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Everything posted by ashrose

  1. Its a great site... I don't have 500 dollars to develop a site like that... but all the best to them
  2. Hee hee... I don't think I'd like to play monopoly with Donald Trump either...
  3. Oh wow. That's so good to know! Sounds scary... if I was on vacation and soliders showed up... uh... I'd be freaked out.
  4. Wow. That's awesome... on so many levels. Way to go Jenny's FI for doing that!
  5. ... I want to win the lottery. I'm not very lucky.
  6. ashrose


    Welcome to the forum! You'll love this site!
  7. Congrats and welcome!
  8. ashrose


    Congrats and welcome!
  9. I think the real question is, do you feel hurt and offended? Like Kristy, I too can understand why you were hurt. She is a close friend and didn't come to your wedding. So, if you feel hurt -- you are completely justified in doing so. Without sounding cliche, I'd recomend talking with her about it -- not in an accusatory manner, but moreso in a way that will help to further your relationship and bring about reconciliation. She certainly had reasons she made the choices she did (to attend the other girl's wedding as opposed to attending yours)-- just like you had reasons to make the choice to do a DW. Neither of the choices are wrong. So do you feel hurt? We can support you all the way through the hurt -- we've been there with people we really care about not being able to or not coming to our DW. Hang in there!
  10. Welcome!!! There is so much information on here -- you'll be on your way to making the best choices in no time.
  11. His sisters really want to be my bride's maids... but they've been really mean to me from the beginning (long long story... I went on one date with FI's oldest sister's husband BEFORE they got together... and I've been a 'immoral' woman ever since)... It is starting to get better, but not where I would consider all three of them any close to me. I think I'll take the liberty to change my mind a million and five times. I've got time.
  12. See... when I think he isn't paying attention to me, I make stuff up... Sam: So what are you going to do tonight? AshleyRose: Oh you know, the usual... research some stuff, catch up on work I didn't finish, and then I was thinking about writing our vows. Sam: What? Writing our vows? AshleyRose: Yeah. Could be a fun project. Check that one off the list. Sam: You going to write both our vows? AshleyRose: Yeah. Works best that way. Sam: We didn't talk about that! AshleyRose: Sure we did. The conversation went like this, "Hey hunny, do you have any opinions about our wedding?" "uh... I want to marry you, i want people there, and i want there to be food..." "so everything else is fair game and you trust my judgement?" "yeah." Sam: YOU TRICKED ME! Sam: are you really going to write our vows? AshleyRose: No, I think we should officially set the date first. Sam: Oh. Most people do that first?
  13. Thanks so much everyone!! Quote: Originally Posted by Pug3636 You can all imagine how fun it is to be complained to about the cost of attending your own wedding...argh. So, you just have to do what makes you happy! And don't let anyone's opinions on anything you choose to do ruin your time. Whatever you decide, will be wonderful! ...yeah, we havent sent out are STDs yet, but have casually brought it up with the "most important" folks... and I am getting lots of complaints. When I get complaints, I remind them that I am buying 8 plane tickets and paying for 5 different hotel rooms for at least 3 nights (me/fi/pastor/pastor wife/photog and assistant/videogog and assistant) in addition to paying for all the wedding related expenses. Aye. If only I had a million dollars... or if my BDW points could buy me free nights at the hotel.
  14. Ok. I have a great idea. Anyone want practice being in a wedding? Now hiring bridesmaids! Come to Seattle, come to Cancun.
  15. *sigh* I want to have ladies... but I've never had the girlie girl type of relationship with people. Its mostly mother hen or business type relationships... I used to have a few super close girl friends -- we were in leadership for a student business organization... but those relationships went out the window when it was best for the business. I don't know if I'd trust the boys to throw me a bridal shower or a bachlorette party. I mean... we would probably end up drinking bad coffee and playing Settlers... when I would much rather go waltzing or on a sailboat. I guess I'm super traditional in mindset -- that's why I'm having a hard time with this. Sam and I "courted" instead of dated... I am a high powered career woman now who wants to get her PhD... but I eventually want to be a stay at home homeschool mom. I've always wanted a cross between leave it to beaver and little house on the prarie with the fashion sense of Stacey and Clinton. I guess, for once, I'd like something that resembled a normal rite of passage. My mom died when I was young, so I wont have a mom there... and my dad and I are trying to reconcile our relationship -- he was abusive to me but thinks I'm making it all up... so I've thrown around the idea of not having him walk me down the aisle (i want to be given in marriage) but the whole situation makes me sour. I guess I just need someone to say "its ok. it will be ok, whatever you decide."
  16. I love this thread. Keep the funny boy stories coming
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Mishka Designs We just did a wedding in fuschia and orange with adobe pots ... the blog is here: Mishka Designs' Blog: Mexico Chic Wedding! PS: I love your blog. It's amazing. When I first joined BDW (oh, like 3 weeks ago)... it gave me hope I could do something other than seashells. If you were in Cancun...
  18. Would it look weird having my guy friends stand on my side and his sisters on his side? Hmm...
  19. So I'm slightly frustrated. I know that in choosing a DW, that some of my friends wont be able to come. I am having a hard time because all of the girls I wanted to ask to be in my bridal party will likely... be among those who can't come. My sister and I are fighting right now and I think she thinks it is ridiculous to spend that much. My roomate works for a church and doesn't want to spend the money. My best friend, who I wanted to be my MOH, has 3 little kids and husband... I'm not in to their finances... but from her reaction to me telling her we decided on DW "have fun with that" leads me to think that... well... she isn't going to be able to do it. I'd really like her kids in my wedding too. I'm running out of lady friends! I have spent a few painstaking years trying to become friends with ladies. It doesnt come easy for me ... but guy friends... man, guys are so much easier to talk to... and I've got 3 guys that consider me a sister to them. My other option at this point... my FI has 3 sister... but the relationship between me and them is... well... rocky at best. I almost would rather stand up there alone than with people that I know don't love me and want to support us in making the step. How tacky would it be to have 3 bride's men and 3 groom's girls? I mean... Weird, yes... but tacky?
  20. Oops. I didn't mean to hit post... I figured I could go richer with the pick, lighter and brighter with the orange, and then tie them together with a coral and a chocolate.
  21. I've been playing on that website that Jenny sent (it rocks, by the way...) Here's what I came up with...
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