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Posts posted by Kay6356

  1. These are amazing! Well done.. makes me wish I would of done something like this. :)

    Originally Posted by csho View Post

    I also just finished the cards I made for my girls! I am so pleased with how they turned out... I am definitely finding my inner crafter nowadays! The colour of the inside isn't quite the colour I wanted and smudged a little stupid Staples! But it will have to do... The blue on my computer was turquoise but it printed in a darker blue I don't like as much. I borrowed the little poem on the inside from a Savs 1027 and adjusted for my girls.





  2. Originally Posted by Jamdrea View Post


    Hey Kay,


    I think it may have gone to junk mail - since i get so much spam everyday and didn't see it.


    Could you please resend the template and put WEDDING TICKET in the subject line? I would really appreciate it.


    I also tried to open the photo's a tips link you posted but I guess my account level on here doesn't give me access :(

    I will send it again.  I will be doing a thread for it again, I had it deleted because I forgot to cut out some of our personal information in the pictures.  Also I have 2 extra passports which were not cut straight.  I am willing to send to anyone.  So PM me your address if you would like a hard copy.


    Kay xo

  3. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


    Great job you musr be so happy they are done and out... I know how happy and relaxed I felt once mine were in the,mail box and I didnt have to look at them anymore!

    Hi Jolene,

    I am so glad I did them, but yes so relaxed and happy they are all sent out now! :) Last night I didn't know what to do with myself because I've spent all my evenings working on them for weeks.... so I power cleaned the house ahaha... next is bouquets.  I do need everyone's opinions. My bouquets are going to be white roses with purple/blue orchids, I am unsure of what colour ribbon to use on my bouquet and the bridesmaids bouquets.... HELP everyone :)

  4. Originally Posted by Kristen112808 View Post


    EVknowsitall-  I like your take on sending out the formal wedding invites first then sending AHR invites later.  It seems less confusing for guests as they wont be bombarded with all this info amd dates.


    Did anyone else do this?  Or was it more of a hassle of tracking down people x2 if they didn't rsvp to one/both events?  I just want to make things as simple as possible for my guests...and myself! Lol

    We were originally going to send out our AHR invites with our DW invite.  But decided not to because I felt like it was a lot for our guests and so far in advanced for a local reception.  So I will send out AHR invites in September-November - ish for our February AHR. :)

  5. Originally Posted by alley08 View Post


    Yipee!!! I can't believe how that worked out. So excited :) It will be great to get together down there. I haven't heard back from Giselle. The last time I heard from her she told me that we couldn't get married on a Saturday even though the information she sent me said you could. Ahhhhh starting to get nervous. I'd just love to hear back either way. I have a few couples who are going to come down for four nights and they want to make sure they are there for the wedding. Pray for me lol


    How are other things coming along. Your invites are absolutely amazing. Did you bind them yet? If so, what did you use?


    I'm going to try dresses on soon. I'm so looking forward to that!


    Hope all is well, talk soon xo

    Really? Im guessing its changed than or maybe she doesn't know you are willing to pay the extra $150 to get married on the Saturday?  Have you requested other days yet ?  Things are coming along good, I've been super busy with stuff so I am hoping to have my invites out on Wednesday.  I am using staples, I'm pretty sure.  I don't know, I am not sure if I like either of them. (Staples or the ribbon).  Can't wait to see your dress!!! :) :) :)


    Kay xo

  6. Originally Posted by Jamdrea View Post


    Hi ladies, sorry i've been away for a few days (work is getting in the way of my wedding planning lol)


    WOW the passport invites look amazing. I was actually just looking at ordering some online this morning and its crazy the price they are asking.


    Where did you find the templates you used? I was originally going to send out a save the date but since we moved the wedding from Feb 2014 to Nov 2013 (feb was $400 more per person) we figure invites only should be enough.

    I can send you my templates and you can change the stuff to your info.  whats your email?  Once my invites are out in the mail (I'm hoping by Wed.) I will post a DETAILED forum of everything I used etc.

  7. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


    One thing that you can do it colour the staples on the top before you put them in the stapler and then they will have colour, use a paint pen wait for it to dry and there you go!!!!!

    Good idea Jolene, thank you.  I believe you can buy coloured staples as well.  So I am going to look around for those!  I have loved doing these invites but I cannot wait to complete them and mail them out! :)

  8. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    I think it would look better stapled... I think it looks more like a realistic passport that way!


    Originally Posted by Lydia1120 View Post


    I tried the ribbon too to assemble the passports and didn't like it either. I think staples work best.

    Staples it is!  I bought so much raffia ribbon in various colours.... I'm sure I will find some uses for it but I deff. have way too much.  It will be put with the wedding selling stuff for when my wedding is over :)  Thank you for the inputs ladies! 

    Kay xo

  9. Originally Posted by csho View Post


    Kay these are great!!! Very cute! I like that you added the email address on there! What a good idea! I am making my boarding pass invites and then making a luggage ticket for the rsvp card! But these are super cute!

    Thanks Csho!  Good luck with your invites, have you started them yet?  FI & I have gotten everything for our invites this weekend.  We decided to do printing at home, as it was cheaper in the long run.  Did a sample print & I LOVE THEM!  Just a tip.... I was going to do purple cover for my passport invite page, but FI suggested I try a cram sandy colour and he was right, It looks a lot better.  I will post pictures soon!!

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