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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. Jannae- I LOVE LOVE LOVE Elizabeth Medina's work too. She is just too pricey for us because we are having a huge AHR when we get home. You will have gorgeous pics for sure if you go with her! Josie-I am not doing menus or place cards because I haven't really had time to make them to be honest. I think menus would look great on the table though...you can just use the menu info I sent to you from Ael and DIY. They have some really pretty DIY ones on here.
  2. Samira-I heard that the ladies here on this forum are really good! TammyHost owns this forum and she is a travel agent along with alot of other ladies. Just click on the flashing banner at the top of the forum and I think it allows you to get in touch with them. I have only heard good things about their service, etc.
  3. Thanks for being so supportive ladies!!! You all are so sweet! It really helps Jannae- I can't wait to come back and let y'all know how everything goes! I am so glad you found such great information on here I will definitely email you the info!
  4. Welcome Jannae! I am getting married at the RPRM in just 11 days! Feel free to jump in on the RPRM brides thread. Good luck with all your planning!
  5. Thanks girls! Y'all are so sweet! June-I know I won't be sleeping at all, haha. I will be too excited! Are any of y'all doing any type of excursions?? I know that we have planned to do a jeep ride around Cozumel to all the area bars and we want to swim with the dolphins somewhere. I can't wait. I have always wanted to swim with the dolphins.
  6. I LOVE your pics Josie!!!! Sooo cute! BTW-not only did my cousin and her husband back out today, but my SIL did too just a few hours ago. I am okay though because my brother is still coming (SIL has a valid excuse now). I was just sad because I lost 3 people with pretty much 1 week to go Oh well!!!
  7. Josie-I am so happy your day went well! Congrats! Shell and Lisa-I am leaving on Wednesday, July 29th!!! WOW! So soon!!! Yes, it is my bday too! I haven't even thought about that since I have been so busy with the wedding and AHR. My cousin and her husband just backed out today They are moving to Chicago with his job and just found out. They have to use the vacation time to buy a house. I am sad but I totally understand. MrsMarch- I am having my bachelorette party this weekend!!! Whoohoo! We are all going about 1.5 hours away to a beach resort hotel Can't wait.
  8. We used JessicaM (BDW Member) from The Stylish Scribe The Stylish Scribe, LLC Custom Invitation Design in Reno, Nevada She is great and works with your budget
  9. Congrats MRS! Your pics are beautiful. I love the one of y'all getting the bartender drunk, hahaha!
  10. Josie-let me know how the legal ceremony went. Mine is on friday and I want to know what to expect...
  11. I am excited/nervous/anxious/stressed/happy all wrapped up in one, haha! I mailed my invites out a couple months before because all of my guests knew we were having a DW and those who wanted to come were already booked. I have heard everything from 6 months before to 2 months before. I suggest if you do 2 months to send out save-the-dates
  12. She is so beautiful. Congrats!
  13. FI always puts the toilet seat down. He NEVER changes the toilet paper roll though, haha! Drives me nuts
  14. Hi Andrea! Welcome! I am getting married at the RPRM in 2 weeks!!! Feel free to join in on our thread all about RPRM brides: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25118-85
  15. They are all really cute. I love the cookie idea. I chose #3 because I love the personalization with the picture. #2 would be my second fav!
  16. Josie-I hope you have a WONDERFUL day tomorrow! I will be thinking of you
  17. Josie-what a beautiful friend. I love her dress! June-my FI would help if I asked him too, but I am a control freak when it comes to the wedding, haha. I guess that is the bridezilla in me coming out
  18. WOW! Girl, you look AMAZING! My favs are the 1st one and the last two. Your FI is going to die!
  19. Wow, that is soon Steph. We start on the 24th. Sounds like you landed a great job for the summer. Katrina-I want to get certified in ESL, that is next on my list!
  20. Congrats and Welcome!!! I am getting married at the RPRM in a couple weeks!!! We have tons of information in our thread posted above by the wonderful RPRM ladies.
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