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Cheat Your Way Thin diet ~ **guide available to download in post #45**


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So today I have started this again. I'm about 1/2 way through my day now and I feel alright. I'm a little hungry but that's probably my fault for eating like a total pig lately! lol I haven't weighed myself yet because I'm scared. Maybe I will after this week. I seriously need to stay in line right now. Just gotta keep in mind that I have my cheat day in only 5 days, I can do this...yes I can! *I hope* lol

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You defo can Lisa!!! Remember you have to do something 7 times for it to become a habit - so in 7 days this will be much easier!!!!


Eating less is hard for the first few days, so keep drinking the water and stay positive!


I am coming off of a cheat weekend and feel like crap still from all the garbage I polluted myself with.


Mondays suck anyways!!!

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ok day 2 - so far, it's going ok. I was STARVING last night and really was pissed that I couldn't eat junk food! But K made me have some celery instead of the chips I wanted, so it was all good. I hated him for it, but I felt good afterwards. I had forgotten how great you feel when you eat healty. One day down and I actually survived! lol

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hehe dont you love it when they help you and you want to kill them?!


I kind of stopped doing this diet b/c I did not like to plan too much and just started eating the Low GI every day pretty much and eat small meals. I was losing until this past weekend where I went to NYC for a friends bday and well, jury is still out if the damage I did will last, but I had lost 4 pounds in March so far - not only 2.... LOL


Its empowering when you can make good decisions! But junk food is delish :)

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junk food is delish Amy!


I was doing so good last week until Friday, then that just screwed up my whole weekend. I seriously have to get it through my head that just because I have one bad day, doesn't mean it has to spill over onto the next day.

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