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Everything posted by Lia33

  1. @@Dimps I haven't thought about the napkins, tablecloths, etc....is this the case at most resorts? Does it depend on your package or are people paying for this separately if they have a specific style/color they want?
  2. @@peachykeen159 - What is up with that? I'm not feeling it...unless I'm getting the same treatment - which I won't be lol I'd prefer to keep it simple - on both ends. @@calgarybride2015 LOL! Nothing wrong with being the wild child ;-) So you have nothing to worry about since you are on the same page about what may or may not be happening - which is great. Sounds like you're fiancé has to worry about you instead of you worrying about him loll
  3. @@calgarybride2015 It may have been the resort! Or perhaps the week/time of year. I stayed at an adults only resort in Dominican Republic and since then have vowed to never stay at a family friendly resort again! loll Although there were many couples so there weren't too many wild groups, it had different parts of the resort that were quieter than others. There was a pool by the spa if you wanted silence. But by the swim up bar pool they had various activities through out the day loud music etc so it was a good balance for us. We loved it!
  4. @@tygrrlily lol!! Yea he's pretty good with compromising so I don't get pissed off lol Even though I know it isn't in his control completely I just couldn't bare him flying somewhere while I do something locally! I already have joked about this being HIS wedding because of all the people we have to invite being from his side, so I think he feels bad lol It's my wedding too and I wanna have fun too! At least 2 nights in Vegas isn't bad! What's funny is of course if my MOH suggests flying somewhere I will immediately change the rules loll
  5. I kinda convinced him to not fly anywhere loll I'm terrible! He saw this was totally bugging me and as a result told his friends that if they do anything it can be where they need to fly lol His best man is actually someone who isn't in to spending a whole lot (where as his buddies are more eager to spend) so I'm kind of happy about this loll Just hope the best man handles his plans and doesn't pass it off to some one. I wouldn't be excited either if he has a weekend and I have a day. The ideas his friends have for him have made me increasingly NOT excited about this whole bachelor/bachelorette thing, which is bad cause I would like to be excited about it....but I'm not. @@kmk2016 I think that's great - much simpler! And equal! loll I wouldn't mind that if its both of us each doing our bachelor/bachelorette thing there.
  6. My dress is from David's Bridal also! I have no idea how much my alterations will be just yet. I still have a while to go before I need to alter! Seems pricey though :/ I would be worried about the same thing though - going somewhere else having them mess it up. If I go anywhere else for alterations I need to know they have a good rep. I feel that at least with David's Bridal, they alter a whoooole lot of dresses so I have a little more faith in their work.
  7. @@alwalters625 Dress is beautiful! @@Sabes44 Love your dress also! It definitely does look perfect for a DW! Has anyone ever done any major alterations to their dresses? Anything like changing the shape in the front to changing the style in the back? I love my dress just wondering if I should do anything else to it to make pop even more. Love the idea of a more open back! Not sure if it's a good idea to do any major changes to a dress
  8. @@LauraM Gotta do a little research! I'm sure you can find a specialty store. I for my corset style bra same place I got my dress but after I try it on again I may decide to go to this specialty store not far from me to have my proper measurements taken for a better fit. I'm pretty itty bitty too lol so the better the fit/padding the better the lift!
  9. @@NickiLynn1116 I've never heard of people actually bringing gifts but yes some may decide to bring a card with some money
  10. Are people doing a bachelorette party? Is this something you are planning or is this completely left to your MOH? Saw recent idea of doing it while at the resort but not sure if I should initiate the planning or leave it to my MOH to come up with. What are your future husband's doing? My fiancé's friends have been coming up with many ideas for him - but I have to admit I'm a little jealous! His friends are better off financially than my friends are so I highly doubt my friends would plan anything close in comparison. I know it's not a competition but I don't want to have a one evening thing while he gets a weekend somewhere, know what I mean?? I'm perfectly fine with a one evening thing for myself but wouldn't think it's fair if he gets a weekend... Am I being too crazy about this??? I would just like things to be simple and don't see why his friends need to go above and beyond lol
  11. I haven't put much thought into this but I definitely need to! I know that I don't want to plan many 'official' events. I think many people will just want to relax and do whatever they feel like doing as this will be their vacation. I do like the idea of a dinner/cocktail time the night before since our guests will all be present then. I also don't want to be forced to get up at a particular time for anything the day after, and I'm sure most people will feel the same as they don't know how hard they will be partying at the reception lol I think everyone being at the beach or pool at the same time will be enough. I don't want people to be obligated to do different things while there. @@LauraM - I never thought about doing a bachelorette thing while in Mexico but I think that's a great idea instead of having something at home! Is this something you yourself planned on or did you and your MOH decide this?
