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Morgan's pre-wedding welcome letters & template for making a brochure

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Originally Posted by Cherielee View Post
Morgan it looks awsome im sooo jealous...would you want to make me one with the background? lol
I can do a few. Do you have your text done? If people send me the picture they want & their text in the right format on a brochure I'll do the part with the pictures.

I hope I don't regret offering to do this :)
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I can do a few. Do you have your text done? If people send me the picture they want & their text in the right format on a brochure I'll do the part with the pictures.

I hope I don't regret offering to do this :)
hey morgan hahah your the best...what format should i have it in? your AWSOME GIRL THANKS SO MUCH!!! much appreciated...lol could i use your attachment and just change some stuff and send it back to you? woudl that work?
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Originally Posted by Cherielee View Post
hey morgan hahah your the best...what format should i have it in? your AWSOME GIRL THANKS SO MUCH!!! much appreciated...lol could i use your attachment and just change some stuff and send it back to you? woudl that work?
Yeah, just personalize my template. Also, send me the picture you want as a background. make sure it's high enough resolution. If you snagged it off a website it probably isn't. I could up the resoultion, but it might not look as good. I'll PM you my email address.

I thought of something I should have added to the packing list. Keep medicine in original containers with prescription. Too late for mine because they are already ordered.

I'll see how much work it is to make these for people. If it's not hard I can do some. It took me hours & hours to make mine, but the first one is always the hardest.
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Morgan, you are TOO crazy! Your not busy enough with your OWN wedding! lol. I swear....you should be a wedding consultant! I think its meant to be! :)


I have lots of beach type pictures, if you need them. Let me know. Lots of waves and such. Scenary, trees, things like that. (Fi is big into photography.)

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Originally Posted by Stormsong View Post
Morgan, you are TOO crazy! Your not busy enough with your OWN wedding! lol. I swear....you should be a wedding consultant! I think its meant to be! :)

I have lots of beach type pictures, if you need them. Let me know. Lots of waves and such. Scenary, trees, things like that. (Fi is big into photography.)

I got some great Cuba pics from Julie. If you don't mind sending me your pictures that would be great. As long as you don't mind them being used for projects. I'll add them to my scenery folder for projects.

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