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Everything posted by pugmomjenn

  1. Congrats and welcome! Happy planning...you have come to the right place for good info!
  2. Congrats and welcome! I've learned to hurry up and wait when emailing people in Jamaica! Good luck with the planning!
  3. I can't get the link to work for the photos so I'll definately have to check it out on ebay. Thanks!
  4. Welcome and congrats! Good to see another bride from Ohio!
  5. Congrats and welcome! The Bahamas will be amazing! Happy planning!
  6. Congrats Natasha and Welcome. You have come to the right place for lots of good ideas and tips!
  7. Congrats! and Welcome! You should find lots of helpful info on here!
  8. Welcome and congrats! You've come to the right place for lots of help, ideas, and all kinds of other good wedding stuff! Happy planning!
  9. Congrats and welcome! You should be able to find lots of good info here! Enjoy your planning !
  10. pugmomjenn


    Welcome and congrats! You have come to the right place for info. Check out the Jamaica thread. Sorry I still haven't figured out how to do links here.
  11. Welcome! Your daughter is so lucky to have you to help her! You will certainly find lots of info on here!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by GracieBebe If you like the babydoll type, you should try Amazon.com. I was able to get like 8-9 things for my friend for her wedding night/honeymoon for a total of less than $200. She said she had 1 to wear every night and you really can't go wrong with baby-doll style cuz it's usually flattering to every figure! Another good idea! Thanks! I'll check it out.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by tbriley22 I bought some at a Hobby Lobby store, and am having them made into a bouquet by a Canadian woman. She is adding some flowers, but has been great to work with. If you DIY, you could check the store and see what they have. If you'd like her info, PM me and I will gladly give you her contact info. I can't make them myself. I'll have to check Hobby Lobby. I was just there over the weekend but not looking at flowers. Thanks!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ Hi pugmom, i'm a pug mom too! Sorry for the thread hijack Your little guy in the pic is so adorable! I have a black one. Can't wait til the wedding is over because I think we're getting another one!
  15. I know on David's website they have 99 dollar dresses. I however had such a mortifiying experience when I went shopping there for my dress. I told the sales lady my budget was 500-600, when in reality I knew I would be able to charge anything over. Afterall, I only get to buy one wedding dress so it may as well be the one I love. So I kept wanting dresses that were about 1000, and she finally said to me "well you can't afford that one so why bother trying it on?" I burst out in tears and my girlfriends there were about to scream at her. Then she started laughing. I just couldn't bring myself to buy anything there after that...I like the Target one too so that's an option. Thanks for the link for that one.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Tobi You will prolly be able to find some good sales for after Valentines Day clearance. I found mine at Burlington coat factory (of all places!) for the cutest sets at $12!! I bought a couple and then ended up getting like 5 more at my bachlorette party. My hubby is happy =) I never would have thought of Burlington. Plus there is one right around the corner. I'm just going to have to run up there today. Thanks!
  17. Thanks for your review! It was quite helpful. I'm crossing my fingers for good weather in October. I'm like you and want to feel like I've gotten my monies worth out of the trip, so I'm going to be disappointed if we can't use all the extras that make this place cost extra. Oh, do you happen to have any pics of the rooms there? Thanks for all the time you put into this! Jenn
  18. OOT bags seem like a great idea, but I wouldn't think guests should expect them. I'm just trying to figure out how to get our few gifts with us. Darn these airlines for charging to check all the bags! LOL:)
  19. I think I'm doing it. I've been scoping out ebay for a second dress in case I can't do it with the original one. At least I have a plan...that's a good thing the way things are going now. If I did do TTD with the first dress I'm afraid I would fall over because it is a pick up style with a cathedral train. Not the ideal beach wedding dress but I love it.
  20. Congrats and Welcome! You will have no problem finding all the info you need on here.
  21. Congrats and Welcome! I feel you on being stressed...everytime I think I have it all figured out I think of something else...lol! Just take your time and make sure you keep in mind it is your special day and you should have it exactly how you and your FH want it to be. Good luck! I am sure you will find this site very helpful!
  22. Welcome and congrats! Cuba should be awesome. And you've definately come to the right place for info. You will soon find out how addicting this site is! Happy Planning
  23. Hi Dawn! Congrats on renewing your vows. I'm pretty sure Sandals offers the same package or one similar to the complimentary wedding. Check out the Sandals link under Carribean (sorry I can't figure out how to do the link thing). Their website is also very helpful. I actually called and spoke with someone there about possibly having my wedding there and they were quite helpful on the phone and prompt with emailing info. The reason we didn't select Sandals is they don't allow outside photographers. I've heard great things about Sandals though so you should have a great time! Congrats and happy planning!
  24. Hi all...I'm looking for undergarmets and am wondering where you have purchased yours. I just can't take myself to spend 100-200 on something I'm going to use one time. I'm looking on ebay, but just not sure of the quality of an off name corset etc.
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