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Posts posted by Kay6356

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by csho View Post

    Thanks! I had done something else originally, but didn't love it and then decided I wanted to use a frame and now I love it soo much! I am sooo happy with how everything is coming to together! I think its going to look so good! I feel like when I started I was so lost and all over the place and now my vision is finally all coming together!


    I get you!  At first there is SO SO much to think about.... picking the resort, picking a travel agent,etc, etc, etc, etc !!!


    Once all the basics are figured out, you can focus on the DIY projects, so much fun :)


    Soon I am going to be doing example pictures for how I would like the dinner tables set up, the guest book table, etc. - once I do these I will share them :)


    I am worried about one thing and that is the music... we have a song for the bridesmaids to walk down the aisle to, than another one for my dad and I to walk down to, signing song (which I'm not too worried weather this happens or not), and a recessional song.  Also we have choose songs for our entrances, first dance, father/daughter dance, cake cutting.  This is the main thing I am worried about at this stage.....

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lydia1120 View Post

    OMG that brought tears to my eyes!!! Awesome Kay....Yes Jolene, Congratulations!!!!!!  xo


    Thank you Alley08 and CSHO for thinking of me!


    I leave on Friday...I can't believe that a year went by so quickly!!!


    OMG soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited...I am getting bombarded with txt msgs and FB msgs from my friends and family just full of excitement!!!  We have had a couple of last minute cancellations but still have 79 people going!  It's going to be a blast!!!  I am literally so overwhelmed with emotions that I get teary eyed and we haven't even left yet, lol.

    WOW Lydia 79 people, what a great turn out!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by alley08 View Post

    Hey Kay.


    Totally understand. Hopefully everything works out.


    I'm going to go and check it out now. That's awesome they have different colours. Did you buy it from a certain seller?






    I can't remember what your wedding colours are, but they have the dark blue like mine, a lighter blue and the orange above.....  search Alan Flusser blazer

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by alley08 View Post

    I was looking on Island importer and I found they had really nice black flip flops for $30 I'm not sure if it's the look you are after but you might want to check them out. Maybe they can add them to your order so you don't have to pay shipping twice.


    I will look for that linen jacket on ebay. I'm looking for a different colour. Hopefully I can find it. Love the blue. It matches perfectly with your colour theme. Can't wait to see it all come together.

    Hi Alley,


    I know I love those sandals... but there's a lot going on with the guys right now and ya.... lol didn't want to spend the money buying them for them.   Long story.  Good luck they did have different colours of the blazer

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by alley08 View Post

    WOWZA. Sooooo soon! Good luck with everything. I can't wait to see your pictures!


    Ours is this Saturday. Everything is set and ready to go. Hopefully everything comes together.


    Waterproof labels is a great idea! Can't wait to see them all put together.


    We got the guys pants. You can see the front and the back of them. They are wearing their shirts too. I don't have a picture of all three of them together. Two was the best I had. lol I was a little worried about putting a linen shirt and a light dress pant together but I love the way it looks. I'm hoping for them to wear a white dock shoe or a nice flip flop.



    Let me know how yours goes Alley :)


    The guys attire looks great, I finally just ordered the men's attire which will be:






    Andrew, my FI is wearing the same but with this jacket:


    Processed By eBay with ImageMagick, R1.1.1.||B2||T0JKX0lEPTRmNjc4MmQ3YTU0NzI0NmMwNTE1OTQ4ZWZhZTcyMTA1MjI2NThmMjZlNWIwfHxPUklHSU5BTF9FQkFZX1FVQUxJVFlfU0NPUkU9NHx8Q1JFQVRJT05fREFURT0xMC8xNC8xMyA3OjQ0IEFN



    I am SOOO happy the guys stuff is now taken care of!  They just need sandals, which I don't really care if they match or not as long as they are black!!!


    I ordered from Island Importer, I will update once they arrive on how they are!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by alley08 View Post

    Thanks Kay.


    I'm sad creative bag didn't work out for you. Hopefully you will find what you are looking for and if not I'm sure what you have is great.


    Those shirts are awesome. That's one thing I'm sad we are missing. Hopefully I can make some name tags or something so people will know who my "peeps" are. lol


    When is your jack and jill?

    Our jack and jill is Nov. 22th .... Everything is basically purchased and done for it.  I made the prize gift baskets last night! I will post pictures tonight. :)


    I think I am going to purchase waterprof labels that I can print through my printer.....


    When is your jack and jill??

  7. Happy Saturday Ladies,


    I have been busy planning our stag and doe, it is going well.  I made these shirts for the stag and doe, still have to make the men's.









    I have also been busy getting stuff for the wedding.  I got 50 of these cups from Dollarama (we take these exact cups every year with us to Cuba)  So we bought one for each guest, I am going to personalize them for each guest somehow.


    I got them in a variety of colours, $2/each.





    I went to creative bag in Missisagua today and didn't find anything :( They only have sand in the summer, so I have to order it online if I would like it.  I have some sand from Michaels, but not the exact colours I wanted.  So we will see...


    How is everyone doing?


    Kay xo

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by alley08 View Post

    Hey Kay. It's in Pickering. Just south of the highway off the Brock Rd exit.


    I thought you were. I have a question for you. Did you find out about your baggage allowance. I'm waitng to hear back from my TA but I'm thinking because we were upgraded we get two pieces of luggage each (for Matt and I). I just wondered if anyone else was offered this.

    Hi Alley,


    yes you get an extra 20kg between the bride and groom!! :)

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post

    I'm good, ladies I think that I am officially ready... I have everything and done everything, if there is something that I haven't done or forgotten well it isn't gong to happen! I can't sleep but I figure that I will sleep after the wedding LOL


    YAY! When do you fly out?  Your big is SO SO SO close, can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!  How come you can't sleep?  cant wait... nervous... a little bit of both?!?! It will be GREAT!

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