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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Danielle.. glad your "surprise" shower was perfect for you!!! The candy buffet looks awesome!!
  2. I don't like the actress playing Naomi I decided.. she's not convincing to me AT ALL. Everyone else is okay.. Annie is a bit too happy for me but doesn't bug me nearly as much as Naomi.
  3. Alyssa you looked gorgeous!!!! Can't wait to see more pics Congrats
  4. Sherry... you may just be a huge lifesaver!!! I STILL didn't have a plan after the Seawatch but this place sounds fantastic!!!!! I could hug you a million times.. haha
  5. Hey ladies.. just checking in with all of ya Michelle your dress looks fantastic!! Danielle.. I hope that is your shower date! Just be prepared in case it is.. heh! I'm still working on scrapbook pages.. it's slow going.. ugh And for some reason I just don't feel like logging into BDW that much anymore.. I don't know why? The only thread I really check out is this one.. and if there is anything new in the Maui section.. it's so weird. Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  6. Happy Birthday Edna!!! Have a great day
  7. Awww Susan.. I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose a pet She had a great life though.. all 21 years
  8. I'm looking forward to it tonight for sure! Woot!!
  9. Hey guys! Yikes I haven't been on in 5 days.. how crazy. Danielle.. thanks for asking about Jayson's dad.. he seems to be doing okay. He's home resting so we are just playing the waiting game. Heh. I went to get my dress altered last weekend.. just the hem needed to be done really or so I thought. I tried it on and it was a bit BIG on me! Crikey. Not enough for it to be an issue yet, but I have to try to maintain my weight now instead of losing more. I hadn't realized my body was sooo different from when I tried on the dress back in february! I go back the beginning of october to make sure the hem is right, then we'll see if I need the booby cups sewn in.. which so far I don't cause it's loosened up a bit. Ah well. Oh I also had a mini meltdown over the weekend. I've been trying not to stress out about all this wedding stuff, but apparently I'm more stressed than I thought cause I just started bawling my eyes out sunday morning.. I was convincing myself Jayson didn't love me anymore and didn't want to marry me.. crazy stuff.. I know that's not true. Ugh. Hopefully I don't have any more of those. I also got maybe half of my RSVP cards back.. grrrr! I knew that would happen, but still, it's really annoying! Fak. Especially from people who are already married, so they should KNOW to send back the damn RSVP's. Okay I think I'm done for now. Hopefully everyone else is doing well There is a 1 in my siggy.. I just can't believe it.
  10. Oh Susan.. I hope you had a perfect Maui wedding.. I cannot wait to hear all about it and see your fabulous pics
  11. Ack.. I haven't been on and missed this thread.. but I hope your wedding is everything you dreamed of tomorrow Alyssa!!! Can't wait to see/hear all about it from you when you get back
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum fellow Maui bride
  13. Okay I finally watched it after DVR'ing it a couple days ago. I hate to admit it, but I loved it!!! Loved the grandma.. she was awesome Loved the hottie teacher that likes Kelly The storylines kept me interested but I thought all the "good and right" message stuff would just not ever really happen in real life.. a bit tooo hokey The actors who play Annie and Ethan are both canadian.. just like Brandon is from the original.. yay!
  14. Ack.. i feel like I have been away forever! So much catching up to do on this thread.. sigh. I was just so busy this last week I had no time to come on here I will check back with you all probably tomorrow.. miss you guys!
  15. Ooooh I love GG.. can't wait for next week I also loved 90210 back in the day.. but I'm not sure I want to get sucked into it again..
  16. Yay 100 pages!! Woot!! Celina your M&M's sound really weird! I wonder why that happened? Hopefully the new batch is better.. and what's up with thieving neighbours? Crikey I'm sure I have to respond to other stuff but I'll come back after work when I can be more thorough.. heh
  17. Hey guys.. Tara I like your placecards.. love the colours Erica I will go check out your pics after work! My weekend kinda sucked. Jayson's father had a massive heart attack (he's okay in hospital though) and while he's waiting for surgery, he also found out he has bladder cancer. Needless to say, it's pretty positive he won't be coming to Hawaii now. Jayson is pretty upset about it, saying we should have had the wedding earlier, and not be going away. All those what if questions go through my mind now. Anyways, we are still going to go to Maui and not change our plans that way.. BUT now I think we need to have a small ceremony here before we go, for just immediate family. I'm not sure how the logistics of this will work, because I kinda want the ceremony here to be the "fake" one, and the legal one in Maui. The reverse of a Mexico situation.. heh. I've contacted my WC to see what my options are. I don't need TWO legal weddings. Argh. Anyways, I will let you guys know what happens with this but right now we are just concentrating on his dad, and hope the surgery goes okay, so then we can worry about the cancer. I know it's just life, but man.. it totally sucks sometimes. Glad I can vent to you girls!
  18. Becks you look awesome in your dress! And your eyes look fantastic
  19. Oh Celina that's quite a story! I think I would tell your dad too. He would probably eventually find out anyways and it's nice your nieces/nephews want you to say hi to him for them. Maybe it's the start of something?
  20. Steph I hope you are feeling better soon... we are all thinking of ya!! Big november group hug
  21. Well I don't have much advice for you but I've had acne since I was in grade 5.. high school and in my early twenties was especially bad for cystic acne. I started using ProActiv about a year ago and the results have been amazing. Cleared up my skin within two weeks.. although I still have acne scars that I'm trying to get rid of before the wedding.. but that can get expensive.. heh Good luck.. I hope you find something that really works for you.. and let us know when you do!
  22. Ooooh.. how fun!!! I think I'm a butt slapper when I'm drunk too
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