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About nolabride78

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  1. Bride0807 thank you sooooooooo much for all the information. I will use this information. I was going crazy trying to figure out what to do. How was the after party at the disco? How many guest did you have?
  2. Actually I had thought about it a long time ago and thought I don't know why. If I did get married at home New Orleans I would do it, but haven't really given it much thought ( since we are having a destination wedding) until you brought it up. Now It's on my mind.
  3. Starrysim, Idk but I didn't see it, but that doesn't mean it's not out there. LoL I'm getting married in Oct and only eight people have booked out of the 40 ppl I Invited so don't feel bad. I ordered my dress too. This weekend I'm ordering my sister /bridesmaid and my daughter junior bride dress this weekend so don't feel bad. I have heard people usually book as the date gets closer. I send out Save the dates in Jan. So go figure
  4. This thread is awasome.... Thanks. I have six months left and still have a lot to get done. Thanks again!!!
  5. I'm so happy that I came across this thread. I understand what you are going through totally. My Fl and I have been together for seven years. I have a now 9 year old going on 10 and he has a 16 year old. we all use to live together in the same city but we are from New Orleans and after hurricane Katrina the Fl ex moved to NC (North Carolina). I feel so sorry for her (my soon to be daughter). Her mother was okay with me dating her ex, but as soon as she found out we were getting married all hell broke lose. She will not allow her to come visit for the summer or holidays and when the mom comes to town. She tells my Fl he has to go over to his mom house to see her because she will not drop her off at our home. All in all I feel the most bad for my soon to be daughter she is caught in the middle and is 16 and need her father and mother to get along. My Fl talk to his daughter everyday, but I can see he is so hurt by the actions of the ex. I'm thinking about trying to reach out to her. (My Fl ex) I just want us to get along for the sake of my soon to be daughter. I have a daughter that doesn't have a relationship with her step-mother and I don't want that to be me and my soon to be daughter becuase I see how it affects my daughter. UGH....
  6. I had seen roll calls for other resorts, so I thought I would start one... Stacey & Raymond October 30, 2011
  7. Hi Ladies i'm so excited. I have confirm our wedding date, October 2011. I fell so bad so many of your you are all over it. I'm such a slacker....
  8. I loved loved loved your review it was very good. Thanks it helps me alot.
  9. I'm looking for an amazing TA for my wedding in T@C any tips?
  10. Thank you are so right my fiancee doesn't want a big wedding and he doesn't like too much attention on him and I'm the same way but I have a uncle that's like a father to me and I really would like him to come but I know he can't afford it. I think I may just my family opinion and go from there? Thanks ladies
  11. Thank for the response. Mu fiancee doesn't care who comes and who doesn't he just wants to get married in T&C. but I have family I know that can't afford it. my mom is like she doesn't care where I get married she will be there.
  12. Omg I'm so overwhelmed. I thought this would be easy. After reading this I'm not too sure. Are the MS themes exactly like the pics? what about flowers for your wedding party?
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