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Any Eldorado Seaside Brides??

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Originally Posted by edssbride09 View Post
Tracy, i would def. go for the free package, i couldn't figure out what was worth the $2500!!! I think that is only if you don't have enough guests staying at the resort or something, then you have no choice....Save your money and put it towards a few little extras or whatever you want to splurge on!

I got my pro pics yesterday, and love them. EDSS is just so beautiful, you guys are not going to believe how beautiful your weddings are going to be!
Thats so exciting!!! Wow that was fast too!!! You guys are making me want to get married LIKE now! lol... Do you have any you would want to share with us? I know they would be beautiful!!!

And yeah we are definitley going the free route... It makes no sense if you don't have too!!
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Originally Posted by Tracy_S View Post
Thats so exciting!!! Wow that was fast too!!! You guys are making me want to get married LIKE now! lol... Do you have any you would want to share with us? I know they would be beautiful!!!

And yeah we are definitley going the free route... It makes no sense if you don't have too!!

Agreed - I think the silver/ gold packages are if you don't have enough people or don't upgrade to the swim up.....but even still, it's cheaper than paying the $2500.

Also, the flowers kind of suck (or for me they did) and the cake will likley be dodgy (Mexicans are NOT known for their cakes!) so you won't get 2500 worth of value from it.

I am so jealous....I want to get married at the Seaside again!!! You're so lucky you still have it to look forward to! It truly was one of the best experiences of my life :)

Anyone planning to go back for the one year anniversary at the resort? I'm trying to get my hubby to plan a trip in Feb of next year.....

And yes...we NEED to see some pro pics!!!
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Originally Posted by Tracy_S View Post
Ok so we were talking budget last night, and have decided to go with the free wedding package... really what is the difference in the silver package and paying the 2500 forhuh.gif To us that seems outrageous for the exact same stuff, well except the bouquet, boutineer, petite cake and champange... but I was going to be paying for those anyways... what really is included in that 2500 does anyone know?? I think its a rip off and can't believe I was going to pay to have the same thing as the free one!! That now should free up some extra money for whatever else I could want... is this why you guys chose to do the free wedding too? Cause its basically the same package only you don't fork out 2500US for it??


The only time the free package doesn't pay is if you don't meet the requiremnet for rooms (15 additional nights).. but for us.. a really small group it still made sense to fo the free package.

There is a cost sheet on Karisma's wed site... price out all the extras... and really YOU ARE NOT GETTING ANYTHING FOR IT... It is a total scam. We paid for the room upgrade (even though we didn't want it) to quailify because it was still cheaper, than paying the 2500 to have a wedding there.

like I said my ENTIRE WEDDING COST $2900CND (and $1400 was over and above the basic trip cost..room upgrade for two weeks.. 1500cnd was for wedding costs only, pics, blood, flowers, etc)

do the math.. free is better if you upgrade room and can quailfy for # of rooms... (we only had 14 nights with out parents, but used our second week to qualify towards the extra night needed)
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Yeah we have it in the works now to get the room upgrade... cause yeah we realized now its a total rip off!! Why pay for the exact same thing!! So yeah.. Free here we come!!! lol


You guys are so super lucky you all got married on your dates when you did with all this swine flu stuff going around... I am so hoping my date is far enough away that all of this will be dealt with way before that time... I don't know why they are making a huge deal about it though... like 40,000 people in the states die every year from the normal flu! Thats like 120 or so people a day!!!

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Originally Posted by prairiegirl View Post
Jodz10... don't stress you really do have lots of time... You would probably feel better if you were talking to the resort yourself (rather than through your travel agent.. I didn't even use a travel agent). But with that said... you have US! Anything that may cause you stress just ask... and if your still stressing, don't focus on 'how bad it could be' focus on how to work with what is dealt to you... and make the best of it. (is it obvious I was on a 'focus positive energy' seminar??)

we're here to help.. personally i don't know what I would have done without this group.. cuz my family and friends didn't want to talk wedding this much.. lol

You have lots of time, i planned mine from engagement Sept 14 to wedding was just under 5 months..
Sorry ladies, I work shift work so its hard to be on here often and reply back right away.

Prairiegirl I'm lovin your positive energy! Pass it on too me lol. Wow if you could plan your wedding in 5 months then I guess you are right no need to stress too much if mine is 9 months away. They are looking into changing the ceremony time now too...no worries (hopefully lo) Thanks
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Originally Posted by SoonToBeE View Post
Don't worry about moving your ceremony earlier : ) As Nicky said, you have lots of time to change. I would reccommend starting to work directly with the hotel to plan everything. Your TA is too busy to be able to respond as quickly, and thoroughly, as you need her to! [email protected]
is the email address I used. I worked with Valeria and she was fabulous!

When I was at the hotel they said they only do 2 weddings a day....so you should be able to move it up without any issues. Chances are your date and time and location will be free!

Also...the TTD the day before we so great : ) I loved it....as long as you have an extra dress!

Also...I posted my second review of our wedding. These take so long, but I hope all this work helps you ladies! Jodi, my post may provide some help to you because it focuses on pre-planning.....

Nicky's right...we're here to help wink.gif use us!
The ceremony time change is in the process and I told my travel agent I wanted to start talking directly to the resort. They reccommended that I do a cocktail party if I wanted that much time for pics before dinner, which I think I probably will do, but geesh the coctail party cost more per head then the private dinner! You did a private dinner on teh beach didn't you? Until it started to rain? Was it very windy? Thats my biggest concern about doing the private dinner and dance on the beach is the wind and that it will get cool at night. I went to the RM last year and it was like a wind storm at night by the beach! And very good to know they only do 2 weddings a day...my fingers are crossed that I get my ceremony time.

I read your reviews so far as well...awesome!! So much help. You are doing a great job with them, very detailed :) So glad I found this website and forum! You guys are so helpfulsmile03.gif
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So Jodz were you able to switch your ceremony timehuh.gif Cause they should be able to accomodate you! Let us know how it goes...


Still waiting to find out about my upgrade... hopefully sometime today or tomorrow my TA will tell me its all worked out! My 16th guest is free so that will go towards our room upgrade!!! I am so excited that we get the swim up room now specially from your review Jen makes it sound all the better!!!

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We just shot a wedding at El Dorado. Great resort for all kinds of reasons other than Adults Only. Lots of spots to capture beautiful images and the gazebo was a great location. We currently have a slideshow on our site if you would like to view the pictures.

Best of luck with all your planning everyone.

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OMG you guys! There is only 6 months today until my wedding!!!! I can't freaking wait!!! I am sooo excited!!! I hope these next 6 months fly by!!! Sorry ladies, but I just had to post something!!! Yippie!


Hey Jen, when is the next installment of your awesome reviews coming?? I love how informative they are!!!

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