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starfish kate

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Everything posted by starfish kate

  1. I totally agree- thanks Alisha and Christa. And it is mostly Mike who is concerned, not me so I'll have to give him your advice.
  2. I did a search and didn't find anything about this specifically. FH and I were talking yesterday, and he is concerned about where to draw the line about who is invited and who isn't. I'm okay with not inviting people, but how do you tell them they're not invited when they assume they are? Right now our invite list is about 85, but about 50 will come. I DO NOT want to add any more. I've already added about 20 to my original number because my parents have to invite their friends but I didn't argue too much because they offered to pay for a lot of the wedding (and their friends will come). If I tell them "don't worry, we'll have a reception when we get home" what can I expect the general response to be? And if I don't speak to them directly, how do I tell them about the AHR without directing them to our website? Just trying to plan ahead to avoid as much awkwardness as I can.
  3. I thought I was going to need a new job because I work for a start-up and I was sick of doing nothing all day because we had no money, but my VP just told me yesterday that he's not replacing my boss who left in July. This means that he (he the VP) and I will BE the marketing department, and this should actually work out for me... He said that we have at least 18 months until any type of decision is made by our parent company on whether or not to continue. So... I'm going to hang in for a while. Good luck to everyone- let me know if I can help.
  4. starfish kate


    Welcome to the forum, Karalinda!
  5. Congratulations and welcome! Let us know how we can help.
  6. Welcome to the forum!
  7. I am so sorry I just got to this thread. People like you don't deserve to go through this, nevermind twice. Hang in there and let us know if you need anything.
  8. I'd have to say 5+ per week, but usually it's twice a day on the weekends and maybe once or twice during the week. Mike rarely gets home before 8pm and we're both usually exhausted. I freaked out a couple of months ago because we hadn't done it in a week and I thought he wasn't interested in me anymore. (This was an issue with a past 7+ year relationship I was in and the guy ended up to be cheating on me.) I got over it and things are fine.
  9. You can order online gift cards from Amazon and some other sites. The recipient receives their gift via email so a physical address is not needed. FH got one from someone at work recently. Electronic Gift Certificates Arrive within hours Can be sent to multiple addresses Can be sent as an e-mail or an e-card
  10. I know, I know! I can't seem to get them any bigger. I'm working on it...
  11. Hi everyone, My little sister got married on Sunday and I thought I'd share some pictures. The day started out rainy and freezing, but by 3:00 the sun was out and the weather was perfect! She was sooooo beautiful and she walked down the "aisle" (it was all grass) to Pretty Woman. Once she was up there she couldn't stop moving, she was soo excited. They kept saying "I love you" to each other. Sara and Dad The beautiful bride, Sara Bridesmaids with Sara and Mike My family Mike and Me
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendan LOL!!! It totally is!!!! I once gave up diet coke for over 6 months. The first week or two were the toughest since I was losing my caffine high, but then it got better. I don't smoke, I don't drink a lot of alcohol, but I drink SO MUCH Diet Coke!! I am going to start weaning myself off of it after this weekend so I will need some support... If I can quit Diet Coke, I can do anything, right?!
  13. Welcome to the forum, Shandra!
  14. Actually, they all pretty much agreed that the chic should make her own money and not be looking for a man to provide for her. The also disagreed with the guy's statement about her being past her prime at age 35, and if she is so beautiful, why hasn't she found anyone? Joy said the she wants the mirror the girl is looking into. Also, same comment as Shelley (I think)- do rich people really look for dates on Craig's list?? Craig's list is free...
  15. I have been looking for a new job for a few months now, and I have gotten nowhere with the job boards. The one recruiting agency I talked to that specialized in my field (marketing) "yes" 'd me to death and then I didn't ever hear from him again. Just this morning I sent an email to all of my friends and aquaintances telling them what I am looking for. I got my current job because I "knew someone who knew someone" with an opening. Honestly, I think that's the best way. Sorry I'm not more help.
  16. They are discussing this on The View right now- they referred to the woman's post and the man's reply and now they are all giving their opinions. It is one of their "hot topics" today. Too funny.
  17. Christa, I thought of you when I heard this story this morning.... These are the types of jobs where random testing is warranted, not a desk job. Autopsies find alcohol, some cocaine, 2 officials say New details on firefighters killed in blaze By Jonathan Saltzman and Frank Phillips, Globe Staff | October 4, 2007 One of two Boston firefighters who died fighting a fire in a Chinese restaurant in late August was legally intoxicated at the time, and the other had cocaine in his system, two officials said yesterday. A source who was briefed by a person with knowledge of the autopsies of Paul J. Cahill and Warren J. Payne told the Globe that one firefighter had a blood-alcohol level higher than .08, the level at which someone is too drunk to drive legally in Massachusetts. The other firefighter had traces of cocaine in his system, the source said. Firefighters' autopsies show drugs, alcohol, two officials say - The Boston Globe
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