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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. I just found out from my MOH that they are planning my stagette/bachelorette partay for Oct. 18th.. yay! And the shower might be the week before.. they were telling me to keep sundays open... heh
  2. That's crazy. I do not think doctors can do that.. I would report him but that's me.
  3. Yikes girls.. it's coming up so quickly now! Celina that is great you are losing some weight Keep up the good work!!
  4. Good thread! Love the responses so far * No one cares about your wedding more than you and FI * Guests ignore RSVP deadlines * People (family/friends alike) will disappoint you * Do what you and FI want, no one else
  5. I have a CHI as well I bought mine on ebay for like.. $70 I think
  6. Those are great!!! I can't really pick a fav.. I like them all
  7. Congrats! There is a Hawaii section on the forum to check out.. hopefully lots of info for you there
  8. OMG Martha you are the most adorable pregnant bride Love the one with Jay kissing Noah and your little nephew passed out Oh and the one with you and the pink parasol is awesome too
  9. Oh those earrings are so pretty!! Love them
  10. Oh and I love the pizza cutter favour
  11. The only thing wedding related I did this weekend was buy gum for my OOT bags from Costco.. heh I'm in a bit of limbo.. I need to know final numbers but the RSVP date is Sept. 5th. So I feel like I can't get too much done. I will get alterations done on my dress beginning of Sept.. all it needs is booby cups sewn in and it hemmed.
  12. Awww.. that sucks Kate.. I'm sorry. Glad you got to say I love you to him though
  13. Hmm.. would #1 work better for your sis who doesn't have a chest yet? I like them both and if your BM does too, get the one your little sis would be more comfortable in
  14. Celina.. what a crazy few days you have had!! I hope your son gets better soon UPS drives me crazy... they just leave packages on doorsteps and give to neighbours etc.. good thing Old Navy will resend you everything!
  15. I think they look great. But I like things with a "home-made" touch. Much more personal. And honestly, no one is really going to care about them. They are there to see you and FI get married.. not how their name is printed on a sand dollar
  16. Oh Abbie.. hope you have a wonderful day today.. Happy Birthday!!!
  17. Well I agree with what everyone else has said. It's yours and FI's wedding.. no one elses. You have to do what YOU guys want.. not what your parents want. And I'm completely against someone forcing their own religion onto someone else. They should respect your decisions and choices. I'm sure it will all work out in the end.. especially with your very supportive sister
  18. Hi Steph.. hope you are feeling better soon!! Ladycheese, your daughter is sooo cute .. and the dresses looked really nice!! I haven't decided if I'm doing a seating chart or not. I need to wait until RSVP's are back to see how many people end up going.. apparently we can do one really long table if there aren't that many people coming.. but we'll see I guess
  19. I love Depeche Mode but I think A will be the one most people would know..
  20. When I was 6, I was reading Nancy Drew books.. if she likes to read maybe she would like those? The build-a-bear is a good idea too
  21. Hmm.. I have quite a few I think *Not a church wedding (not religious ceremony) *No something borrowed/blue etc *Not wearing shoes *No bouquet toss *Not wearing a veil *Uneven number of BM's and GM's *No dancing at reception *No flower girl/ring bearer *We are spending the night together as per usual, and seeing each other in the morning (day of wedding) *no tux I'm sure there is more.. I will add on as I think of things.. heh
  22. Haha Danielle.. I'm quite a lazy person, don't get me wrong. Jayson will sometimes push me to go climbing even though I don't want to.. I just tell myself it's all to look good for the wedding so then I get off my ass and go. But for some reason the small spare tire around my middle won't disappear!! How exciting that someone bought the vacuum you wanted already I doubt we will get very many presents.. we registered at Linen's N Things as more of a token gesture than anything.. heh
  23. I say neosporin or aloe too. Haha and I also like saying douche..
  24. Hmm.. yes I've heard that too. I think we are going to try and go to Costco as soon as we get there so we can buy stuff for the two weeks we are there. But if you can bring some of that stuff with you, I would Alyssa
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