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Everything posted by jennierin

  1. Hi all! I thought that I'd write and give you a quick update on what has happened in the last week. I went into the MP's office on Wednesday to plead my Dad's case about why he NEED's to have this stupid card ASAP. I went in there with a clear head promising myself I wouldn't have a meltdown...you know, you get more with honey than vinegar?? Well, I ended up bawling anyway. The MP assured me that he would look into it and get things done! Well, we had our legal day on Thursday. My Dad was in attendance and he was able to walk me into the council hall and gave me away to my FI (or I guess "technically" my hubby now?). It was nice that my parents were there but it still wasn't the same for me. My Dad just called me from his work to let me know that he got a phone call from Immigration in Montreal and that they were in the process of getting this landed immigrant status card done and sent to him via courier! Yay! They also faxed him a confirmation that he has applied for this card and that it will be sent to him so that that he can go to the Dutch consulate, show them this confirmation fax and get a start on his passport being processed so that he will get it in time...it's a tight crunch BUT it looks as though he will be getting ALL the documents he needs to leave with us on the 23rd! I am trying very hard to remain optimistic but I won't believe it until I see it! KWIM? But, I am so happy that the ball is rolling and it looks like it is in our favor! Looks like I will be voting for my MP again in the future...I will have to send him a thank you card I think! Thank you all for the kind words! It was a bad time for me and you made me feel much better knowing that there were my BDW girls in my corner. I'm positive all the good vibes and prayer helped a lot!!! You girls ROCK!
  2. You know your FMIL best so I figure if you think that she did this on purpose than that is the way it is. For me, it was easy because my Mom and I took my FMIL shopping for her dress and I was able to see what she was purchasing before hand. I have a similar situation where a guest asked if it was okay for her to wear an orange dress and her hubby to wear an orange shirt as it would match our wedding colors (pink and orange). I came right out and told her that her husband could not wear the orange shirt as that is what the best man will be wearing...I don't really care but I didn't want people to think that he was part of the wedding party! KWIM? Anyway, I think you should tell her that she should exchange the dress for another color, however, 5 days before your wedding, that might not be possible. Just breathe and remember that people will be looking at you and your husband to be...not the clueless MIL that is camouflaged in with the wedding party!!! AND I agree with Tam, your Mom is going to stand out more than the MIL, so tell her to WORK IT GIRL! Congrats and have a GREAT wedding!!!!
  3. Thanks for all the kind thoughts ladies...I am still looking into what we can do and hopefully it will all work out and he'll be able to celebrate with us down south. On a brighter note, my legal wedding day is tomorrow...at first FI and I were going to City Hall on our own but with what has happened, we have invited my parents this morning to join us as tomorrow to be our witnesses. My Dad will walk me down the "aisle" (not that there is much of one) and at least he will be there for that. I have not lost hope that he'll walk me down the beach in a few short weeks. I am just heading out to the MP's office now so hopefully I'll have some better news for you all! Thanks again ladies!
  4. So here is my turn to vent!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I am so frustrated right now that I don't know what to do! I called my parents this evening and found out that my Dad is having trouble with getting the proper documents in order to be able to come to Dominican with the rest of us... Here is a little history. My Father is a landed immigrant. He came to Canada from Holland when he was six years old. Unfortunately, he has never become a Canadian citizen over the last 56 years because he never really felt a need to do it. In July, he visited the Dutch Consulate in Toronto to renew his passport. He was told that in order for him to receive his dutch passport that he has to have his landed immigrant status card, as well as have it to leave the country and be able to return. This was implemented shortly after 9/11. Unfortunately, my father was unaware of this at the time he went to renew the passport. He went to the proper place to apply for this card and was told that it would take 90 days for it to be processed and sent to him. That would bring us to October 21st, two days before we are supposed to leave for the wedding! He pleaded his case to Immigration and they assured him that they would put a rush on it so that he would have time to renew his passport.... Fast forward to today...3 weeks before we are to leave for the Dominican Republic....NO LANDED IMMIGRANT STATUS CARD!!!! !!!!! My Dad has been to Passport Canada (the people who issue these cards) and they have NO IDEA what is going on! Big flippin' surprise there! The unfortunate thing about this is that he can't even get his Dutch passport from the consulate because he has to have this stupid card before they will even issue a new one to him! I am just so MAD right now. I am going to be heading to my MP's (the person who represents the "people" in the government) office tomorrow and put on the tears...maybe HE will be able to do something about this for us?? I won't be able to take it if my Dad cannot be there to walk me down the aisle! He has been sooo excited about this trip (my Mom and Dad have never been anywhere farther than South Carolina) and now he is just feeling soooo down! My Dad is a very quiet man so he doesn't say much but I KNOW that he is feeling so bad about this situation. I love him so much and I will be devastated if he won't be there. I am seriously keeping my fingers crossed and praying for a miracle to happen in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for listening...I know it was a long rant but I am sitting here close to tears and had no one else to turn to!
  5. My Bloody Valentine : Jaime King
  6. Robert Pattinson : Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  7. Rachael McAdams : The Notebook
  8. Atonement : Juno Temple (seriously had to look that one up!)
  9. Big Fish : Helena Bonham Carter
  10. Moulin Rouge : Ewan McGregor
  11. Absolutely agree with the other girls...#2 is just stunning! I love the sparkle at the neck line!
  12. Javier Bardem : Vicki Christina Barcelona <= I LOVED this movie so much!
  13. Courage Under Fire : Denzel Washington
  14. Joan Allen : The Borne Supremacy
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