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New Show on TLC: Four Weddings


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  • 5 weeks later...

Four weddings has got to be my new favorite wedding show.


I usually watch “whose wedding†but the last two seasons were terrible and full of concept shows like contests and double weddings and such that I just didnâ€t like at all.


I was also a big fan of “platinum weddings†for how absurd it is. It was over the top pretentious, self absorbed, and shallow people who loved to say “bling†and “wow factor†a lot. I love how they think everything they do is so original when every episode shows people doing the same thing, lol. I really enjoyed making fun of them with my FI. However they changed the formula for the show this season and its damn near unwatchable. I canâ€t stand the new narrator (sheâ€s so monotone) and I HATE the checklist of how much everything costs. They managed to make the people appear more shallow if thatâ€s even possible. I have three episodes on my DVR but I canâ€t even bring myself to watching them anymore.


I also used to like “rich bride, poor bride†but they took the charm of it somehow and now the “drama†is very much put on and over the top.


“my fair wedding†I liked at first but then it got sorta old. I didnâ€t always like how his new designs were mostly the same for each reworked wedding he did.


“say yes to the dress†is terrible. I am not ashamed to say I nearly hate the show. There is only one other bridal show I dislike more than this one. I hate the sales people on the show. They try to come off as caring when all they are trying to do is make the sale. If they simply said “Iâ€m just trying to make the sale†I would respect it a little more. they even say on the show how everyone should come and try dresses on at kleinfield for the experience but when they have girls who do, they bitch and moan about it and how these women are wasting their time because they arenâ€t going to buy anything.


“bridezilla†is THE worst bridal show EVERZ. I like cheesy, guilty pleasure shows (ghost whisperer is mine and I only recently admitted it to myself that I like the show, lol) but when I watch this show I feel like it is insulting my intelligence. The drama is so fake and put on it isnâ€t even watchable.


I guess Iâ€m done with my wedding show rant that came out of no where, lol!

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haha pazz, that about sums it up for me too :) i watch "say yes" allll the time on dvr, and it makes me SO mad that they go in back and talk down the brides who cant afford $5k, or that want a certain style even if they dont think it makes them look right.


i watched an older episode last night, the bride was more mature but had always dreamed of a ball gown style, but was on a $2k budget. her mom wanted her in a slimmer style, so instead of showing the bride the dresses she wanted (which cost more) they kept putting her in slimmer gowns that cost less. if they really didnt have a single ball gown in her price, they should have told her so she didnt waste her time! it was so rude of them. i kept yelling at the tv saying "go to davids bridal where you can have a ball gown for way less than $2k!!!"


anyways, erin just clued me in to 4 weddings this past week but i havent caught one yet. i need to remember to search it so i can dvr it!! it sounds really fun :)

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I watch say yes just for dress ideas, but then I think, who am I kidding, I can never afford those dresses. And even looking through the Spring fashion issue from the knot has gotten me a little bummed. I hate how overpriced wedding gowns are, they take advantage of us because they know it is our special day and we will pay anything for the dress. Well some brides anyways, not me, I am on a tight budget. Anyways.... I love four weddings, it is a good show, but I don't like how judgemental the other brides are sometimes.

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I really don't like four wedding. Even if it is to win a free honeymoon, there is no way I would want 3 people picking apart my wedding. It would ruin my time b/c I would know they were there judging everything. Weddings are not contests.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i watched a few more episodes of this show now and I have to say each episode gets better and better. i'm guessing it has been a work in progress because the show somehow runs a little more smoothly and a few things are changed slightly for the better, i.e. they now let the viewing audience know where the winning couple go for their honeymoon without revealing it at the end for everyone at once. instead of the winning couple always going to aruba, they now are going to difference places.


this show is really a lot more charming and real than any other bridal show. i find myself really liking most of the brides and cheer for at least 3 out of the 4 to win!! most of the brides really have nice sweet things to say about the other bride's choices which is endearing. of course there may be that one meanish britch who has nothing but negative things to say about anything and anyone.


all in all i really like this bridal show better than any other.


i forgot to mention "masters of reception" in my other bridal show rant. this show is really interesting as it shows a different side to weddings, the caterer side. of course like most other shows, the throw in some unnecessary drama that really almost has nothing to do with anything that is going on. despite that the show is really interesting to watch. i'm not sure if the show will be back for a second season which to me is a sad loss.

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Whew! Pazz! I appreciate that rant! You basically said everything I think/feel about bridal shows! I am constantly shocked by "say yes to the dress"...it's not the brides who have the attitudes but the sales people! I just cannot BELIEVE they think this will help their business. I live on the eastcoast and if anything..I am going to stay FAR FAR FAR away from their shop. I wouldn't even step foot in to scope it out!

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I'm hoping to see a change in the format for Four Weddings to make it more fair. Have you guys noticed the DRASTIC difference in budgets for the four brideshuh.gif I also think that to level the playing field, they should have three to four engaged women that are not competing in that round to judge. Their opinions would be more unbiased.


The weddings at least need to be in the same budget ballpark. Anything more than $5,000 difference is obviously giving an advantage - especially for things like venue and food. It would be so much more interesting to see what four different brides could do with the same budget.

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