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Paradisus Riviera Brides - POST HERE!

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OH my! I totally forgot that Lauren changed resorts... whoops!


Let me know if you hear back from Daniela. I've resorted to emailing ANY and ALL email addresses I've ever recieved from them (or that I can find on the website) All I want is a calculator and maybe a more detailed version of the packages. I also was thinking that the packages looked a bit cheaper for us.


I think I will go on trip advisor and read some reviews to cheer me up! I haven't looked there in about a month and they were all negative back then so they've gotta be better now!

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Angie and Aly -


Thanks so much for responding! I'll properly introduce myself now...my name is Jennifer (go by Jen) and my man's nickname for me is Cherms, thus my username. :-) Way too many Jen Perez ladies out there.


Anywho, I was able to get a hold of everyone I needed to. Pilar at Jade emailed and they are booked solid, only have a few Mondays, some Thursdays and one Friday left in May. Crazy! I haven't sent anything out, just told a few family members and family friends so they would all get off my rear about setting a dang date. Ironically enough the entire reason I hadn't set a date was because I hadn't found the "perfect" resort to "please" all of them!


So, I'm an impatient person and my parents are fluent in Spanish, so I gave my dad a list of numbers to call with questions to ask and to report back to me. Within 20 minutes I had all of my questions answered and the wedding coordinators at both Jade and Sapphire responded to my emails. :-)


Now I'm calling the "important" people in my life to see if certain dates will work with their schedules. Hope to have something booked tomorrow! Fingers crossed.


Sorry for the rambling, just so much to say before I shut the computer down. I do hate that I haven't found an Iphone App for this forum.



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Hello Jen!! Good luck getting a date you want. One thing I have learned and probably the hard way is that you can't ever please everyone. You need to do what makes you and your FI happy and the people that really love and care about you will go along with whatever you guys choose. It's easier said than done, I know.


That is so great your parents are fluent in Spanish. I'm sure that will definitely come in handy during the planning and when you are there!


Let us all know what you decide!

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I'm back!!! The wedding was fantastic and I am off from work this week so I will try to post a review as soon as I can (we leave for the honeymoon Friday and we'll be gone for 3 weeks). Everything went better than I expected. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I will try to tell the whole story from start to finish in my review. I hope everyone is doing well.

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ktchi... I am so happy you had a fantastic time. I know I as well as all the other gals are dying to hear about your happy day.

I wanted to ask you about the hairstylist and make-up artist you chose to work with on your special day. Did you go with the stylist that works in the resort?... or did you have it outsourced, or done by yourself.

Please send any and all pics, we would all love to hear about it!



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Okay- I posted my review with some pictures in the Wedding Reviews section. I would put it here too, but it is soooo long. We really had a great time the whole week and all of my guests kept saying that it was the best wedding they've ever been to. I think you can spend forever wondering if you made the right decisions about every detail (I still wonder if we chose the right resort, or dress, or whatever) but when I just let it happen- I really enjoyed it and had a wonderful time. I tried to post as quickly as I could so that I could answer questions before we left for the honeymoon (We are going to Greece and Italy for almost 3 weeks) and then I go up to visit my parents in Pennsylvania for 3 more weeks (but I will have internet access there and can post again).


To answer your questions:

I used the resort hair and makeup stylist because it was included in the divine package. I liked the makeup (although I took a lot of it off before the wedding) and I didn't love my hair. I think it came out okay, but it wasn't what I was expecting. The girl seemed very capable of doing hair, but I am not sure why she didn't really match up with my pictures. Everyone else said it looked good, but I am not so sure.


Let me know if you have any more questions. I wouldn't worry too much about them not responding to e-mails. We did all the planning within the last month and everything was how I asked for it. I just planned on my own and showed them what I wanted and it worked out. Calling always worked for me too.

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Originally Posted by avong1228 View Post
Thanks! That will come in handy!

What type of room did you stay in? I got a message from our TA that we may get the governor's suite ... sounds nice!
We just stayed in a regular room. It had a jacuzzi on the balcony and had an ocean view, but it wasn't much different than the other rooms. I might have wanted a nicer room if we were staying there for our honeymoon, but just for the week it was perfectly fine. That sounds nice- I didn't hear about the governor's suite. I hope you get it.
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