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Everything posted by BlissfulMsMiranda

  1. Yay Frankie!!!! That's awesome news! Makes me smile ... great way to start the day, reading a successful rescue story like this!
  2. Hi all - after much thought and your answers and a bunch of answers from fellow cat-lovers on Facebook I've decided that we ARE going to try and catch him again. He was waiting on our porch this morning, starving, at 6:30 a.m. so I fed him and he was SO cold and just wanted love and food. And he even sat and watched us go about our morning through the porch door while our Cornish Rex howled at him through the window. Hehehe We didn't have time to coax him into the garage again this morning, but I'll be at it tonight when I get home and I"m going to sit with him for as long as I can once we have him inside again. I rescheduled the vet appointment for next week and if, in the few days that we have him in the garage, we notice posters etc. we'll return him. But, I feel the same way: If someone is willing to leave their declawed cat outside ALL THE TIME, then they don't deserve to own him. I couldn't tell if he was fixed or not ... There may be little balls back there but I'm not sure ... and he doesn't have a pouch like most fixed cats do (hanging in front of his back legs like extra skin)... and he's pretty small ... my Mum thinks he has worms and his growth has been stunted. I will keep you ladies up to date on how the entrapment goes tonight ... hopefully he'll stop crying and realize he has a safe, warm place to stay with food and water and blankets. I'm going to give him a nice big box with blankets and leave a radio on for him while we're at work tomorrow.
  3. Hi all - first of all, WOW - thank you all so much for all the advice and kind words. Honestly, that's the best feedback I've ever had!! So, here's an update: We tried to bring Ghost Cat (as we've nicknamed him) into the house tonight. His vet appointment is supposed to be tomorrow. Now, I got him into the garage with food and a little physical coaxing (I had to lift him in). Once he was in ... he was a little panicked ... tail down, meowing, running around like he wanted out ... and then my bright husband opened the door to take out a bag of garbage and he ran out. But he came right back to me, rubbing up against me and meowing and being friendly. And he comes as soon as I rattle the food in the bowl. Also, when he was in the garage, my husband noticed that he's been declawed. Now we think he must belong to someone ... but he has no collar, he's really small, he's ravenous when he eats and he's ALWAYS around no matter what the time of day or the weather... So, what do we do?! Do we try and catch him again and just let him calm down on his own in the garage ... I mean, he can't possibly cry all night and day... is he panicking because he's a stray or because he knows it's not his house? I know people abandon their pets everyday ... but I don't want to be responsible for STEALING someone's cat! I want to help him ... but now I'm not sure! Thanks again for ALL your help. You guys are incredible!
  4. Aw thanks ladies! Great advice and tips ... this week is the trip to the vet week ... I was able to actually call him with food this morning ... I shook the bag and waited about 1 minute and he came running ... so he's definitely staying close to our house (I think he may even be under our porch). And I couldn't pour the food fast enough - I ended up pouring 1/2 of it over his head because he was so eager to eat!! We are going to try coaxing him into the garage with tuna, and if that doesn't work I'm going to try picking him up with a big blanket and carrying him into the garage that way. We are also going to keep our car parked in the driveway so if he's afraid he won't try and hide in the engine ... We'll have lots of warm blankies, food and water as well as a kitty litter in case he might know how to use one already! Neutering will be my first business after the little guy gets checked out and we make sure we want to keep him. Stress for our other two cats is very important to me as one of my cats is 17 years old and she's too old to have to deal with too much stress and anxiety! So, if the stray doesn't mesh, we'll make sure we place him in a warm and loving him - no SPCA, we'll find him a family on our own. I'll try my best to keep you all up to date on the situation ... he definitely wants a warm place to stay - he tried to run into the kitchen the other morning when I opened up the porch door to say hi. Hehehe As usual you ladies are amazing - thanks for ALL the great advice and help - especially Vicki!!
