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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Oookay.. so I didn't really get my shower pics up today like I planned.. but here is one after all my presents had been opened and the funny hat that was made with all the bows and ribbons etc Oh I was also dressed up as a hula girl!
  2. Hi sdnative222.. you'll be on Maui when I am! We are only 3 wedding days apart!! Where are you getting married there?
  3. Hi girls.. just quickly logging on to say hello. I had my shower yesterday and it was fantastic! I will post a couple pics later when I get home from work Yesterday was my one month mark.. ummmm crazy!!!
  4. Happy Wedding Day Sherry!! Can't wait to see/hear all about it
  5. Yes.. post your song lists people!! I need to make a wedding playlist in my ipod.. which I think we would use when we get there if we have dancing..
  6. Hey girls! I too will be going tanning.. starting early next week. I'm pale as a ghost and I don't want to be burnt in my pics. We all know how horrible it is.. heh, but it won't stop me from looking fabulous on my wedding day.. and having a tan and no burns is part of that! My shower is on sunday so I will post up after that as to how it went.. it will be fun I'm sure.. can't wait! Erica.. that is great news about your aunt! And glad your FBIL and his FI are coming too
  7. I think they will be focusing more on the new characters now.. it seemed to me that Kelly was leaving to go visit Dylan, and Brenda was off to visit Brandon and his family.. so who knows how long off the show they will be gone for? I think having them on there served their purpose... to get people hooked onto the show.. and now the new characters will have to keep people interested..
  8. I completely agree!! I feel this way about the Twilight series actually Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like you've immersed yourself into the lives of the characters and then they are gone when that book ends. It's like missing a friend. I always think that's the sign of a really great book.
  9. Okay that thong story is hiliarious! Haha!! Danielle, I think I'm getting a marble cake with vanilla custard w/ passionfruit in the middle and chocolate buttercream frosting. I have no idea how all those different tastes will mix together, but I figure most people will be full from dinner to really care about the cake.. haha!
  10. I completely agree about feeling a bit lost once the books were done. They sucked me in so completely that when I was finished, all the books I've read after, they just haven't done it for me. There was something really special about this series that has captured me. I also read the Harry Potter books and totally loved that series too I had never read young adult books as an adult before and I'm happy that I've enjoyed them all so much!
  11. Hi girls.. I'm going to try and log on at least once a day now that we are getting down to the nitty gritty here! Heh. I emailed the lady at restaurant where we are having our reception and gave her my menu choices today.. and I think I ordered my wedding cake too. Just waiting for confirming emails So I was a bit productive!! Tara - one month today! That is totally exciting for you
  12. Yes hopefully I have no more nasty surprises before we get married! This sunday will be one month til our wedding.. and four weeks til we leave to go. I hope I get a bit more excited about stuff now, since it all seems to be going smooth.. heh!
  13. Happy Birthday Lizz!!! Hope your day is fabulous
  14. I'm one of those people that lures bugs outta nowhere too! Ugh. Better add it to the list.. heh
  15. Sherry.. I know you are gone now.. but I'm sending super duper great vibes your way and hope the day is perfect for you! Can't wait to see/hear all about it when you get back
  16. I caught that too!! I also agree about the Naomi and Ethan thing. However last night it seemed they were "breaking up" for good so we'll see what happens. I kinda liked Annie with Ty.. not sure if Annie and Ethan would be good together?
  17. Hey girls.. just checking in!! Tara I love the blue you used for your table cards etc.. they look awesome! Amyrak.. your dress looks great on you!! We found out that Jayson's dad is coming to the wedding after all, so I'm really relieved about that. I get my dress back on saturday, and Jayson's mom is going to sew the booby cups into it.. so I don't pay for more alterations. It was $189 dollars for the hem! Crikey. My wedding shower is on sunday and I don't know what to wear yet! haha.. I'm really excited about it though. It's finally my turn to have one of these things.. Other than that, I still have not done too much. I will probably go over all my OOT bag stuff this weekend to see if there's anything else I want to get before I pack it all up and send it FedEx to Maui.
  18. Well I read them and absolutely LOVED THEM!!! I'm a total romantic at heart and this series brought all that out for me. I have no problem with her putting sex in the fourth book.. they are married so it seems like a natural progression to me. I really liked her writing style.. they were easy to read but kept me turning the pages to find out what would happen! I also hope they don't butcher the movie.. Robert Pattinson who's playing Edward has HUGE shoes to fill.. although in some of the trailers he looks totally hot
  19. Bug repellent? Really? I just didn't think there would be that many bugs there.. that makes me a bit sad
  20. I agree!!! The liquor involved my decide pretty quickly after our reception what we end up doing.. heh!!
  21. I like your hair longer I think.. you can do a bit more with it for wedding styles etc.. but you do look good with short hair too
  22. Glad everything worked out Danielle No need to be stressing about things like that so close to your wedding date.. heh!
  23. Hi Girls! Sorry I am so MIA lately.. it seems the closer to the wedding.. the less I'm interested in all the small stuff that still has to be done etc etc. I get my dress back from the hemming on October 4th. So hopefully when I try it on it's just good to go and doesn't need any other alterations. October 5th is my shower.. I AM excited about that I booked my hotel in Seattle today for the night before we leave. Then we can leave the car parked there for 14 days.. all for a pretty good rate.. so I'm glad that's done. I also have to take my cats in to the vet today to get all their shots updated.. because the kitty hotel needs them to be all up to date on shots. I'm worried about this.. my babies hate the vet and it's going to be a bit of an ordeal. I couldn't even get my baby boy into his carrier.. he refused and I was sweating trying to get him in there. It took Jayson 4 tries before he could get him in.. heh! I can't remember if I told you guys this or not, but after Jayson's dad had his heart attack he also found out he has stomach cancer! And diabetes!! So we still aren't sure if he will travel and come to the wedding. Ugh.. I feel so bad for Jayson but there is not alot we can do. I'm pretty much unhappy about the lack of RSVP responses that we got. My MOH had to email a bunch of people to remind them to send them back.. but we are still missing lots. It just bums me out I spent so much time and effort on them and I don't even get the decency of a response. Grrr! This could be the reason I'm so not wedding-focused lately. I'm ready to go to Maui and marry my Jayson but all the other stuff just seems to be wasted effort. I'm still working on my scrapbooks but they are coming along nicely. I'm happy with the pages I created and I think I will give them to my BM's before we go to show them. Then I'll keep them to finish them off with Hawaii and wedding pages and give them for good after that. Tara - I bought my wedding bag at David's Bridal for like $10. It will do the job Hmmm what else... I'll post as I think of it. I'm excited our time is almost here ladies! It's been going by pretty fast
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