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Posts posted by Kay6356

  1. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    Kay- I don't think it looks bad at all... I think you won't ever get the perfect shade of white to go with your dress or vice versa. Really no one is going to notice that they look a little more yellow then your dress. I like the creamier looking colour then super white anyway! I guess it depends on how important flowers are to you. If you look back on your photos in 10 or 20 years are you going to regret not having whiter flowers? If not then I would keep them and use them. If you feel like you would regret it then maybe you should look into getting some other flowers? I think sometimes as brides we get a little caught up in these minute details that in the end will not even make a difference. Just try to keep that in mind when making a decision!

    Thank you for a little reassurance csho! I think I am being way too picky I really like the pictures I added of them, they do look good.

  2. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


    I am the same I love Bird Cage Veils until I put one on, so not me! LOL


    Lets see pictures, I am sure it will be fine, think of off white or ivory dresses they always look good, the only problem you might have if your dress is white and the flowers arent then they may look yellow, same with if your dress is off white or ivory and the flowers are white it may make the dress look yellow!

    exactly! My dress is white... :( I don't know what to do :(

  3. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    Have you called to see if your dress is in yet Jolene?


    I picked my dress up yesterday... so now its just hanging in my guest bedroom waiting for me to try it on lol! Sooo tempting! I was wondering what you guys are planning on doing for headpieces/veils? Are you guys planning on wearing a veil? I thought I wasn't going to but I feel like I look "incomplete" without it. So I might just go with a short one for the ceremony and a jeweled flower/starfish hair clip. I am afraid the veil will blow away and around too much though so I don't know lol!

    Hi ladies,


    I am not wearing a veil, because it isn't me.  I think I am just going to be wearing a white hair flower.  I do love the bird cage veils but they just don't suit me.  We shall see... a lot of time, I may change my mind. ahaha


    I made 3 more bouquets this past weekend, I like them but they are a little off white (the roses) and I am worried about them not looking good in pictures because they are off white :( I don't know what to do. ????????

  4. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    Which is probably a bad thing because I am going to want to try it on all the time lol!!!

    Lol.. so true which is why mine as been stored at my aunts an hour away, ahaha... also because FI doesn't want to see it by accident, so he doesn't want it in our closet. I quote "What is it doing here" lol when I have brought it home to take for my first fitting. It is truly an amazing dress, and looks great on you :)

  5. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    Thank you so much ladies!


    It seriouisly felt like it was made for me!!! The legnth was perfect... I am a shortie (5'4") and so many dresses needed to be altered so much... this one is a touch tight in the hips and through back area but I am going to work on losing a few lbs and I think it will fit perfectly! Also I just spoke to the shop and they are going to sell me the sample gown for a reduced price since its the size I was going to purchase anyway and its in perfect condition!! So I saved myself almost $400!!!! I am soooo excited! I am going to pick up either tonight or Wednesday!!!! I am sooo excited!

    That is awesome you save some money !!!! And you get it in your custody soon!  :)

  6. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    Hello!!! Soo its official I have found my dress!!!! I can't believe it! I tried on so many dresses and although they were all beautiful, I didn't feel like any of them were the one until I tried this dress on! I didn't even have it all the way on and I knew! I went dress shopping the next day as we had already planned on going with my future MIL. And went back to try the dress on and fell in love with it even more!!! It just is so my personality I love it soo much lol! Anyhow here it is!





    CSHO! I love it.... it is so elegant and you look so good in it!  Its like it was made for you... looks like a perfect fit! Congrats on finding THE dress :)

  7. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    Ohh I am sooo excited to take a look through it!! I will go through it on MOnday when I have some more time... but I also wanted to update I think I found my gown! I am going to a couple more places tomorrow just to make sure, but it was the first dress that I did not want to have to take off!!! If I decide to go with it I'll post a picture after the weekend!!!! ekkk so excited!

    YAY! I cannot wait to see it csho! make sure to post a picture for us to see :)  Last saturday I took my dress in for its first alterations and my bridesmaids ordered their dresses!  I went to Windsor Bridal in Toronto.... they were great there!

