "my wedding". The Legal ceremoney really if you think about it nothing but a paper for the government.



Originally Posted by daniepps View Post


We got legally married three days before the Mexican wedding.  I had no interest in doing the blood test in Mexico and didn't want to have to wait to have everything translated.  And if we got legally married in Mexico we would've had to get there two days before we did which would've cost like another $1000 for 2 nights at the resort.  I really didn't expect anything special other than signing of papers but it was kind of emotional, however, it didnt take away from the day in Mexico.  I think if it's easier to do it here you probably should.


Here's a pic from our legal ceremony.  The decorations in the room are awful.  LOL







LOL you guys look cute :)

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Hi girls!!  So i definitely do more asking then giving input, but totally appreciate all the great ideas and information everyone has!! 


We are definitely still trying to decide on legal vs symbolic ceremony too.  We are leaning more and more towards having legal ceremony here.  More because my FI is Canadian and the whole visa thing too, but it also just seems easier!!


Those of you who are Canadian, what are the big travel companies to use for all inclusive travel (similar to funjet, etc)??  We have a ton of people coming from Canada and although we have a TA set up for them to use, I always like to do some searching on my own!!


Lastly, we have been thinking about having an ongoing theme for our wedding, but are having a difficult time coming up with ideas.  We want things pretty formal and colors we are leaning towards are ivory, gold, and touches of raspberry/magenta.  I have seen how some people have had birds, seashells, starfish, etc and am interested in something like that, but maybe different.  We have considered orchids, but i have a feeling that is going to get very spendy very quick!!  Any ideas??  I know my question is very vague.....  Here are some inspiration boards below.  Leaning towards less raspberry.magenta than seen here, but you get the idea!!  Thanks!!






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Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Hey girls,


I'm a little upset this morning.  Put in for my group contract and it's $100 more per person for the week long rate.  :(  I don't understand how a TA with no discounts (someone in the party was checking rates) can get a rate only $50 more when Azul is supposedly giving us 20% off our rooms (through DW.com). 


Hmm.... Should I fight to try and get the rate I was told or just let people decide to go a night less if they need to? 


And, I'm not sure if anyone else had problems last night but I tried to post and it told me I didn't have permission to post here.  :(

Have you tried a general search online for how much the room rate is? Then if the price is cheaper than what your TA is offering, I would directly tell them a published rate is cheaper and they have to improve their price. Good luck.


Originally Posted by amcferron View Post


We are definitely still trying to decide on legal vs symbolic ceremony too.  We are leaning more and more towards having legal ceremony here.  More because my FI is Canadian and the whole visa thing too, but it also just seems easier!!


Those of you who are Canadian, what are the big travel companies to use for all inclusive travel (similar to funjet, etc)??  We have a ton of people coming from Canada and although we have a TA set up for them to use, I always like to do some searching on my own!!


Lastly, we have been thinking about having an ongoing theme for our wedding, but are having a difficult time coming up with ideas.  We want things pretty formal and colors we are leaning towards are ivory, gold, and touches of raspberry/magenta.  I have seen how some people have had birds, seashells, starfish, etc and am interested in something like that, but maybe different.  We have considered orchids, but i have a feeling that is going to get very spendy very quick!!  Any ideas??  I know my question is very vague.....  Here are some inspiration boards below.  Leaning towards less raspberry.magenta than seen here, but you get the idea!!  Thanks!!

I don't know that I can offer much inspriation for your decor...I am not very creative. :(


But for travel companies...online (just to make it easier for you) try:





nolitours.com (french, but english button top right)



Hope that helps :)


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Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post


Wow ladies, I've missed so much!  My son's first birthday was this weekend, and it has kept me sooo busy... I"ll do my best to catch up!



Awww how cute!! Happy Birthday to your little man :)





I"m still trying to decide whether or not to get married before we get to Mexico... I'm not sure I want to do the blood test and everything once we're there. Any advice?  Are you glad you got legally married before?  Not sure what to do sad.gif




I'm the only one I've found on here that did the legal wedding AFTER the wedding, wedding in Mexico. I first of all, couldn't handle planning something else BEFORE my actual wedding, that would have been the final nail in my mental coffin so to speak ;)


First and foremost - I found out about the blood test and was hands down not doing it. I am terrified of needles and avoid them at all costs.


Secondly - I didn't want any sort of "wedding/wedding-like experience" before my Mexico wedding. I consider my wedding in Mexico as real as a government approved and stamped piece of paper. I've never believed that I will only be married once the legal document has been filed and issued etc. My wedding in Mexico was my wedding and I was married then, my vows were said with every intention of keeping them regardless of legalities. I would always he D's wife regardless of our legal wedding and tried for a long time to talk him out of a legal wedding but he wouldn't have anything to do with that.


Third and final point - My vegas wedding was ALMOST better than my first. It was no emotion, no nerves, no panic, no tears, just sheer FUN!