  5. Hello girls!! So, as usual I'm looking to my BDW ladies for some much-needed advice ... Hubby and I have noticed a cat around our house for the past few months ... we think he likes our yard because we have no grass yet (new place) and we just have really tall weeds and LOTS of grasshoppers ... so he likes to hunt. He's skittish and would run whenever we attempted to go near him, which is what made us think he was a stray ... that and he's ALWAYS around, no matter what the weather. As the temperature steadily plummets here in north-eastern Canada, hubby and I are getting worried that the little guy is going to freeze to death come winter. So, we started feeding him 2 weeks ago. He SCOFFS his food ... he's obviously hungry ... and he stares with wide eyes if we watch him eat ... he's obviously afraid. Yesterday, hubby was able to pet him and he rubbed up against my leg once this morning, then ran back to his food when I went out on the porch with him. So, we're both too compassionate to leave the little guy to freeze to death in the coming months. But, here's the kicker: We already have 2 cats at home. Now, I made an appointment with our vet for next week ... but we have to get him into the garage first and then into the cat box ... have any of you ladies had experience taking in a stray and getting him to the vet? I'm quite certain this isn't an owned cat ... his feet are always filthy (they're white), he's pretty skinny and he's too scared of us to be a house cat ... and he has no collar which all of the other outdoor owned cats in our area have. Any and all advice would be much appreciated!!! Thanks ladies!!!!
  6. Dress No. 2 is stunning ... but the girls are right - we need to see pics of you in the dresses for proper final decisions. :)
  7. Holy hotness BOTH of you!!! What a stunning set of pictures ... you must be SO pleased with them ... awesome, awesome TTD session Yean!!
  8. The cake for our actual wedding in Cuba was nothing special as we didn't ask for anything specific at all ... However, for the AHR we did something a bit different and decided to go with cupcakes so we didn't have to do a cutting of the cake or anything like that ... plus we knew that everyone loves cupcakes!! We used Clever Cupcakes in Montreal to do custom-designed cupcakes and chose the colors and flavours ...
  9. Hey Lindsay! I was married in Cayo Coco at Melia Cayo Guillermo and it was an absolutely gorgeous resort. Sorry I don't know about the Melia Cayo Coco, but I can tell you that I've been to 2 Melia resorts and they were absolutely prefect, both of them! If you want some info and pics of the Melia Cayo Guillermo, let me know! Good luck with the planning!
  10. I love this thread too ... you ladies are all SO gorgeous and it makes me smile so much to look at these. It'll be 4 months for hubby and I tomorrow ... it feels like it just happened yesterday!!!
  11. No.2 is stunning and will show YOU off more ... the first one is a bit much...like you might get lost behind the dress, ya know? But they're both gorgeous. Good luck and post pics when you find the one!!
  12. I stuffed the top of my vase with a rolled up sock then covered the opening with 4-5 more socks and rope ... and carried it on board in my carry-on!!! Peachy-Girl; I love the hourglass idea!!! Awesome!!
  13. Wow, they all look stunning on you - definitely stick with the sweetheart neckline as it REALLY suits you. I think your body and you look the best in dress No. 1 ... just that little touch of bling is perfect in the front and I like the way it's gathered ... The back of dress No. 2 is stunning, but it seems to be a bit heavy (the whole dress) for a DW ... They all look amazing though!!
  14. Ooh she just sent me another version ... What do you guys think of sans text and sepia?? I'm pretty pale ... would the "color" be nice?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE boooooo i cant see the picture for some reason Oh no! Hmmm ... I posted it correctly because I can see it ... but maybe you can see it here: Tattoo
  16. I was a bit worried that the words would be too small as well ... and the tattoo parlor had mentioned that smaller letters tend to be fade quickly and would need to be retouched often. They are rather significant ... but I'm wondering if the artist can maybe beef them up a bit? So they aren't SO small ... I don't like the font either so I'd want that changed ... and my Mum made a boo-boo ... it's a quote from the Rudyard Kipling poem "If" and the last work should be "aim" not "master" on the bottom line ...
  17. Alright ladies, so I mentioned on the tattoo thread that I'm about to take the ink plunge! First one ever and I'm petrified of needles ... but besides that I'm SO excited. So, my Mum is a phenomenal artist and I asked her to design my tattoo for me (as that would give it more meaning right away), and I asked her to try and channel me when she designed ... I gave her no guidelines, no restrictions ... just told her where I wanted it (on my right side, stretching down from the start of my shoulder blade, over my rib and to my waist ... probably from 6-10" long ... depending). I'm a writer ... always have been, always will be ... and I currently work as an editor ... so words are my life pretty much ... And this is what she came up with (note that the font will likely change as I'm not too keen on it): Tell me what you girls think!!!! And I'll FOR SURE post a pic of the finished product ON ME!
  18. Hmm that's a good idea actually ... I mean, there's enough room on the card for us to write a personal message thanking each person for their gifts individually, so we can just leave it blank!