  8. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


    ladies, I love that we are all here to help each other, and give support! Here is my pre-travel brochure that I am going to send with two luggage tags in probably August, it has been a labour of love but now I need suggestions, comments and proof reading! So let me know what you think, be honest I am to close to it now to make hard choices!!!





    Thanks in advace!

    GREAT job Jolene! They look wonderful.... I didn't see any errors! :)


  9. Originally Posted by alley08 View Post


    Don't worry Kay I need to step up my game as well. My girlfriend is getting married in Jamaica (actually she is probably on the plane now headed there) and she got her flowers done at the Pickering flea market. They are your colours and kind of what you were after. I thought of you when she showed me actually. She got them done at the Pickering flea market. They are gorgeous and she only paid $200 for everything. I'm not sure how many bouquets she got but they did her bout's & corsages as well. I know you do have some flowers already but if you want to save yourself the work I'm sure you can always sell that on ebay or one of these wedding websites. Let me know if you are interested and I can get you pictures when they get back. Who knows they might even bring theirs back in good shape and you could get them half price. No pressure just thought I'd share.


    Also you could put them together and then get those styrofoam blocks and stick the stems in there to hold them upright and then cover them in a plastic bag or garbage bag and store them in a dry spot in your house.


    Did I tell you we just bought a house!!! Eeeek so much going on at the same time. Our dog is getting fixed we are planning a trip to Myrtle Beach. Too busy for the wedding stuff. bahahaha!


    Talk soon xo

    Hi Alisha,

    I WOULD love to see pictures for sure and possibly get her contact.  I do want to DIY, but may possibly need a back up plan due to time.  So totally interested :)


    I think I am going to put each one in a vase in a rubbermaid tote.  We don't have a lot of extra space right now.


    CONGRATS on the house, that make me SO SO happy for you.  Also kind of envy you as well lol.  We are buying a house the summer or fall after we get married, I can't wait to get into our own house and have space.  We currently live with my father and two brother... what a crazy household :/ !!!! Again SO happy for you! <3


    Myrtle Beach sounds fun... this summer we will be taking a weeks vacation to Montreal to see family, can't wait.  I am also kind of hoping to take a vacation to the ILA or Cuba in general with girlfriends to just chill out.  Don't know how that would go over with my love as he thinks he needs to be there to keep me in line lol and not drink too much. ahahaha. We shall see :)


    Kay xo

    Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post




    it does sound like you have a lot going on... but thats fun it will help the time pass by faster!


    kay I was thinking along those lines, a vase and then wrap them in plastic, or maybe one of those dust bags you get when you buy a new bag... that would probably work really well!

    Hi Jolene,


    Good call on the vase idea, I think that's what I decided on!  Dust bags for a new bag... well I have quite a few of those, lol! .... yes I have a purse problem :)

  10. Originally Posted by alley08 View Post


    Hey Kay. How are you doing? 


    Try Etsy. You can get regular puzzle pieces for a good price. The wood ones are very expensive. There are sites as well where you can take a picture of yourselves and turn it into a puzzle and have everyone sign or leave a msg on the backside that is blank. I also loved the idea of people signing or leaving a msg on a Jenga piece. I might do that instead. It's bad when I have too many options! lol 


    Hope all is well Kay talk soon xo

    Hi Alisha, thank you for the info. - I know I have 3 different ideas for the guest book so far...... lol.  For now I think I am going to work on doing all the bouquets, bout.'s & corsages, as I have been lazy lately and I really want to complete some DIY projects before my second job starts up on May. 11th!!!!

    I am stuck on how to store the flowers once they're completed, I don't want them to get indented, dusty, etc. mmmmhmmm....


    Hope all is well :)


    Kay xo

  11. Your save the dates turned out great Alisha!  Where did you find the puzzle?  I was wanted to do the same sort of thing possible.. a puzzle of the "map" of Varadero, but the one I found was over $100.

