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Everything posted by Lia33

  1. @@beckys98 I love that! It will save the trouble of going crazy with decor and would be nice to have that Mexican theme since this is where I'm getting married anyway. I don't think anyone will complain about the margaritas either loll If you can send me the files when you find them that would be awesome!
  2. @@beckys98 My original timeline had exactly that - 4:30-5:30. Then when I emailed it to my WC she put 5-6 in blue color next to my suggestion, which seemed like a way of her saying 'no it needs to be 5-6' lol I'm not sure why because I would have liked it immediately following. Maybe I will revisit this with her.
  3. My MOH apparently is planning one for me and asked me to brainstorm a little to give her some guidance and feedback when the time comes. I have no idea! I did find some threads that spoke about games and things like that. Are any of you having one? Any idea for themes? I never cared to do one before but since I'm apparently going to have one I don't want people to be bored out of their minds lol
  4. I added to a thread on this topic but it's in a random place on the site so I'm posting again here lol Was curious as to what your timelines look like? I was wondering if I should leave a little time between cocktail hour and reception to allow people settle in to the reception area. Right now it's as follows: 4:00 Beach Ceremony 5-6 Cocktail Hour - During this time I'm assuming I will be off taking photos 6-10 Reception ( I will work on this specific timeline later on) My fear is that with cocktail hour and reception in 2 different areas and reception starting the second cocktail hour ends, people will take time to settle in and find their place and this will take away from the actual reception fun time. Maybe I should put a half hour in between?
  5. @@calgarybride2015 That is a lot of money for 2 hours! I would love some disposable cameras too. Not sure if I would have that at just the reception or in their OOT bags! Would be kind of fun for people to have them through out their trip to take random pics. Although thinking about, many would probably go missing lol
  6. So one of my bridesmaids (currently resides in Japan) may not be able to attend as her military husband is getting new orders around the time of my wedding and they will need to move. Totally understandable. Although I'm a little peeved that she has yet to speak to me directly about it, has ignored my messages (I guess to avoid the topic until she knows more) but has told my MOH, who has then told me. I do have another good friend who I have already asked to step in if this happened - I kind of feel bad about asking her to be a backup as I'm not sure if this is insulting since she wasn't first choice lol I did explain my reasoning as we were keeping it as 4 bridesmaids - 3 of my oldest friends and my soon to be sister in law. She is fine with this and seemed to understand. I have considered moving it to 5 bridesmaids but really want to keep it small and if my other friend really does drops out, I will end up with 4 and my FI will end up with 5 if he adds someone. We really want to keep it even. Trying to decide at what point I should ask my other friend to step in! I bought the dress already for my friend in Japan but luckily my backup wears the same size lol Not sure if I should continue to wait or just remove my good friend from the bridal party. I guess since they wear the same size it's ok to wait a while and see. Then if she IS able to go last minute after I've removed her from the bridal party, I would like to have something special for her to do but I have no idea what! Has anyone ever appointed people for special roles in the wedding? If so, what role did they play?
  7. @@mariak Depends on your guests! Paper invites are definitely the way to go for older relatives or anyone not too into the internet. For us, we went the paper route since it was easier for us to have one method of doing things instead of multiple ways. I created our wedding website with all info then our TA created a page that has all booking info. I put that link directly on our wedding website. Our save the dates had our website on them and we made them magnetic so they stay on people fridges - hard to forget about a date or needing to book if you have to look at it everyday! People loved them! We are doing paper invites - but you're right...it does seem a little redundant! Especially since many people will have already booked. Our reasoning for doing this is partly for the formality of it. But also to give a better count of who will be there. There are some people booking on their own and not through our TA so this will help us see a more finalized count of who is actually coming. We will also be sending them with RSVPs aligned with that final payment deadline for our TA (or close to it) so this will also be used a reminder to people to make their final payments. Again, do what works for you! Many people have different ways of doing this. Hope that helps!
  8. I was thinking about seeing where we can rent a Photo Booth but I know the resort will charge us that outside vendor fee. I am checking with our photo company that we are using (through the resort) to see if they have this available and for how much as this wouldn't be considered an outside vendor just an additional service. I would love something that incorporates fun photos and comments/advice!
  9. @@chelseapaige37 Definitely seems like one of those times where it doesn't pay to try to accommodate everyone. If you choose to cancel them all together, your choice! They would probably pull it together after that cause they may feel super guilty for being so difficult. I would either make the choice for them or give them the color, fabric, and length to choose from and tell them to decide based on that or don't be in the wedding. Period. lol For my bridesmaids, I had printed out styles they can choose from. At first I was ok with them having different styles as long as color, length, and fabric was the same but in the end decided they should wear the same dress and my MOH will have a different variation. The consultant at the bridal shop pointed out which was the most flattering for all body types and we went with that one. 2 of my bridesmaids got no say as they were further away. I sent them the pic of the dress I was getting for them, asked for their sizes, and that was it. People give more push back when they have a lot of options, so don't give them many lol Hope that doesn't sound too harsh, but sometimes that's necessary!
  10. @@calgarybride2015 LOVE the hair piece!! You should absolutely totally feel and look like YOU on your wedding day. If you aren't doing the veil, it's great to have something that pops the way this does. It's gorgeous and worth the splurge!
  11. These are some really cute bridal shower ideas! I'm curious if anyone else is having input in planning the bridal showers? My MOH is handling this but I know she would also like some feedback from me about it. Any other ideas or bridal shower themes?
