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Everything posted by mimi73

  1. We are distributing our stuff between friends and family. We are also traveling with our 3 kids so we automatically have some extra baggage allowance right there
  2. Awesome thread, I can tell I will be coming back to check this out a few more times before my wedding happens. Thanks for taking the time to be so thorough.
  3. Welcome Lunas797! So many decisions!! Good luck with it all Janine, I just dyed it a deep chocolate brown, and I really like it.... but wonder if I need something more 'exciting'??!
  4. It all looks gorgeous! Great review. If you don't mind me asking, how much did you tip? I am completely clueless to what would be appropriate.
  5. What wonderful news! Congratulations to you and your husband!
  6. Thanks for the post, yet another thing for me to steal! This is the best site ever!!
  7. That is AWESOME. I just emailed him and asked how much he would charge to do our ceremony as well. Ours is at 2 pm though, and the reception doesn't begin until 6. What is your time frame?
  8. LOVE those clutches! Thanks sooooo much for posting the etsy site. I am ordering from there FOR SURE!!
  9. Final tally is 44, including us. We had planned on a smaller number, but since I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters.....it adds up fast I am so excited!! It has been 2.5 years since we have all been together. Start the PARTY!!
  10. Still haven't made it to the gym But I will!! Measured FI last night and ordered his linen pants and shirt. Bought bags yesterday for the OOT bags. Had my hair dyed, love it, but now I need to decide if I want solid colour only for the wedding, or highlights too. Found a cute beachbag for my MOH  I had total insomnia last night! I was up until 5am!! UGH! I did end up getting some sleep again until 8. So, coffee is my lover today  How is everyone else doing today?
  11. The Nicole Miller is lovely.... but wowee LOVE the Temperley London one! I haven't seen that designer before!
  12. I have 3 kids of my own, and I can tell you that I would not be offended at all! It's YOUR wedding, YOU get to make the rules Have you thought about hiring a 'sitter' or 2 to leave the kids with back at your place (or somewhere else) for the day and night? Then the parents don't have to leave their kids so far away. They still get the kids along for the vacation (just not for the wedding) and you get your kid free wedding. I hope I made sense Just a thought.
  13. Let me know what he says about the ceremony too.... if it is cheaper or the same as renting the sound system I may just do that. Good idea!
  14. I think that I was pretty lucky. I just happened upon his name from a HUGE web search. I think that he is just starting to do more weddings?... Apparently he is originally from Canada, or at least spent many years here so there will be no language barrier during the reception His prices are still sooooo much lower than others that I was quoted. I hate to sound like a penny pincher, but all the wedding costs add up quickly, plus the vacation costs for ourselves and our 3 kids!
  15. Â Glad that you and your guy are good though! Â
  16. I am trying to get everything done in the next week so that I can start back at the gym again. Not only did I do nothing with wedding plans this summer, but I only went to the gym once. ARRGH! I was going 4-5 days a week since Feb. I am so lame I have at least maintained my 'goal' weight this summer. I really just need to tone up my post (3) baby belly. I'll try to motivate you with your wedding stuff.... you motivate me for my gym stuff.. ok? Now get GOING!!!!!!!!
  17. Why does it feel like more and more things are NOT done, the more I actually get done?! Anyone else?!
  18. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO ladies! I was loading up the laundry, and now right back to the forum I swear I have been living on this thing for the past 3 days straight! I have done NOTHING all summer with my wedding planning, and now I am freaking out! In the last couple of days I got all my menus printed out and finished, OOT bags almost all done, name tags done, welcome letters done, hair flowers done. Going to go get my hair dyed this afternoon. Still need to book hair, make-up and spa appt for the resort etc
  19. The poopy thing is neither my mom or his sister live in the same town as us (or even each other for that matter!) We may just use the clerks, but I did want it a teensy bit more personal than that.... I think?! Who knows, but we had better decide soon!
  20. I am afraid of this happening too. FI and I haven't told anyone, except my mom and FI's sister. We are planning on doing the same thing as most of you. Just a quick signing of the papers on a weekday afternoon. Now we just have to find 2 friends that can keep the secret to be our witnesses. I think that will be the hardest part!
  21. Love the dress, but it will be too short on me I am sure it will get snapped up soon
  22. I am trying to figure this out as well. We arrive on the same flight as the majority of our guests, and I figure we won't get to the resort until around 8:30pm....ick. My MOH gets to the resort about 2 hours before us, I think I may get her to hand them out. I don't want to pay the $4 room delivery fee, plus I am afraid that if anyone upgrades their room the bag may get lost in the shuffle. My other thought is to get the front desk to hand them out during check-in.... but I have heard from some other forums that some places will only hand them out if they are 'generic' and mine all have name tags. It's all the 'little' things that take the time!!
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