    Originally Posted by alley08 View Post

    Hey guys. So my decision to do sparklers was based on previous accounts of people bringing them on a plane. I'm not sure how they got around this but I have checked the TSA website and they are not permitted. Looks like I will keep them for the AHR :( I was really looking forward to having them down there. What can ya do. 


    CSHO I did my save the dates the same way through vista print. It's a great inexpensive option. Good job!


    These are the ones we made up




  12. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post




    When I originally booked November 2012 my travel agent let me know that flight schedules dont come out until about 6 months before so when you book travel more that 6 months ahead of time you are doing what is called a Pre Registration with the tour company, but then at around the 6 month mark the tour companies schedule with their airline (sunwing, airtransat they use their planes plus some other companies as well) so thats when everything gets firmed up... she said that prior to this they use the current year as a guide but then when they are firming everything up they will look to see how many people flew that day and some other stuff. She told me that it may stay the same and it may change. So at least knowing that it could happen I was a little more prepared when it did happen it wasnt a total freak out just a little hiccup and all my guests knew too so they werent really that surprised either. She told me that AirCanada and WestJet it doesnt happen as often because they use all their own planes but she said that wasnt 100% guarantee either so to spend the extra money wasnt worth it.

    Thanks Jolene,

    I hope mine doesn't change either, we are flying with Sunwing from Toronto and they're are flights everyday of the week out of Toronto, fingers crossed!  We are leaving the day before all of guests, I hope neither change! ahhhhh 

  13. Originally Posted by hezmshaw View Post


    hahah beer and beer, I like the way you think :)


    That's a good idea, a community hall.. there's actually one right down the road!  I'll look into that option!

    Im a beer girl lol... i guess maybe a little wine for the wino's could be added! ahaha.... were doing a community hall 10 mins from our home, its $80 an hour.  So all in all... about $3,000 for our AHR with around 120-140 guests :)

  14. Originally Posted by hezmshaw View Post


    I'm thinking of having a party at our house the weekend after just so everyone who missed it can come watch our video if they like! We wanted to do a hotel or venue but its soooo expensive!

    Maybe look into a community centre that has a hall.  Than you do your own bar, own food etc.  So you could do a BBQ and just offer beer & beer

  15. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    Are you guys planning on bringing any decorations for the reception? If so what? And Kay where are you having your reception dinner have you decided yet? And are you having a private party? I requested to book the Palapas for dinner and then the disco for the private party. I like the idea of the beach party, but don't like that there aren't any chairs or a dance floor. My FI and I salsa dance so we are planning on surprising everyone with a choreographed salsa dance for our first dance and thought that would be better to do in the disco then beach!

    I am bringing silk flower petals in my colours to be sprinkled down the centre of the tables, and pencil starfish to be placed on the tables as well.  As for our reception, I think we are going to do the Cuban, but I recently saw pictures of a reception in the tex mex and I like that area as well.  For the private reception, were hoping for a beach party depending on weather.  For salsa dancing you will deff. need that dance floor!

  16. Originally Posted by csho View Post




    Thanks so much! You guys are so right... I have been to CUba 6 times and have never been upset by our choice in resort (only one I didn't really like- we still had a good time, just that I wouldn't go back to because I didn't find the staff very good... and its not that they were bad but just nothing special) whereas everywhere else I've always found some staff we've connected to. Anyhow thanks so much for helping ease my anxiety over this! I had talked to my mom about it and she was like, you can always change resorts but what happens when a month or two down the road there are bad reviews there... I totally thought I'd be the stress free bride, but that doesn't seem to be the case... but I am going to try and just be flexible and go with the flow otherwise I think I'll go crazy loL! Thanks so much!

    Im glad you feel better!  There will always be some bad reviews for any resort ... Like I said you will be very pleased with the ILA.  That's okay I'm sure all of us are going to have stress at points throughout the planning process, I almost had a meltdown before our group rate was secured.  lol, FI calmed me down, and everything worked out and than I felt like a crazy women (bridezilla) lol

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