  12. @@mariak I agree, the gesture is appreciated but not expected. I felt bad about the additional cost for dresses for them so I helped with that but there's no way I would be able to pay for my MOH's trip. A couple of my bridesmaids didn't even want me to cover their dress! Although I'm sure they were just being polite as they didn't put up much of a fight lol
  13. @@Icis That sounds awesome! Definitely sound alike you had a blast lol I would LOVE to do something like that but I know many of my friends will most likely be unable to :/
  14. No one's replied to this in a while - but I'm curious. What do your timelines look like? So far this is what mine looks like... 4:00 Ceremony on the beach 5-6 Cocktail Hour 6-10 Reception. I was wondering if I should leave a little time in between the cocktail hour and reception to allow people to to settle in and find their places. I'm afraid if the reception technically begins as soon as cocktail hour is over it will take time for people to settle in and take away from our reception time. Should I leave it as it is or perhaps start reception at 6:30? Thoughts?
  15. @ If you guys go to vegas to be witnesses, I'm guessing the MOH and BM won't be there? They may still try to plan something for you guys even if you end up partying hard in vegas lol Unless they are all secretly planning on going which would be pretty awesome lol
  16. @@calgarybride2015 Loved the hair pin! @@misbosox - beautiful dresses!! @@TinkerSofi - I'll be doing an undo as well. My hair is a little long, and frizzes, and I generally hate having it in my face lol After the wedding I plan on chopping my hair off.
  17. @ I will see what my budget looks like as we get closer to the date. Luckily I have plenty of time to put this off lol I definitely can't go crazy and would like to not be totally broke by the end of this lol
  18. I've never really envisioned my dress lol I never picture what kind of dress I wanted. There was one dress I tried that was glam and I loved it but I didn't want to wear a champagne dress and it didn't come in ivory, but the silhouette was gorgeous. That was really the only one as everything else was lacy chiffon. In general I'm pretty simple, but for this day I think I would like a little more of a glam touch. I shouldn't have jumped to a decision! Lol its definitely important to have a dress that's you!
  19. @ - Cocktail hour sounds like a good idea. Many of my guests are coming the Wednesday before our Saturday wedding but I don't think everyone will be there yet. I agree - I would definitely like them to be around each other before the actual festivities and will also plan an excursion but probably not for everyone especially if we end up with a high guest list. I know for a fact that most people just want to eat and drink and lounge around lol @@LauraM - That's a great idea! I was learning about that on another forum also. Sounds fun to have some partying away from the future hubby and then rejoice before the end of the night. I'll have to bring these ideas to FI's attention and see what he thinks. I think his friends will likely push for something totally separate but it doesn't hurt to talk about it!
  20. @ - I think the thursday should be good if people have all day friday to pull it together for dinner! He sounds like he has his bachelor plans set and just doesn't want you to miss out huh lol @@spjwedding - What is it with the girls having these low-key things while the guys spice it up?! loll That definitely seems to be the consensus for sure! @@calgarybride2015 - Definitely remember to eat! I'm sure I will have to remind myself of the same since without a little food in my stomach I can go from sober to very tipsy to sick very quickly! I'm also not someone that enjoys a lot of attention/people looking at me/photos taken constantly - which is why I wanted a smaller wedding than even what we are planning. I think it's easy to get self-conscious knowing what's coming but just remember, it's YOUR day...so strut your stuff and smile for that camera ;-)
  21. I will try not too look....but I have to admit...it's kind of tough. I know I'm confusing myself by doing this The dress is beautiful but I may want something with just a touch more glam/sophistication....I don't know I think that's just because of the dresses I have been looking at online loll I guess I just want to be sure that my dress is THEE dress for me. I never shopped around much so those doubts are lurking lol @@TinkerSofi - it's that 'what if' question! I think I do need to put the dress on again to remind myself of how I feel in it. @@calgarybride2015 - That's crazy that they won't touch the train!
  22. I've bought everyone's dress (4) at $150 each...is that enough? Well....it's on credit so it's being paid off slowly which helps lol It's so early that I know I will want to get them something else as a gift. I like the idea of getting some of their accessories - maybe some cute earrings? I like the bracelet idea too....so much to decide!
  23. @@NJBride2014 - Congrats on your church wedding! Cancun coming up....exciting!!! I agree that it's really up to everyone and how they choose to celebrate. This is why our legal ceremony will take place on our anniversary of being together - one less date to remember! lol But we will definitely acknowledge both dates. He doesn't worry so much about remembering the legal ceremony date and wants to just celebrate the day of the DW as this will be when the big celebration takes place. Both dates are important to me so I would like at least a little acknowledgement of our legal date - also another reason why we will do it on our anniversary....so HE can remember lol
  24. Just saw the video - hilarious! Loll and pretty spot on lol Yea the reality is although this has come out to be more expensive than we thought, it's still so much cheaper than doing a full wedding at home. We have some friends still paying for theirs as it was 40-50k. I'll take this over that any day! But yes....eloping has crossed my mind on numerous occasions lol
  25. I don't share every aspect of my choices and planning process with every person that has been invited. That would take way too much time. So its not about guilt, just preference. No one expects everyone to agree, as said, your entitled to your opinion. I don't believe I've responded too harshly - simply shared my opinion and reasoning for my choices. Thought I was pretty polite actually, sorry you feel that way. Happy planning!!
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