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Everything posted by mthackeray

  1. Yep, I haven't had any problems so far and have been dealing with them for about 5 months now. That's really unfortunate that you and your friends are/were having such a difficult time. When do you get married Kassi and who is the agent you're dealing with?
  2. I know, it's really hard to decide that. We are lucking out and staying at the airport hotel the night before and about half of our guests are staying as well, so I will be able to give the people staying theirs at least. However, we will still need to bring half with us as I have liquids and stuff included and wouldn't be able to go through security with them. So we have decided to just pay for another suitcase and have all of our extra decor and bags in that. Going to be a pain but oh well
  3. Hey Mary, I worked with itravel2000 and they got us an amazing deal of $1200 pp taxes in. From what I've read that is a really great price. I am from Canada (near Toronto) so not sure how much the prices vary, but it's a suggestion. Also, I have found it a lot easier to deal with the resort/ WC through the agent as well.
  4. I feel the same way, how many people are you having?
  5. I would also Love to see the Iberostars in Montego Bay.
  6. Hi Ladies Wondering what everyone is doing for Photographers. I have been going back and forth on whether or not we should get one (due to my budget) but it just seems like they can capture so much more than anyone else could. What is everyone paying out there in cyber world? What do your packages include?
  7. Could anyone send me a template for the kit toppers? Amazing [email protected].... PPPLLLEEEAASSSEEE
  8. Hello, I have not tried to do this but I don't think that you have to. I think that the addtional $18 that you pay per person is to cover that. I haven't heard of anyone needing to rent chairs,
  9. So excited to hear about it Is there any brides from the Beach that have recently gotten married and could post a review??? Pretty Please
  10. I know I feel it's far too but it will go back so quickly with Summer being here now!! I can't wait though I'm so excited!! Yep, you can definitely take items for centerpieces and favours and as long as you have them pre made they will set them up however you like as long as you give them direction (so in your meeting with your WC just let her know). I'm bringing some stuff as well and she said it's not a problem.
  11. Hey Girls, I know some details regarding the bonfires and beach parties from my WC at IRHB. I can try to help if you like?
  12. Hello Erin, No Mine got moved to the 27th because the 28th was booked, guess I know by who now lol. Don't worry Love, it's all good
  13. Hi Britt, I think the actual ceremony is only 30 minutes, I had emailed the WC and asked about what time we could do a cocktail party and she said that we could start it as early as 5pm (our wedding is at 4). I would just give it some extra time for the champagne toast and what not, So maybe give it an hour on your timeline By the way say hi to Victoria see you guys there!!
  14. Ladies, Is there anyone out there that can make this look a lot prettier than I have lol. I created it in word but once I transferred it into Paint it really compromised the quality. I will pay someone to either recreate it or change it altogether as long as the palm tree heart is kept. Please let me know. I have tried looking in the other forums on Monograms and Logo's and no luck so far. Thanks
  15. Ladies, Is there anyone out there that can make this look a lot prettier than I have lol. I created it in word but once I transferred it into Paint it really compromised the quality. I will pay someone to either recreate it or change it altogether as long as the palm tree heart is kept. Please let me know. I have tried looking in the other forums on Monograms and Logo's and no luck so far. Thanks
  16. Did you pic your design for your logo on Vistaprint or did you create it yourself?
  17. Sarah, There are different sizes available in the email I sent you. It at least gives you the option of different prices as well.
  18. HELP!! Ok, I really need some help here. We are going to be making t-shirts for our group to wear at the airport and around the resort if they wish. I really want to come up with a funny, quirky saying for the shirts but can't think of anything... I am thinking along the lines of tying 'Jamaican' into it (ie. Jamaican us wanna get married...) and I am hoping all you creative minds out there can help me or give some suggestions??
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