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Rachelle E.

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Everything posted by Rachelle E.

  1. Those pics are just perfect Heidi!!! You guys are seriously just so happy and beautiful in those pics! And how perfect was that rainbow?!?!? omg! love it!
  2. woohoo! Karen comin' in w/ the good advice! love it! To the (alcohol) bar you go then! ;-)
  3. yeah, if they gave you the money, then it's yours to spend however you'd like...even if it's on bagel bites and moutain dew! loL! and of course you'll be responsible if you go over budget! You guys are adults! I think she's not giving you enough credit.
  4. Yikes! That sucks. But I agree, if it's not out of her pocket...and you're not asking her for money to supplement other things 'cause you spent yours on this etc...I don't see where this is her decision. I say either your FI can talk to her if you want it hashed out ahead of time...or you go with the "it's easier to ask forgivness then permission" route and just do it. She can't very well disown your for having effing candy at YOUR ahr! ;-)
  5. Ok, now I'M getting obesessed with your idea! I found this article on the whole candy buffet thing and thought it had some good tips/pointers. Thought it might come in handy since you ARE, in fact, having a candy bar! ;-) How Sweet It Is: Building the Candy Buffet of Your Dreams
  6. Do a candy bar for wedding favors - Slashfood How is this not fun and classy?!? Sorry I can't find the old Martha Stewart page about it...I saw it quite some time ago on her weddings page...but that gets changed out somewhat frequently so it's hard to find some of the same stuff again!
  7. hahaha! I was surprised to see this thread back too! You kids looked GREAT in your pics! I will say, I think Heidi's hair was prettier though. Sorry man.
  8. kudos to Maura! The revised letter sounds great! Very nice, yet still firm. And she's right - don't feel bad about standing your ground on things that are important to you! :-)
  9. Ummmm...Martha Stewart has done a candy "bar" on her wedding website before and if Martha's done it...it's CLASSY! lol! Seriously though. It's a small thing that will be lots of fun for guests. I had really wanted to do this at my reception but I just didn't get it together in time. And since it's YOUR WEDDING, YOU'RE PAYING FOR IT and YOU really want it. . .you should just do it. I realize it's her house...but if it's mess she's concerned about - then it's a no go on the coffee 'cause that sh*t STAINS! I say esp since you've alreayd bought the stuff, put your foot down and tell her you can't be talked out of it, it's part of your dream wedding fantasy .... Of course be nice about it, but make your point. And make sure your FI will back you up too! :-)
  10. Lol! love that story Leigh! And good to see you btw! ;-) I'll have to wander over to the blog and check out some more pics!
  11. AWWW! That's so sweet!!! :-) I love when boys do nice stuff like that!
  12. Quote: My FI just says..."Wanna have some sex" sometimes. WTF?? Quote: Can't lie here either. This also sounds like me! Lol! I thought the same thing! I'll totally ask him like that. What's funny is the way I do it...like it's such a brilliant, never-before-heard idea! lol! I'll literally say, "Ooh! We should have sex!" I mean, he's a guy so it's not like he's waiting for the flowers and wine to show up before he's going to put out! lol! (that's not to say we aren't ever romantic and all that fun stuff...it's just that I don't really need that all the time.) Turn on: Catching him sneaking looks at me like he STILL thinks I'm cute after all this time! watching him play golf...I know weird! But he's just so hot all focused like that! lol! Turn off: Negativity - when he's being pessimistic about stuff or just grumpy in general. Or, the smell of cigarette smoke on him. Yuck!
  13. aww! that's a bummer Heidi! I'd be pretty irritated about that. But I guess it's good we know that now for future brides!
  14. sounds werid - but I LOVE adding some spinach to mine...and you could totally do a spinach/feta mashed potato - Yum!
  15. ooh! I like those!! and the aqua would look gorgeous on that new couch!!
  16. omg...I feel your pain on that! it's kind of the same here...just not as good and fairly pricey. Same w/ avacados too! So sad...
  17. Ok, the brie/artichoke recipe sounds AMAZING!!!! omg....
  18. it's gorgeous!!! Congrats!!! you'll have to post pics once you get all moved in and set up! :-)
  19. #'s 1 and 3 are my faves!! They're all really pretty...but I agree that some of the longer/larger chandalier style one's might be a bit much by the time you're all dolled up w/ hair, veil and everything.
  20. omg...that's a killer deal on that living room furniture Christa!!! It's SO pretty too! And I think you'll be fine w/ the white leather. We have light beige leather in our living room and it's holding up great! Just keep some good spot cleaner around...just in case! :-) Most stuff wipes off just fine though. funny story though...our best man was staying at our apt the night of our wedding (he had taken all the gifts back there etc.) Anyway, he had gone out w/ all the boys to a strip club after the reception, was VERY drunk, came back to the apt and crashed out on our couch. We come home to find a red XXX stamp on the arm of the sofa and Toby feeling just terrible about it! lol! Turns out that was the stamp they'd used when he was getting into the club and when he'd fallen asleep his hand was stuck in that one position all night...transferring the stamp from his hand to our sofa!!! Luckily the leather cleaner we use on the seats in our car took it off - you can't even tell it was ever there! :-) But it was pretty funny/scandalous at the time!
  21. omg!!! YAY!!! I'm SO happy and excited for you!! AND so glad you hear you got your dream ring too! Can't wait for the pics! Congratulations!!
  22. I'm SO excited you have a couple referrals for the jeweler!!! It's true..a lot of them (esp the wholesale ones) kind of have to be referred to you...you can't just walk in and get a ring. SO damn tricky!! lol! But I'm SO excited to see what they can do for you! I bet you guys will find some gorgeous stones...make sure to take a pic of that Scott Kay setting you're in love w/ to see if they can match it for you. Your ring is going to be beautiful!!! I can't wait 'til it's finally on your finger!
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