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Everything posted by SweetheartAggie

  1. These are awesome!!! Def can be used for a "Rustic Chic" wedding theme!!! I may steal this idea!!!
  2. Definitely! After sending that, I realized I may have come off brash, abrasive, and mean... None of which I am... I'm just black & white... But you're right! Eating is the #1 key to getting your body the way you want it... Most gals don't eat enough or eat properly to support a highly active lifestyle... Eat to lose weight seems like such an oxymoron! LOL!!!! Hope y'all are doing well!!! Many hugs!
  3. I think that looks like a fun/hard workout. I agree with most of what is said above... Cardio is necessary though... You need it to help facilitate your metabolism and to build the strength of your heart/cardiac muscles. Heather Jackson - an ironman triathlete - is crazy ripped and she trains cardio for 4+ hours/day... So to completely say cardio will disenegrate muscle is a fallacy. It's about the right combination of diet and weight lifting and cardio for your body/goals.
  4. My coach is Lauren Fazio (Team Vixen). She's in London, Ontario. You should email her if you want - [email protected]. She's amazing and her girls do REALLY well in OCB competitions! I think she has two or three pro girls even. I am better. Dr's aren't sure exactly what was wrong. I got a huge bump on the back of my head/top of neck. Then I started getting horrible headaches & neck aches. About a week later I would get horrible pains throughout my body when I would eat and vomit everything I would eat. That lasted about 3 weeks. I didn't have West Nile Virus as I was tested 3 times. I am better now but getting back to where I was strength/cardio wise is taking MUCH longer than I thought. I went from 14% Body Fat @ 123# to 22% Body Fat @ 117#. It was by far the worst and weirdest feeling I have ever had! If you want to combine fitness & Psychology I'd recommend working with Dancers or eating disordered adolescents. When I was in ballet, I needed someone who understood the pressures of dance, eating, and balanced lifestyles. I think a lot of youth athletes don't understand the balance between sports pressures and life. It really can jack with someone emotionally & physically. That'd be my thought on who you can reach out to. but eating disordered patients will need fitness to help rebuild the destruction and muscle loss the disorder has caused. Besides - fitness is the #1 way to rebuild the cardiac muscle after trauma from the disorders. so maybe that could be another approach.
  5. You are DEF built for figure! Totally go for it!!! If you have instagram - follow BellaFalconi_Fitness (I think that's her page)... SHE'S BEAUTIFUL & an amazing figure competitor! I use her for inspiration! That's her... I think her instagram name is at the top of the pic... Lol
  6. I hope those work - I'm uploading from my phone! Lol... That's from my most recent show last June - right before I got really sick... I've since lost weight & severe muscle - I'm basically starting from scratch now! Yeah - Adam is my rock in so many ways! He's my biggest fan & support system! I do have a coach I use for the 12-16 wk contest prep but I'm a personal trainer so I train myself in the off season. Lauren basically helps me with nutrition and sanity during prep. She's basically AMAZING!!! Funny - she's in Canada! Lol.
  7. I agree! This post maybe old but that is so informative and BEAUTIFUL!!!! If only we weren't send out 300+ invites!!!! Those are soooooo pretty!
  8. These are all beautiful pieces! We are still trying to figure out our center pieces... Who knows what we'll end up with! Lol
  9. Boo, pics didn't show! My split is much different than yours - understandably as I compete in Bikini & develop muscle so different/slow! My split is as follows: Monday: AM - Cardio (Fasted - 30-45min) PM - Legs & Shoulders (focus on Butt & Hammies) Tuesday: AM - Cardio (Fasted - 30-45min) PM - Back & Bi's Wednesday: AM - Cardio (Fasted) PM - Legs & Shoulders (focus on quads/calves) Thursday: AM - Cardio (Fasted) PM - Chest & Tri's Friday: AM - Cardio (Fasted - 30-45min) PM - Legs & Shoulders (all aspects of legs) Saturday: AM - Rest PM - total body/Plyos Sunday: Rest/Yoga I do Abs in all of my workouts varying Btwn weighted abs, stability abs, basic abs. In the critiques I've been given at my comps, my butt & shoulders need the most improvement so that's what I am focusing on for my next competition. Also, just to add a small "kink" in my competing, I also am going to start training for another half-ironman after the wedding. I love staying physically fit and busy with health stuff so that's my plan! Lol. My Fi is an ironman triathlete so I've gotta keep up! Lol. I'm sure you will do fantastic! And you will look amazing on your wedding day & beyond! many hugs!
  10. I am such a butthead!!! I just saw this post! Yay!!! Fitness competing is fun! Are wanting to do bikini, figure, fitness? You will have a blast! If you need any advice, feel free to ask! I will be ordering from dhGate - babyonline is the name of the seller. They have gotten great reviews here on the site so I will probably go with them once I finish my move.
  11. Thanks for the kind compliment. Diet is the main way to get tone muscles to show. I stick to a strict diet consisting to 2500cals until 4wks before a show when I start cutting carbs/salt and increasing water by a gallon/day. I will drop down to 1200cals the two weeks before a show and completely cut carbs at that time. I'll do the same leading up to my wedding. Training starts next week wich gives me a solid YEAR to get the body I want for our wedding. I am planning on competing again in November (assuming I'm in country) which is perfect timing for the wedding! As far as whey protein I usually only consume it as a post workout meal. I do all my AM cardio fasted so that puts me HUNGRY when it's over. And I'll have it again after Weights. I stick with a whey isolate - no sugars and extremely low in carbs. Otherwise, I eat lean protein at every meal - chicken, fish, and bison. I have eggs every morning for breakfast. That's my diet in a nutshell.
  12. Btw - YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!!! add wedding day makeup & Hairdo you're going to be a BEAUTIFUL bride!
  13. A typical week for me is this: Monday AM: 60 min Cardio PM: Shoulders/Legs Weights Tuesday AM: 60 Min Cardio PM: Back/Bicep Weights Wednesday AM: 60 Min Cardio PM: Legs/Shoulders Thursday AM: 60 Min Cardio PM: Chest/Triceps Friday AM: No Cardio - Sleep In!!!! PM: Legs/Shoulders Saturday AM: Sleep In - No Cardio PM: Plyos/Total Body Weights Sunday Day of Rest - AHHHHHH!
  14. Twice a week. But I do two-a-days so I weight train 6x/wk and do cardio 4x/wk. It's how my coach has my training plan.
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