  19. There's no inside, they're like postcards so we have to think of something to get printed on the front by our picture. .. and I was thinking of signing each on personally with our names and xoxox ... but the message will be printed when we order them.
  20. Hi all! So, I'm stuck again ladies ... I'm just trying to put my thank-you card together on Costco's website ... and I'm stumped on what "message" we should write under the big "thank-you" ... there's a 20-character limit to each line ... so it can't be much ... Has anyone done one of those photo thank-you cards and if so, what did you write? Thanks ladies!!!
  21. Wow, super hot shots!!! Your hubby-to-be is going to be SOOOOO shocked when he sees these!!! Tammy is amazing ...
  22. Again thank you all for all the tips and advice ... we've been great all week!! Colin and I are finally feeling "comfortable" together after being a bit weird for a few weeks (which is clearly my fault for not communicating!). I'm getting a bit better at saying what's on my mind (so far). So, I just had to share something with all of you ... I do our "Cool Site" selections on AskMen.com and I came across this website www.malemark.com which is like a Hallmark for men ... with greeting cards for mistakes only men can make. And I came across this one and HAD to share: Looks like Colin should have sent me this one on Tuesday ... ;-) Hehehe
  23. Thanks again ladies - I will definitely be working on my communication from now on. And WILL be booking with little Ms. Katie in the future ... so I'll be sure to fill you all in on her when we're one-on-one. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE Miranda- I'm sorry I'm JUST now responding.......hellova day at work for me. I am so glad (and proud) that you put it ALL out there. The main reason is because I guarantee Colin would not have woken up one day and realized HOW much you do and HOW LITTLE response he's been giving. At the beginning of my relationship with Jason, I did little things for him all the time, like left him notes on his car, cleaned it off for him in the winter and it was covered with snow (bc i leave earlier), buy him little gifts, and I did all this hoping he'd think I was the COOLEST girl ever and would offer me some kind of verbal or physical praise or even maybe reciprocate and do little things for me. It totally backfired on me. When we ended up talking he told me that he likes a few things here and there, but i did so much that it made him feel inadequit and he had no idea how to respond....I realized I was just over-doing it hoping for some subconcious realization on his part and all I had to do in the first place was ASK. Sorry for the long story, I can just totally relate to you! Just this morning I was feeling stressed because sometimes it feels like i do EVERYTHING and Jason skates through life doing the basics and he doesnt even care if the house is messy or not. By the time I'm done cleaning and organizing, and can finally relax, its 9PM...so frustrating! What I found was the BIGGEST help in my own relationship was the beautiful art of PREFACING. We'd have a conversation where he'd say "I'm sorry babe, I'll definitely make more of an effort to help you" and my response is always: "Thanks so much, I really appreciate that, I just want you to know that in the future I'm gonna give you little reminders if I feel like I need more help and you're not giving, so don't get upset with me!" I say something to the effect of, "I'm warning you in advance that if you don't uphold your end of the bargin, I'm going to keep you in check, and I expect you to do the same for me." This has seriously worked miracles for me! Now I can bring stuff up and he doesnt get mad (because i warned) and there are times when he does it to me and I'm grateful for it. He puts me in my place when deserved and if he didn't I think I'd only be considering my perspective. I hope you guys can do this for eachother and I'm glad you had a great convo with DH and figured out your own feelings and where they were stemming from! PS: I still hate Katie....hahahaha Josie you are a doll ... and that's EXACTLY how it's always been with Colin and I. At the beginning I would always get him little cards, make his bed for him if he was out and I got to his house before him, etc. etc. And yeah, I think he just got into this routine where I'd do EVERYTHING and he'd just sit and take it. Well, not anymore. I think I did warn him last night ... amongst all the tears I managed to blubber about not being able to continue like this and saying that I would be asking him to help out more than usual, and that I'd WANT him to volunteer to help, and not get huffy if I asked ... so I hope that got through to him. I'll have to bring it up again when I'm less emotional. Hehehe I think it made me cry more when I actually said I felt like he didn't care about me ... the look on his face was such hurt, I actually felt bad for saying it out loud ... but clearly, I got my message across. Really ... you've all been incredible. To have such a strong support group on a message board is just incredible. You girls ROCK!!!!
  24. Thanks ladies - maybe a mod can swoop in and update the title to reflect the fact that pics have been added? Thanks!!
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