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Ladies I need your help!! Which theme should I go with?

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We were suppose to get married in New Orleans in October of next year. But we are expecting a little one in April, and have decided to move of wedding day to the Outer Banks, NC...since we live in NC already.


We felt that the travel would be easier on our family as a whole. Even though we are getting married in a beach town, we are still sticking to the New Orleans theme. I wanted to know if I should stick with the theme of the wedding for the OOT bags and a few Outer Banks information....or just make an OOT bag themed toward the beach area?



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Originally Posted by merocket59 View Post
I vote for the New Orleans theme, you can always throw in some beachy things for the kids if you want to incorporate that as well.
Great suggestion. That's what me and my fiance discussed tonight. Since it was the original idea for our wedding, we will be spend our honeymoon in New Orlean. We don't want to confuse people, so we will have information on the area, but more so on how got together and our interest in our theme.
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I think that sticking with your New Orleans theme would make the bags seem really unique and personal. It would also be nice if you included a little letter explaining the background for your theme.

You could also play "oh when the saints go marching in" at some point during your reception. My friend is from New Orleans and her whole family danced to this song during her reception. It was probably one of the cutest things that I've seen at a wedding!

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