So sorry to go off on the subject, just thought I'd give you my side as well so you can make the decision that works best for you. My Vegas wedding pix are all up on FB if you want to check them out.



Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post





I talked to a shop that's a little over an hour from me..nicest, most helpful woman I have talked to...she said it's a brand new dress...so a lot of shops won't have it...she is willing to order it in October when she places her new orders...but she went through a bunch of styles she DOES have in her shop...I am definitely doing to go there and look...you could tell she really enjoyed what she did, as opposed to the people you call and all you get is "Sorry...don't carry it" CLICK





Oh!! Well that's wonderful!!! You're just early, ok well October will be here before you know it!



Originally Posted by amcferron View Post


Hi girls!!  So i definitely do more asking then giving input, but totally appreciate all the great ideas and information everyone has!! 


We are definitely still trying to decide on legal vs symbolic ceremony too.  We are leaning more and more towards having legal ceremony here.  More because my FI is Canadian and the whole visa thing too, but it also just seems easier!!


Those of you who are Canadian, what are the big travel companies to use for all inclusive travel (similar to funjet, etc)??  We have a ton of people coming from Canada and although we have a TA set up for them to use, I always like to do some searching on my own!!


Lastly, we have been thinking about having an ongoing theme for our wedding, but are having a difficult time coming up with ideas.  We want things pretty formal and colors we are leaning towards are ivory, gold, and touches of raspberry/magenta.  I have seen how some people have had birds, seashells, starfish, etc and am interested in something like that, but maybe different.  We have considered orchids, but i have a feeling that is going to get very spendy very quick!!  Any ideas??  I know my question is very vague.....  Here are some inspiration boards below.  Leaning towards less raspberry.magenta than seen here, but you get the idea!!  Thanks!!







First of all, I don't know if I've met you before, my name is Amy! :)


I LOVE your color scheme and ideas. The gold and this fuschia/magenta deal is fantastic!


I like the idea of orchids but you're right, that could get pricey. Another girl on here had a fushia orchid theme and it was simiply stunning!


I don't know if this will make sense to you... but this was my first thought. I was thinking ok, you could pick a time period or taste that you like and have one of the colors be a focused theme but still keeping the other.


For example, say you love vintage... books, frames, trinkets etc. Doesn't all have to be the same thing, but it's all vintage & gold. OR Art Deco, or modern... so everything if it's modern is sleek and has clean lines and it could be different items (not just birds or starfish etc)


I'd have fuschia as your color... then I'd do the accent color in your theme or taste. Vintage gold picture frames as table numbers. Vintage gold trinket atop your cake... vintage looking placecards write in a gold metallic pen... gold chiavari chairs... gold jewlery for you and your girls, fushia dresses for them, fushia hair flower/feather/accessory etc.


Just a suggestion off the top of my head!

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Hi All Im very new to the site and have been trawling through pages and pages of previous posts- all very inspiring!


I have a couple of questions that you may be able to help me with...


I booked my wedding 4 months ago through my local travel agent for June next year and have so far had no contact with the hotel or been told who will be my wedding planner is.  Can anyone tell me how long they waited to be sent any infomation regarding choices for the day? and how do I go about getting a wedding planner? does anyone have any names/numbers/email addresses for the hotel?


Any advice at this stage would be great as I would really like to start getting things organised and find out what choices i have for example flowers/colors/drinks/food etc


Thanks ladies xx

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First of all, I don't know if I've met you before, my name is Amy! :)


I LOVE your color scheme and ideas. The gold and this fuchsia/magenta deal is fantastic!


I like the idea of orchids but you're right, that could get pricey. Another girl on here had a fuchsia orchid theme and it was simply stunning!


I don't know if this will make sense to you... but this was my first thought. I was thinking OK, you could pick a time period or taste that you like and have one of the colors be a focused theme but still keeping the other.


For example, say you love vintage... books, frames, trinkets etc. Doesn't all have to be the same thing, but it's all vintage & gold. OR Art Deco, or modern... so everything if it's modern is sleek and has clean lines and it could be different items (not just birds or starfish etc)

I'd have fuchsia as your color... then I'd do the accent color in your theme or taste. Vintage gold picture frames as table numbers. Vintage gold trinket atop your cake... vintage looking placecards write in a gold metallic pen... gold chiavari chairs... gold jewelry for you and your girls, fuchsia dresses for them, fuchsia hair flower/feather/accessory etc.


Just a suggestion off the top of my head!

Amy, Hi!!  My name is Ashley!! 


And, Hello to everyone else!!  Consider this my formal introduction!!  :)


Amy, thanks for your suggestions!!  Very intriguing!! Time to google...... 

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Wow!!  I sure am active on here today......


Question.....  For all of the different promotions (ie bride and groom free, etc) are your TA booking all through the hotel or using different resources such as funjet, covacations, delta, etc??  I think my TA told me the hotel has a list so they know how many booked with your party and that I would get $ back after the fact.....more like a refund/rebate.  Thoughts???

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