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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. I like the tall vase but yeah do you really want to pack it down there? I think the smaller ones look great and they make more sense?
  2. This whole forum is packed with dreams stuff and photos...there have been so many brides who have married at b oth locations that im sure if you view the wedding photos section will get alot of ideas and maybe on some other things too
  3. I like the strapless....it just looks much better on you and agree the halter makes you look busty. I think you look great in the strapless!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Leia78 Congrats Michelle! I love ranch style homes...the layouts is the best. John's aunt lives in Rancho Cordova too. I've been there a few times. Everytime we go, we always hit the outlets. John and I want to move after we get married. Ideally we want to move to Walnut Creek (b/c my parents live close by), but the prices are just crazy high, that both of us would have to work so hard just to keep up. We sometimes throw Sac in the conversation b/c it's so much more affordable and we could get a brand new house, etc...we could be neighbors one day!!!!! Oh you have family up here...cool. Yeah if you move to sac let me know!! Buying now especially..there are so many good deals...but if you have to commute w/ gas...and toll fees I don't know. we went to an a's game on saturday and the bridge fee is $4 now....wow!
  5. That is why we loved it so much...I'm sure dh won't love mowing it...but who cares! Hopefully one day we can afford a pool!
  6. Thanks everyone...it is alot to take in and alot more money going out...we will have to cut back on some spending but that's normal and probably good for us! Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Calaveras County. I try to fly home at least twice a year. I always forget how beautiful it is until I get there. I took my FI to visit last December and now he wants to move there lol. Oh how funny...I am from Amador County...neighbor!! We may have seen each other at sporting events in high school! Small world! What town in the county? I grew up in pioneeer and then moved to Jackson before Sac... Quote: Originally Posted by carly Michelle, it looks beautiful! I love the kitchen area and the view from the kitchen!!! Good luck and congrats! (Is there an option to buy the furniture? I love the kitchen table set, and various other pieces.) Thanks! That's the thing....it's layed out so well...that it looks kinda spacious and the colors are great! We didn't ask to buy the furniture from them because I'm sure they would have charged a fortune...but she said they take it to a local consignment shop when they are done so I am going to see if she can find out when they take it so that I can go and get dibs on some things I might want...I love the table too but I want to get a bigger one...but I love the bar stools w/ the burnt orange upolstry...so i would love to buy those and some of the wall art.. Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra E. It's so cute, I love the kitchen!
  7. thanks everyone! It is outside of Sac in Rancho Cordova but it's in Sacramento County. It's like 10 miles from dh's new job so it's great and there are plenty of jobs up there in the industrial park that I can start looking for something closer. Where are you from?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 OMG Congrats! It's beautiful!! It doesn't look small at all. Great find. When do you move in? Thanks! We won't close escrow until the end of september...we have a lease until december 1st and our first mtg payment will be november I think...so we have to talk to our apartment and try and get out of this lease... cross fingers!
  9. So my husband and I bought a house today! We have had an offer on it for 2 weeks now and we just signed. It is a new development and we have actually bought the model!! I'm so excited because the yard is HUGE and it's all landscaped already and there are upgrades in it already and we get it all except the furniture. But all the window coverings we get, the appliances....it's perfect for us because we don't have alot of money in the bank so we wouldn't have alot to put into the house afterward so the fact that it's all done is wonderful. It's 1468 sq feet but it doesn't feel small at all..it's laid out great! Here are some pics: Guest Bathroom Bedroom 1 Laundry Room Kitchen View from the kitchen Dining area and down toward front door Front door and living area
  11. those are cool! what a great way to honor aiden
  12. I LOVE THE LONG TABLES AND CENTERPIECESWILL WORK JUST FINE. I wish I had done this....but everyone I know told me the rounds were better...go with your gut!
  13. I like the locket idea but it could be too small for the photo... I do like the touching of the belly after you kiss or if you can alter your vows anyway that would be cute for him to be mentioned and then touch your belly? Congrats on a boy!
  14. Great job! I love them! I wish I would have done luggage tags but didn't have the energy toward the end...
  15. Wow Ann! I am catching up and I can't believe all the turn of events! Congrats on taking your baby girl home that is so exciting! I wish you safe travels back home so you can begin your new life phase together!
  16. It's normal i think...mine has been jealeous the whole time. He did finally admit that it was a good outlet for me during the wedding planning but now he can't seem to understand why i still get on here since the wedding is over. I have to explain to him that there is much more to talk about than wedding and I have to help back since I got so much help! One of my friends even asked me to ask "my online BFF's" a question for her...see they all appreciate it in their own way!
  17. If you can take the others back to walmart then go with the dollar tree ones...save ome money
  18. I just flew mexicana and I actually bought it from american and it was operated by mexicana (they codeshare for better business I think). anyway. It wasn't anything special. I talked about it in my review (link under siggy pic)
  19. That would be great...keep us posted!
  20. Welcome back! Thanks for sharing!! I am still bummed that I left town like a day before you and tammy got there! Love the pics!!! Jackson is just too cute!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt our house insurance people, came buy to take pictures shorty after we signed up for insurance through them.... This is what I was going to say...but unless you switched companies recently you bought your house a while ago and they wouldn't have waited this long to take pics...
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