  12. I feel that my dad would consider going to the city hall part instead, so I'm actually going to wait a little while before telling him my plan. He's booking his room for the DW shortly. So I wanna wait till after he does... (a little sneaky I know loll) But I'll really down play the city hall part since the DW will be the first wedding ceremony he would be going to from his daughters. There 4 of us and 2 are married but didn't do elaborate weddings. He's actually pretty excited about the father daughter dance since we will likely come up with something silly lol So I don't think he will be too bothered. Your dad may surprise you and is probably really looking forward to this!
  13. @@TinkerSofi So hard to plan for details when you don't know until the very end what your actual number is! I will probably end up booking the larger reception venue just in case. There is only one area at my resort that holds over 50 - I was kind of hoping we wouldn't need that area but I will be afraid of booking a smaller area and then have last minute bookies! I will see where we stand after this first deposit and take it from there. It's great that your TA was so helpful with this!
  14. @@Sabes44 That's so great! That's a great way to look at it and frame it. Something for the two of you and something to celebrate with others. @@nadiakat17 It's so funny you say that because at some point, I looked for forums about legal vs. symbolic ceremonies and saw the same thing (maybe it was the same forum!) People that were condemning others for doing legal ceremony at home before DW - calling them liars, deceptive, having people go to a "fake" wedding, it was crazy! It was filled with judgmental people, rude, obnoxious people. It made me briefly panic about my choice in the beginning but I ended up feeling the same way you felt in the end. People will be happy to celebrate with you no matter what...and if they're not, oh well ;-)
  15. @@calgarybride2015 @@TinkerSofi I may be in the same boat, let's see! Our first deposit deadline hasn't approached yet but it looks like we may be in the 50+ range as well between our actual guest list and many of their plus 1s! I can be wrong since deposits aren't due yet and maybe people will not come who have been saying they will. Since many of them are from my fiancé's side, I'm ok if many don't make it....is that bad to say?? lol I want those closest to him and us to be there of course, but everyone else I'm ok with not being there. Our package only covers 30...I'm afraid of those additional per-person costs!
  16. That's terrible that they didn't even let her know for sure they weren't coming! Smart choice to not even bother with them! So not worth the headache @@KAT2015 You're right, you definitely can't feel bad about your siblings complaining about the cost when they are choosing to not bring someone - or bunk up! I'm sure your mother will live her wedding/vacation experience!
  17. Haha!! A hangover on your wedding day would not be good! Then again, you will probably be so pumped to get married you won't even notice lol
  18. @@projecttwayne2015 You're definitely right. I'm done trying to please everyone! I'll see if there might be someone who can stream it to her....but no one on that side of the family is super tech savvy so let's see. Either way, I would like everyone there to be totally present. I think now that people see I'm not longer doing anything else to accommodate, they are being more pleasant and supportive :-)
  19. If you have a certain type in mind, definitely don't go online....not worth the risk just in case!
  20. @@NickiLynn1116 Definitely important to decide what's most important and cross things off your list. As I continue to move further in planning and get closer to the date, I will have to do the same. Hopefully I can manage to keep budget under control!
  21. @@nadiakat17 I would be totally honest! Many people don't think to ask something like that unless they have had a DW or know someone who may have went through it. If anyone does ask me though I will just be honest, not comfortable flat out lying. Just say you guys decided to do it legally at home due to the hassle of a legal ceremony, no shame in the truth!
  22. Interesting idea! I think it's very unique to have such bold bridal colors and have desired colors for the guests. I wouldn't be offended either if I were asked to wear particular colors. I didn't plan on commenting on the invitation as far as dress code but I made a playful comment about it on our website. I said "Since our ceremony will take place on the beach, I don't expect full formal attire from our guests but please dress respectively as you share this special day with us and not wear a bathing suit with cover up to our ceremony :-)".
  23. We don't plan on partaking in this tradition for the same reason - we are paying for this wedding ourselves and have enough costs to cover! Maybe a cute little note can be delivered while getting ready, but that's where I draw the line lol We will have plenty of time to exchange gifts in years to come
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